
Friday 8 December 2023

Today . . .



No regular post from me today as I am off and out early this morning with my sister. We are going up to New Minas. We will pop into Michaels looking for a few bits and then go to the Running Man to see what they have. The Running Man is a type of mini Costco outlet in New Minas. Then we will pop backdown the Valley towards home, stopping for that cheeky piece of pie at Callisters!   I hope they have some good ones!  The ones we saw on the day we were last there looked phenomenal!  So tall!

I'll be back with a regular post tomorrow!  In the  meantime stay safe and stay warm. Be happy and don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. This sounds like a fun filled day. I know you will have a fantastic day with Cindy.

  2. Hope you and Cindy had a lovely day out, Marie, and are safely home now, warm and cozy. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


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