
Tuesday 26 December 2023

And so this was Christmas


Not the best photo ever.  But this is Allie and Damy all dressed up in their finery ready to celebrate Christmas. I took it early in the morning after I had opened my gifts here in my wee little house.  A bit later on we went over to Cindy and Dan's for Christmas day and gift opening there.  The best part of all was having a family to spend the day with. I can't believe I didn't take any photographs. Cindy did though and so maybe after she posts some I will have some more to share with you.

It was a green Christmas, filled with lots of fog, but it was just a lovely day, spent in the loving arms of my family.  We shared plenty of good food and just had a really wonderful Christmas together with each other.  That's the best part of any holiday, getting to spend it with family. 

I did get some lovely gifts and am so grateful for each one of them! Damy got her new outfit, so she didn't mind sharing her old Christmas outfit with Ally.   I got a lovely Charles Dickens book with a story in it I had never heard before. The Cricket in the Hearth.  It has lovely old illustrations in it.  Ohhh Turkish Delight. I adore Turkish delight!


This fabulous cookbook.  It is filled with loads of Canadian Cooking History from over a century, moving through the decades.  I gave it a quick perusal yesterday and it brought back a lot of memories for me from the later years. I know I am going to enjoy cooking from it and looking at it a lot closer in the days to come. It is fascinating!


My sister gave me an outfit for my dolls, complete with knitted beret, sweater and dress.  She does such a beautiful job on these things.  She is excellent at everything she does. 


I also got this skillet.  I remember looking at these when Douglas was here and thinking I would love to have one!  Nothing sticks and you don't need to use special utensils to cook in it either. It is good with metal or silicone!


Some beautiful Federal Glass Hospitality cup and plate snack sets.  Three of them. I love these types of things and cannot wait to use them!  I will have to invite two ladies over for tea!


These sweet little light up toadstools.  I adore them!  So cute!


A beautiful jewelry box to replace the one that I left  behind in the U.K.  And some new sleeper earrings as well. 


There is a space for everything in this.  I really love it and it matches the decor in  my bedroom as well.

And a whole lot more.  A lovely sketch/watercolor book, loads of sweet treats, etc.

Cinnamon enjoying the wrapping paper.  She is just so darned cute. She has been a lot more affectionate lately, which pleases me to no end.

Today I will be picking up Eileen and Tim and bringing them here for a nice meal and some time together and then on Thursday my oldest son is coming over, maybe with one of the boys for some special do that they are attending at the weekend, so it is all go in my house!  

I hope that your holidays were equally as blessed and that you all stayed happy, healthy and warm.  I will probably be posting sporadically over the next few days with having company here, etc. but I will post and hopefully share some pictures as well!

Love you all!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Oh, Marie, you had a lovely Christmas. Nothing better than spending it with family. Loved the wee dress and sweater set Cindy made for Diadamy. She really is very talented. Hope she does decide to open an Etsy shop. I'll be first in line. Enjoy your visit with Eileen and Tim. Happy Boxing Day. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

  2. Perfect gifts for you, lovely time with family, and more family visits to come. Treasure every moment.

  3. and more fun times ahead...glad you have that to look forward to as well!!
    Elizabeth xo


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