
Saturday 20 January 2024

All Things Nice . . .


These Things Are Good

To give a little homeless child a home,
A piece of silver in a beggar's hand,
A load of wood to the old helpless poor,
The sound of rain upon a thirsty land.

To comfort people who are sore oppressed,
And love your neighbor with a kindly grace,
To speak to strangers when they come to church,
And show the world a smiling face.

These things are good . . . the smell of cedar trees,
Lupins as blue as heaven in a field,
The drift of smoke . . the flame of yellow broom,
A scarred old tree whose broken bark has healed.

White snow to hide the shivering fields from sight,
Blue shadows in the folds of a ravine,
A little gilt-edged card with Christmas trees,
A frozen pond where silver willows lean.

For all good things abide, the fir trees growing,
A love of home and fires in a grate,
A lighted doorway and a table set,
And mother watching for us at the gate.
~Edna Jaques, These Things are Good
Aunt Hattie's Place, 1941


Ahh . . . tis good to dwell upon the good things of life.  The small and simple things we often take for granted. The simple pleasures and niceties of a civilized society.  Some people think that the world is becoming a terrible place, and yes, there are terrible things going on for sure, but there is always plenty of good to balance it out if we but look for it.

Around me I see people quietly going about their business of helping those less fortunate than themselves.  People giving to others in need what they can when they can. It cheers my heart and makes it glad. In my small town alone there are several places that will give someone in need a hot meal several times a week, people also who pay it on and buy the person behind them in line a coffee, or even a meal.  There is a group that is always giving to the homeless and less fortunate . . .  food, clothing, etc. And people are eager to give, whenever the cry for help goes out. It warms the heart to know so much good exists.


Yesterday, Cindy and I surprised Dad mid-afternoon with a bowl of hot chili, a roll and a honey crueler donut from Tim Hortons. His face really lit up at the sight of us.  Cindy did a few things for him like make his bed, scoop the cat litter etc. I know he finds the time long without being able to get out and about.  Now this morning he will be pleased because Hazel will be picking him up and they will go for their breakfast at The Big Scoop, and tomorrow as well to go to the Green Elephant. He will really enjoy getting out of the house.  

No news yet from the insurance people or when or if he will be getting a rental car.  Cindy is starting to clear out the room where he will be staying when he goes to live with them. I think it will be happening more sooner than later, but that's okay. We have been planning for this.


There is a light dusting of snow on the ground this morning. It was probably snowing last night before I went to bed as there are tire tracks to the garage for the fellow who lives next door.  Since I got the thermal lined curtains I don't see anything. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not, lol.  Probably good.  

I did not even notice the ambulance going to the people across the street from me Thursday night.  Sheila, my next door neighbor, called me last night to let me know about it.  I hadn't noticed anything at all.  The lady across the way has Alzheimer's and wasn't well so her husband had called it apparently.

It is good to have a neighbor like Sheila who keeps an eye on us all. 

(Nutmeg at about 3 months)

Earlier this week I came across a video of my cats when they were kittens. It was feeding time and they were so cute.  Nutmeg was meowing with this little tiny kitten meow voice of his.

(Cinnamon at about 3 months)

They were both so tiny. They are all grown up now and it is hard to imagine them being so small. I had not planned on getting any kittens but when my cousin's cat had kittens I thought I might get one and what happened, but two jumped into my heart.  They've been keeping my heart company ever since as you know.  I love then both so much. Pets for Seniors, especially Seniors who live on their own. Its a very good thing.


My Fitbit has been keeping track of me almost a whole week now. Taking note of my steps, etc. I like it. I wish I had gotten one a long time agon. I find the sleep record most fascinating.  I don't spend a lot of time in deep sleep, most of it is in light sleep and I wake up a lot during the night. My sister's is much the same. I think perchance that comes from being a mother and raising children for all of those years. We trained ourselves to sleep with one ear open.  You never knew when one of the children would need help during the night. I think most mothers sleep with one ear open for sure.


There is a light snow falling out there this morning and the thermometer says that it is -9*C  (15.9*F), so very cold.  The wind chill says it feels like -12*C (10.4*F)  I can hear the snow plow clearing out the parking lot of the farmers market which lays behind my place.  It is expected to snow lightly until noon it says on the weather app. I don't think Cindy and I will get out this morning.  Neither of us really enjoys driving on snow covered roads.

All week we have been exercising together each morning. She on her bicycle and myself on my Cubi. We call each other up and then we chat on the phone while we are doing it. It is a very pleasant way to exercise and you hardly notice the time passing.  How grateful I am for a sister who cares enough about me to want to exercise along with me.

I am grateful for my sister full stop. I don't know how I would ever have and ever would/could cope without her.  She means the world to me.  She gave me a safe port in the storm to come home to and is still my safe place. I can never thank her enough for all that she has done and does for me.  But you know that. I am always saying it. I hope you never get tired of hearing it because I will never tire of expressing my gratitude for and to her.

I have not started building my Lego flowers yet. I need to get myself a vase first I think, to be able to put the finished flowers into. I don't want to just leave them laying on the table in case the cats decide to play with them. I think they are so pretty.  I am itching to get my fingers working on them. 

I never had Lego when I was  a child, but my children had lots of it which they really enjoyed. I started getting myself a small set of it each Christmas a few years back. Just tiny things and I discovered I really enjoyed putting them together. I would then take them apart and give them to a child at church to do.  I had not done any since I came back to Canada and decided to get myself this flower one for Christmas this year.  It doesn't look too complicated and looks like one I will be able to keep for myself. As you know I love flowers and these will not die.


I had a whole flock of starlings in my back garden yesterday. I threw out some stale bread to them and they made short work of it. I used to love watching them murmuring when I lived in the U.K.  When we were down in Kent at the cottage they used to gather in the tops of the tall trees that ran along the North side of the Manor Estate. What a noise they would make.  And quite often sitting in the parking lot at the trading Estate in Chester you could see them undulating as a flock through the sky.  Mesmerizing. 

I know they are greedy and noisy birds, but they are also very pretty birds with their iridescent feathers. Like jewels when you look at them closely.  God loves them too.


I have a real soft heart for living things. Especially in Winter.  I find it almost impossible to watch nature shows for very long. When the living things of this world start running into distress, or hunting, etc.  I cannot watch.  I know it is the way that nature works, but I cannot stand to watch it. It disturbs my heart too much and makes me cry.


On a January night in our snowy valley, it is easy to have faith. It is so still and the snow falls so quietly.  The spires of the village churches life their silvery tips up to the skies and the windows of the houses glow with warm supper lights as my own lighted windows shine out on the snow which gathers beneath them. 

Winter walks down the low hills and brim the meadows with her tides of snow.  Some years winter does more than arrive; she invades.  Then the snow tops the picket fences and drifts are five feet deep. The whole landscape changes as the dune-shaped wind-rippled snow lies beneath the pewter laden skies. There is a coldness, a purity, such as we seldom see, and  landmarks vanish.

Winter has not really invaded us yet this year, but still I feel fortunate that I do not have to stand outside and mark a course. Instead I can sit indoors by the warmth of my little electric fire, supping herbal tea and munching on cookies that I really shouldn't be munching on. I do like to look out at the houses anchored steadfastly in the snow.  Summertime lights are not so lovely as wintertime lights on snow.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

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 *.˛You have a power within you
that is greater than
anything that the world can offer.
~Eckhart Tolle° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Banana, Walnut & Date Bread. My my, but this is some good. You can never have too many banana bread recipes in my humble opinion, and this one is loaded with beautiful banana flavor, the nutty crunch of toasted walnuts, and sticky sweet caramel-like bits of date.

I hope you have a beautiful weekend. Stay safe and warm. Don't worry about a thing and don't forget!

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And I do too!  


  1. Fun to look back and see the kitties so little. I bet Cindy is as thankful for you as you are for her. Such a close bond. Time to convince your dad to move in with her? Cold today, staying home and doing jobs around the house. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. I too have got several wonderful versions of banana bread...and dates in any form are yummy!! The latest one I am working on (gluten free but also grain free) has some date syrup in it. Made it about New Years and the kin visiting went ate it up quickly. This past week I was in the Dollar store...found a pkg of the FINEST GROUND coconut flour is like powdered sugar it is so fine...and oh my, made this banana cake, using some of it...son was over and we 3 agreed it was the BEST one yet!! The crumb on it was as fine as the best wheat small accomplishment!! Thanks for sharing recipes and ideas for them...
    Elizabeth xo

    1. I usually make one from scratch, but I used a Duinkerken muffin mix, followed the recipe on the Duinkerken site and it made a delicious banana bread. Not sure if the mixes fit in with the other things you look for in being free of.

    2. Hi Linda...thanks for sending that link...looked it up as I have never seen that brand. It, like almost ALL READY MADE STUFF these days, has tapioca in it...which is so reactive on me, I passed out the last time I ate it in something...from the gut pain. list is short in what I can use...and then add in others of my offspring, and they have some issues different from it can be quite the process checking off all the boxes!! Gluten is an issue, but so are many other things. I feel some of the problem is how much genetic tinkering has gone on during my lifetime. But fortunately there are many unusual flours out there now!!

    3. Such a shame they all have tapioca flour in them.

  3. You are so right.....there is a lot of goodness in the world. I see it everyday. I am not huge on listening to the news, however, when I do, it makes you only focus on all of the BAD in the world. Simple is great and along with simple, we are granted the opportunity to see good. The Bread looks so warm and delicious. YUM. and especially with a nice cup of hot tea


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