
Wednesday 29 November 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .


I woke up this morning to see the ground covered in a light layer of snow. We have had flurries, but nothing that has lay.  I expect as the day goes it will all melt, but to me it is always exciting, this first real snowfall of the year. Oh, I know that before Winter's end the  novelty will have long worn off, but I  always enjoy these early season snowfalls very much.  

Everything seems to be cloaked in a wonderland of silent whiteness.  So pretty before it gets touched by the filth of the world.  For not it is pristine and clean.

I watched the cutest film on Netflix last night. Love at First Sight.  I really enjoyed it. Watching two young people fall in love in the cutest way.  So often films like this are so corny that you lost interest part of the way through.  This held my interest all the way through. I was sorry when it ended. Its a two thumbs up for me!


Still watching the street and wondering when it will be an acceptable time to hang out a wreath. Nobody has as of yet.  The new people across the way have put up some snow people on their railing.  I think perhaps the 1st of December will be appropriate? 

Many houses in town already have their lights and decorations up. Some are quite spectacular. I can remember when the children were growing up we would always take them on a few drives through the holiday season in the run up to Christmas to view all the lights. It was always a fun thing to do.  I always enjoyed it at any rate and I think that they did too!

I bought my youngest grandson a firetruck for Christmas.  Now I am wondering if it is too old a toy for him. I have never met him and it has been a very long time since I have been around four year old children. It makes all the appropriate fire truck noses and pumps water, etc.  Apparently he likes tractors and his dad got him an electric ride on tractor that he enjoys. I also have to figure out how to get it to him. 

Why do I do these things?  Buying things for children that I don't know and have no idea how I am going to get them to them. There is a wee boy at church. I think he is maybe 6 or 7. Maybe I will just give it to him.


I got myself a pair of wool mittens off Etsy. They came from Newfoundland.  They are nice and thick and I think they will be quite warm.  I don't really know how to knit well enough to make myself a pair.  They don't look like these ones.  They are in shades of variegated blues, greys and pinks.

I do love mittens in the Winter, rather than gloves. I have always loved mittens.  Did your mother used to safety pin your mittens to your coat so you wouldn't lose them?  I think I need to do that to mine now, lol.  I am always losing my mittens and gloves.


Have any of you ever made your own Stollen from scratch?  I love Stollen.  In the UK you could get Stollen bites. they were little cubes of Stollen and they were delicious.  I think they had dipped them in butter and then coated them abundantly in icing sugar. So tasty.  I would love to have a good stollen recipe.  I don't want to waste a bunch of expensive ingredients on something that is not going to come up to par.


Time to get my Christmas Cards done.  I will work on them a few at a time over the next week or so.  Do you include newsletters in yours?  I never do, but I do love to read other people's newsletters. It is a bit of a conundrum for me.  I don't really think I have enough news to put into a newsletter.  I have a friend who sends an e-mail one and it is always pages long and filled with loads of photos and news from throughout the whole year.  I love to read it. I am just  not that organized.


It is time for me to call the lad who collects the re-fundables from me and have him come and pick some up. I must have five or six big blue bags full  now.  I also have loads of paper to get rid of.  I don't know why I print out recipes. I have tons of recipes printed out and I know I am never going to cook them. I see one and I think I would like to make that and I print it out and then it goes into a pile and stays there.  I need to stop doing that.  I have loads of cookbooks and I should be cooking from them, not from internet printouts. It is a waste of ink and paper.  And it is clutter.  I need to work on that.

Cindy and I are going to Dad's this morning to help him take a bath.  He is afraid to take one by himself and he likes having his back scrubbed.  He always wants us to scrub it harder but I am afraid to do that because I know that elderly people's skin is very thin.  I used to have to give people baths when I worked at the care home in Chester. That was over 20 years ago now. I was a lot younger then. We had a hoist to help to get them in and out of the tub. We each had a list of residents that we were responsible for and they were to be given one bath a month.  I can remember thinking it was appalling that they only got one bath a month.  And that was the tip of the iceberg when it came to care.

I can tell you that job really opened my eyes as to the way people are institutionally cared for when they get too old to care for themselves. I am not saying that it is like that at every care home because I know it is not. But my heart broke every day.  Too many residents, not enough care workers.  Too much neglect.  I vowed then that my parents would never go into a care home.  And I would rather die than go into one myself. In the Scandinavian countries care is much much better. I think that the problem starts when you start looking at care as a business rather than a service.

And with that rather positive note I best leave you with a thought for the day!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Happiness is the harvest
of the quiet eye.•。★★ 。* 。
~Austin O'Malley° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ 


LOL not very visually appealing I know!  I just looked at this and it looks like a deer on a plate with a few odds and sods around it. 

Its my Vintage Menu Madness post. From The Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, 1963.  There is Susan's Meatloaf, creamy Scalloped Potatoes, Baked Acorn Squash, Buttered Carrots and for dessert a Fruitful Cobbler with cream.  All looks aside it was quite tasty! 

Its very chilly this morning and is about as warm as it is going to get today.  Wherever you are stay warm and be  happy.  I hope you have a lovely day.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!     


  1. Be a trend setter and put your wreath out first! Our first winter weather warning for late this afternoon, so this should be a fair bit of snow. It has been awhile but I'm knitting a pair of socks. Have a good day.

  2. First Sunday of Advent for me. Everything goes up. It’s the start of the season in my world. Angharad


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