
Tuesday 23 January 2024





This is not actually a photo of outside my window but representative of what is outside my window. Cold. Snow. January. Frosty.  The thermometer is hovering at zero at the moment. The street is lined with people's bin bags waiting to be picked up at some point today.  You never know when the bin men are going to come. They could come early. They often come late.  We all put our bags out the night before, just in case.  Its the smart thing to do. 



"In a world where you can choose to be anything you want, be kind."

A lot of people didn't get the memo. 



It is easy to be anonymous on the internet and hide behind the cloak of anonymity.  To go about saying whatever you want to whomever you want without fear of repercussion. To be a bully.  To practice passive aggression with impunity.  I don't think I will ever understand why people set out to be purposefully unkind.  I try never to be unkind if I can help it.  I have been bullied and harassed enough in my life to know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of the stick. You, the person who hides behind anonymity and drops your passive aggression in the comments section of my blog. You are a sad sad person who obviously feels validated by trying to make other people feel bad about themselves. Its not working. You can say whatever you want to me, or about me and it is a waste of your time. I know who I am and what I am,  and I am  just really grateful that I am not you. 

You can say or do what you like, but I will give space no more to the enemy of my soul. You don't belong here.


We have not had it yet. But we need it. Especially if we don't want a repeat of the fires of last summer. Here in the valley we got very lucky.  No fire touched us, but it was all around us. Rain is no good. The frozen ground doesn't absorb it.  It runs off to the rivers and out to the sea. We need a thick blanket of snow that will melt slowly in the spring, being absorbed a bit at a time into the thawing ground.

We need a big snow.  When the snow begins to come in all directions at once and the wind takes on a peculiar lonely cry.  I love the safety of being indoors in the warmth, a comfortable spectator behind the safety of my windows to the chaos.  Ready to wait it out in the snug hug of my wee home, candles at th ready, a warm blanket on my lap, hot mug and good read in my hands.


We, Cindy and I, went yesterday mid to late afternoon to dad's.  Cindy had made him some supper. He had not eaten any breakfast and I think he had only had a pear for his lunch. He was feeling a bit blue and sorry for himself. It is only natural. He perked up at the sight of us and was feeling decidedly better by the time we left. We will go again today.  We need to pick him up some new books to read before we go and I think Cindy needs to get one of his prescriptions.  Cindy told him he needs to make a list of what he wants to bring with him when he goes to live at her place. She also told him that he needs to eat and to take care of himself until then.  He is very lucky to have family that love and care about him. So many elderly people do not. I know change comes hard.  I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything alright for everyone.



There is an awesome beauty in the pewter colored leaden skies of January.  They look full and heavy in the light of day. Some might say ominous.  I just think they hold a peculiar beauty. Beauty is where you find it I suppose. You need to be looking for it. It comes to us unbidden and with surprise, and if you are not seeking it, you might miss it altogether.

Its a matter of perspective.


I am really enjoying my Fitbit. Yesterday I got in over 5000 steps which is really good for me. I also burnt a lot of calories.  I like being able to keep a track of such things. I find my sleep habits to be very curious.  I have very little deep sleep, or REM sleep. Most of it is light sleep and I seem to wake up a lot. Not sure why that is. I average about 6 1/2 hours of sleep every night. I need to get more methinks, but I seem to fall asleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. Maybe a short nap in the afternoon would help??  I don't really know.

I am also enjoying the time Cindy and I spend peddling together each morning. I really am.

My daughter-in-law Anne gave me some of this for Christmas. I absolutely love it. So much so that I have ordered myself a big tub of it. I love the way it smells and I love the way it feels. I put it on my ankles and lower legs after my shower and rub it on my arms. I have a tendency to have dry skin on my ankles and this really seems to be helping with that.  I love that their products are not tested on animals.


Bad days come to each of us. They do not define us. I am actually very grateful for the hard times, although when I was going through them I could not see that I ever would be.  They helped to strengthen me in ways that I did not know I needed strengthening.   Some days I really had to fight to keep afloat.  But I stayed afloat and somehow found the strength to continue to rise. I am living my best life now.  There are some who might not see it as a best life, but I do and that is what counts. Rain falls on us all. Its what we choose to do with the rain that matters most.

I spent some time last night making Bits and Bites for my father.  I had made some for him at Christmas and he really enjoyed them. He has finished them off now and so I thought I would make him some more to enjoy.  They smell so moreish when they are baking. I didn't have quite enough Worcestershire sauce left but I used what I had. Hopefully he won't notice too much.

I picked up some of this at the health food store yesterday.  I want to make some Malt Loaf. I think this is what I need. I hope this is what I need.  There was a Malt Loaf in the U.K. called Soreen. It was low in fat but delicious. I am missing it.  Funny how that goes. When I was over there I missed things from over here. Now I am over here, I am missing things from over there.


To the Bright Edge of the World, by Eowyn Ivey

An atmospheric, transporting tale of adventure, love, and survival from the bestselling author of The Snow Child, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. 

 In the winter of 1885, decorated war hero Colonel Allen Forrester leads a small band of men on an expedition that has been deemed impossible: to venture up the Wolverine River and pierce the vast, untamed Alaska Territory. Leaving behind Sophie, his newly pregnant wife, Colonel Forrester records his extraordinary experiences in hopes that his journal will reach her if he doesn't return--once he passes beyond the edge of the known world, there's no telling what awaits him. 

 The Wolverine River Valley is not only breathtaking and forbidding but also terrifying in ways that the colonel and his men never could have imagined. As they map the territory and gather information on the native tribes, whose understanding of the natural world is unlike anything they have ever encountered, Forrester and his men discover the blurred lines between human and wild animal, the living and the dead. And while the men knew they would face starvation and danger, they cannot escape the sense that some greater, mysterious force threatens their lives. 

 Meanwhile, on her own at Vancouver Barracks, Sophie chafes under the social restrictions and yearns to travel alongside her husband. She does not know that the winter will require as much of her as it does her husband, that both her courage and faith will be tested to the breaking point. Can her exploration of nature through the new art of photography help her to rediscover her sense of beauty and wonder? 

 The truths that Allen and Sophie discover over the course of that fateful year change both of their lives--and the lives of those who hear their stories long after they're gone--forever.

I loved The Snow Child. I think I have read it about three times. I am loving this book also.


Captivating the King on Netflix
I am really enjoying this.  I like this type of show, period dramas,  and I love oriental history. “Captivating the King” depicts the cruel love story between the humble King Yi In and the woman who becomes a spy to deceive the King for revenge. This fictional historical drama arouses keen interest by taking on the concept of a spy, who hides their identity to gather information and uncover secrets.


Pineapple Fried Rice. Vegan. Gluten Free. Delicious.  I really enjoyed this. It is filled with a delicious mix of flavors, textures, colors. It is also quick and easy to make. Sized for two.



Quiet days, Book of Mormon studies, working with my hands, spending time with family, prayer, warmth, faith, family, friends, love, cats, home . . . its all good.


° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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 *.˛.Never give up on something
you can't go a day without
thinking about.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Winston Churchill° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚  

And that is my daybook for this week. I hope that you all have beautiful days.  Blessings to you all and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Cindy looked after your mom and now you both will look after your dad.You are fortunate.So many elderly people are accompanied by paid people for appts etc.Wonderful.Nasty still exists..bullies too..Ill never forget being on the swim team and one idiot yelling tidal wave.I lost a lot of weight at 15-16..I met him later in my forties..Karma:)Oh so Karma.My neighbour gave me bits and nites she made..SINFUL.I dare not make them..that is hard for me to not keep eating:)

  2. Hope things come together soon and quickly for your dad to move to Cindy's. Sounds like it is very needed. He is fortunate to have a place he is wanted. Tis scary getting old. And hard to give up one's being able to live on their own. I am not to the place I can say I am glad for the hard places in my life, Marie. Perhaps someday. I am certainly glad not to have to relive them however!! Once was enough!!
    Elizabeth xo

  3. Between you and Cindy you will get your Dad on the right track. So many anonymous posters on Facebook now, even in private groups, can't fathom why except Facebook lets them and they think they can post anything. Yet owners of the groups can see who they are. Milder today, but overcast, we had snow yesterday afternoon, caused havoc on the roads as folks don't adjust their driving. Me, I just don't go out. More wet stuff this afternoon and into tomorrow. Lucky to have that option.

  4. ‘Pewter colored leaden skies of January’… that, so descriptive. Wishing you a happy day, bully free and warm.😃
    xo, V.

  5. A lovely wintery post today, Marie. We're getting snow here, too, so decided to stay in today. I had wanted to go to IKEAfor their gingersnaps and potato/brocolli patties. Yum! You and Cindy take such good care of your dad. I'm sure he'll enjoy living with Cindy and Dan. He won't be so lonely. I've always liked the phrase "If you can't be kind, be quiet". Good advice for the trolls out there. Love and hugs, Elaine


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!