
Tuesday 12 December 2023

A Day Book



What a difference a day makes. I took this yesterday afternoon about quarter to 4.  It was +15 degrees and all the snow was melted away. We had very high winds and lots of rain.  I had to put my garbage out. In the pouring rain. I was worried that it might blow away so wondered if I should wait and put it out in the morning.  They have been coming much later in the day.  However, upon thinking about it, I felt that if I waited then it would possibly be the one day that they came early. I erred on the side of caution and put it out last night. Hopefully it has not blown away.



I am going to a Visiting Teaching/Ministering Pot Luck lunch today and I was asked to share a spiritual thought.   I have found a poem entitled, "You Don't Meet Anyone by Accident." (By Donna Ashworth)  The last verse:

you don't meet anyone in this life
by accident
each person brings with them
a joy
a love
or a lesson
pay attention.

My intent is to tie it in with a talk by Jeffrey Holland entitled The Ministry of Angels.   People come into our lives for a season. Some are only in our lives for a short time, but everyone is there for a purpose.    The friends I made after moving back to Chester in 2010 were very much put there for a purpose and became angels in my life.  I would not have been able to do all that I ended up having to do without their help.  I will be forever grateful.  God was already at work, putting people in my life that He knew would be able to help me when the time came.  I firmly believe this.  We don't meet anyone in this life by accident.

Some people are just so clever.  This wheat grass craft has been made using bamboo skewers and pistachio shells. I found it on a page called Reaching Happy.  I never would have thought of doing something like this. Maybe when I was younger, but not at my ripe old age.  How wonderful that there are so many clever people in the world to inspire us!


I am so happy that I was able to come back to live in Canada, despite the circumstances surrounding it all.  Who knows if I had waited to be on my own if I would have ever been able to make the journey.  I suspect not. At least not on my own. Things would have been very difficult. In my Patriarchal Blessing it says that I would be able to realize my "dream of returning to my homeland to foster relationships there with my family."  I could not really see that happening.  I don't think anyone in my family thought I would ever be able to return.  But look.  I am here.  And I have a happy and full life. God has been so good to me.  I have been so richly blessed and I am happy.  I am oh-so-happy.  I know you must get tired of hearing that.  

Oh it is not perfect for sure.  You tell me a person who says they are living a perfect life and I think they are joshing us. There are still things that I wish were different, those things are not within my control to change. But it is as close as it will ever be to being "perfect" for me.  For that I am eternally grateful. Times and seasons.  I am enjoying and appreciating this season very much.


I am looking forward to Thursday.  My sister and I are finally going to go and share that Colossal Club Sandwich at The Farmer's Family Restaurant. The restaurant will only be open for another week before it closes for the Winter.  Time spent with my sister is always something I dearly look forward to.



Dancing hares/bunnies.  I believe they are boxing Hares, although their ears are quite short to be hares.  Hares usually have much longer ears.  Everything else looks like a hare however. 



Remembering how much I loved to skate when I was growing up.  When we lived in Gimli Manitoba there was an enormous man-made outdoor rink that we would skate at all Winter long. Back them we had Winters where it stayed cold enough all Winter to keep ice frozen.  All the kids on the base skated there.  When I got older and we moved to Nova Scotia, most Saturday and Sunday afternoons in the Winter months would fine me skating at the indoor rink on the base here at Greenwood.  I would go with my friends. As we got older we would oggle the boys that were there, as teenage girls do.  I was not a particularly expert skater, but I did enjoy it.

The last time I tried to go skating I was in my early 40's.  I remember putting on my daughter's skates thinking that I could skate in the frozen field next to the farmhouse we were living in at the time.  I put the skates on at the house and by the time I got to the field I could barely stand. My ankles were so tired.  I could barely make it back to the house. I was basically crawling, lol.

This is my television stand and fireplace, a bookcase, a little bit of festivity.  Only 12 days left until Christmas. I wish I could show you Cindy's tree. I should have taken a photograph of it.  Dan decorated it beautifully.  It is a big full tree this year. I forget how many lights he said were on it.  He is just like a child when it comes to Christmas. He really enjoys all of the decorating.  He does a super job as well.   I don't have a lot of decorations, but I have tried to do what I can with what I have.   It will do.



Windmills.  There were never any around where I lived.  When I lived in the UK there was a big one in Cranbrook.  Not too far from where we lived when I worked at the Manor. It was the tallest smock mill in the U.K.  Cranbrook itself was a very pretty little village with lots of quaint little shops and tea rooms.  I think I remember seeing one when I was much younger in Holland Michigan?  I can't be sure. Other than that the only ones I have ever seen were in our childhood encyclopedia.   I always wanted to go to Holland and see the Windmills there.  Ever since I saw the ones in the encyclopedia and Hans Brinker on the Wonderful World of Disney.  Hans Brinker and the silver skates.


Cheesy Spinach and Artichoke Pinwheels from Damn Delicious! My goodness but they do look damn delicious!


The Salt Road by Jane Johnson

From the author of The Tenth Gift comes another story of exotic, foreign lands, entwining storylines spanning generations, and the quests to overcome love lost. 

 The desert lay before them, and the secrets of the amulet . . . 

 From Tafraout’s magnificent mountainside, Isobel absorbs the heat and romance of the Moroccan vista before her, with mosque and homes scattered far below. But a mere slip sees her tumbling uncontrollably into the arms of handsome rescuer Taïb, who notices her unusual silver amulet, and that her fall has revealed a tiny scroll hidden within. Entranced by the possibilities of its intricate and illegible script, they set out for the Sahara in search of a Tuareg elder to unlock the riddles of its past. Little does Izzy realize that the desert holds the key to more mysteries than the amulet’s. 

From beneath the beating sun emerges nomadic Princess Mariata, whose stories of tortured love bind her to the precious talisman in Izzy’s hands. She’s battled the sands; she’s found and lost love among its dunes. And where the amulet crosses both their paths, answers to the deepest secrets lie.

Early days as to whether this can hold my interest or not. We shall see. 


Pride and Prejudice on Netflix. I have never watched this version. To be honest, Kiera Knightly bugs me.  Nothing against her.  She just grates on my nerves. I guess we can't like everyone.  


The latest series of Shetland on Britbox.  So far it is very good.



Every day might not be good but there is some good in every day. I spend at least a part of every day I am given in gratitude for all the goodness there is in my life. In abundance.  Even on my worst days.  I have much to be grateful for.



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 *.˛.I put on my list all the busy, useful, independent
spinsters I know, for liberty is a better husband
than love to many of us.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Louisa May Alcott° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •


Today Frangipane Mince Pies.  Delicious crisp buttery pastry, topped with sweet mincemeat  and a lush almond frangipane topping.  Scrumptious! So scrumptious I will need to bake some more before Christmas, lol.

And that is my daybook for this week. I hope that you all have beautiful days.  Blessings to you all and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. A wonderful life:) At last:)So glad you came home.

  2. I feel the same about Kiera Knightly, so I understand you. :D
    Thank you so much for your work, for this blog and the other, that I now for years.

    1. You are very welcome! Thank you for your faithfulness! xoxo

  3. Nice poem to share with your pot luck group. Hope you enjoyed it. Haven't skated in years, finally gave my skates away to the Christian thrift store. Coming home was the best move for you, bing embraced by family and friends. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks Linda! I believe it was the best thing also! xoxo

  4. Wow, skating...haha...we used to have a frozen creek beside our place when I was a teenager...I TRIED to skate...but I tied a pillow around my that was where I spent most of the time out is a VERY hard thing to do!! And that recipe photo looks so up real cheese has been so hard...but I think even my husband needs to as well...his asthma is crazy bad...and I think it is somewhat impacted by eating milk products. ARGH...seems to me about 90% of recipes use cheese or some milk product...of course, it is so tasty!!
    Elizabeth xo

    1. Nowadays I am too afraid if I fell I would break something! My friend Jacquie says that Dairy is the Devil. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!