
Tuesday 30 January 2024





Its very cold (-8*C/17.6*F) and we have had the most snow we have had all winter. They finally had to use the snow blowers on our driveways. I think we got about 5 or 6 inches, maybe more and yesterday afternoon it was windy and blowing all over the place. The local buses were cancelled so people got stuck in places they didn't want to be stuck. Eileen had posted on Facebook that one of her friends could not get back to New Minas (which is about an hour away).  Thankfully someone took her in for the night. We did not get out to see dad yesterday.  Not sure if we will make it today either.  But he has plenty to eat and we still have our power for warmth and entertainment, so he will be okay.


How lucky I am to have a place to shelter during inclement weather. What a blessing is that in a world that many do not.



"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” ~Matthew 11:28-30

For when the weight of my sadness feels as if it might crush me.  He will share my burdens and give me rest.


Yesterday I baked a brain. LOL  It was supposed to be a loaf of Brown Sugar Oatmeal Bread.  Its back to the drawing board with this one.  It tastes good, but is very heavy and obviously did not have enough liquid in it. Who knows. Something was very wrong with this one.


Yes, Underwood Deviled Ham Spread. When we were children sometimes mom would make us sandwiches for our lunch using this. I always loved them. It was a good day when this was in our lunch bags.   Its a good thing I have some in my cupboard, but alas, I do not have any cheap white bread to put it in.



I am missing doing my art. Its been far too long. I need to start making space in my days for these things that I have always loved to do  . . . 



How wonderful it is to have such beautiful creatures to share our lives with.  They delight. They frustrate. They love. They are our friends and companions, good company for when we need it, when we need to feel the warmth of another living creature next to us.  Since I got the new sofa both of the cats have been laying next to me on it.  With the old one it would only be one at a time.  They both seem to love being there with me now. I love it.


HMMM ...

This person needs to get  a bit of color into their life. There is a lot of texture, but little variation in color.  It reminds me of my old boss. She had a highboy dresser in her bedroom that was filled with nothing but white turtlenecks.  Seriously. Drawer after drawer of white turtlenecks sweaters.  They looked identical to me, but she could tell them apart. It was a bit of a conundrum when it came to packing for her and she requested one of them.  



Scented candles.  I love them. My favorite scents are smoky ones, pumpkins, spice and apple, and grapefruit scented ones.  Of them all however, I think the grapefruit ones are my absolute favorites. I always loved to eat grapefruit, but can't any longer due to some of my medications.  I miss eating them, but I can still enjoy smelling them!  The Body Shop used to make a lovely grapefruit hand cream I loved.



The last few orders that I have ordered from Amazon that were being delivered by Purolator have never arrived.  Seriously. What is up with that. And its a real pain in the patootie to figure out how to talk to someone on Amazon to get a refund. They tell you if it hasn't arrived by a certain date to request a refund, but they don't give you a link to do so.  I spent 45  minutes one day looking for how to do just that. Eventually I did figure it out.  Its annoying.  And I mean EVERYTHING that has been going to be delivered by Purolator.  A couple ledger books, dry cat food, dining room chair covers. None of it has ever arrived. It just seems very strange because anything else I ordered that was delivered by other companies has arrived like clockwork.


To the Bright Edge of the World, by Eowyn Ivey

An atmospheric, transporting tale of adventure, love, and survival from the bestselling author of The Snow Child, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. 

 In the winter of 1885, decorated war hero Colonel Allen Forrester leads a small band of men on an expedition that has been deemed impossible: to venture up the Wolverine River and pierce the vast, untamed Alaska Territory. Leaving behind Sophie, his newly pregnant wife, Colonel Forrester records his extraordinary experiences in hopes that his journal will reach her if he doesn't return--once he passes beyond the edge of the known world, there's no telling what awaits him. 

 The Wolverine River Valley is not only breathtaking and forbidding but also terrifying in ways that the colonel and his men never could have imagined. As they map the territory and gather information on the native tribes, whose understanding of the natural world is unlike anything they have ever encountered, Forrester and his men discover the blurred lines between human and wild animal, the living and the dead. And while the men knew they would face starvation and danger, they cannot escape the sense that some greater, mysterious force threatens their lives. 

 Meanwhile, on her own at Vancouver Barracks, Sophie chafes under the social restrictions and yearns to travel alongside her husband. She does not know that the winter will require as much of her as it does her husband, that both her courage and faith will be tested to the breaking point. Can her exploration of nature through the new art of photography help her to rediscover her sense of beauty and wonder? 

 The truths that Allen and Sophie discover over the course of that fateful year change both of their lives--and the lives of those who hear their stories long after they're gone--forever.

I loved The Snow Child. I think I have read it about three times. I am loving this book also.


The Greatest Night in Pop on Netflix. If you like music you will like this. I remember when the "You are the World" video came out in the 1980's and loving it.



Peshwari Naan Bread. It is my favorite Naan bread. It is a Naan bread stuffed with nuts, coconut and raisins.  I used to get it all the time when I was in the U.K.  I am going to try this recipe, and soon.


Coconut Curry Lentil Soup.  This was fabulously delicious. Rich and hearty, yet quite healthy and low in fat. Loaded with fiber and taste. Gluten free. Dairy free. Vegan. Vegetarian. Delicious.


Peddle appointments with Cindy. Road Trips with Cindy. Facetimes with Tina and Jo. Good books to read. Church.  The Scriptures and their insights.  Writing in my journal.  Cats. Faith. Family. Friends. Home. Prayer.  Its all good. 


Luke!  Happy Birthday today to my grandson Luke! Delightfully charming. Full of life and joy and energy. Love him to bits!



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 *.˛.A house is made of walls & beams;
a home is built with love & dreams.
~Unknown•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。

And that is my daybook for this week. I hope that you all have beautiful days.  Blessings to you all and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. So sorry to hear that you too are having delivery issues!! But the post office in this country is not a lot better than the Pony Express of days of yore. Seriously!! On the 23rd I mailed a small box to my daughter and her family in WA state. Well, it was tracked and I am watching it being sent from place to place to idea if it will ever arrive. It did make it to Seattle, at which point it should have been sent on to her town...but oh no...It was next in Salt Lake City and as of yesterday it was in Phoenix, cannot make these things up!! No idea WHERE those chumps will send it next. Will I choose to mail pkgs to them via the Post Office in future? NO A THOUSAND TIMES NO!!! Looks like you are going to need to find a way to get your pkgs as well.
    Elizabeth xo

    1. Yeh, as soon as I check and see a package is running late, I know its not going to arrive. But I still have to wait until a certain date before I can apply for a refund, if I am lucky enough to find the spot to do it! And all Purolator! Every other delivery person manages to do it properly. Its really annoying Elizabeth because they don't give you that option when you order the articles! xoxo

  2. Stay safe in the nasty weather, best place is warm and cozy at home while you wait it out. At least you have the phone and Faetime to stay connected. We are in a mild spell, was +6 Celsius yesterday, however I'm sure winter isn't done with us yet!

    1. Oh, no, Winter is only just beginning here I think! Warm and cozy at home IS the place to be for sure! It is going to be -14 tonight believe it or not! xoxo

  3. I never have Purolator for Amazon..They have their own Amazon truck or Intelcom.Must admit pretty happy with both services..I haven't ordered in a bit but usually great.Not next day very often though..Stay cozy:)

    1. We never get overnight delivery from Amazon here. It always takes at least a week for us. And that is paying for Prime. In the U.K. it was much quicker. Overnight most of the time, sometimes even on the same day if you ordered things early enough! xoxo


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