
Saturday 16 September 2023

All Things Nice . . .


I love bright things -- a blue  cup for my tea
A pottery plate bright as an orange skin,
A drinking glass with yellow tulips on,
The gaudy sparkle of a jewelled pin.

I love a tablecloth where roses bloom
Cheerful and gay as any flower bed,
Red hollyhocks beside a garden wall,
A pewter plate to hold my daily bread.

I love bright curtains draped in tiny folds
To let the gleaming bars of sunlight through,
A cushion on a chair of colored blocks,
A tiny woven rug of turquoise blue.

I love a crimson coat gay as a flag,
A white sail poised above a quiet sea,
The royal blue of grapes . . . the sheen of silk,
Red candles shining on a Christmas tree.

I love blue lightening . . . raindrops on a wire
A golden hilltop . . . planes on silver wings,
The world is beautiful and fair to me,
I have the company of lovely things.
~Edna Jacques, I Love Bright Things
Aunt Hattie's Place, 1949

 Little pleasures.  Tiny treasures. We all have them. Things which make our heart beat a little faster with the joy of seeing them, using them. They needn't be expensive objects, or especially attractive . . .  just things which bring us joy.   I have such treasures . . .  most gifts from family or friends and only gathered over the past few years.  Nothing overly expensive, but each one a jewel in my memory and mind, beautiful reminders that I am loved and valued.  I try not to think about the things I left behind.  All things lost, God has made anew and I am blessed beyond measure.  I am grateful for a heart that sees this. That is a gift in and of itself.  What price can be put on the love of family and friends?  On gentle kindnesses shared?  These are treasures too, and are perhaps the most valuable treasures of all.


It occurs to me this morning that we have no cake in the house.  I do so love a cake at the weekend. It needn't be anything fancy. Just cake. Something to munch on or enjoy with a hot drink and a good book. I have my favorites and it's not chocolate. I love my mother's hot milk cake.  It is a plain and simple cake.  It is the cake of my childhood and the one I remember my mother making most.  My father always enjoyed it split through the middle and filled with strawberry jam.   Lemon curd is also very nice in the middle and to be honest, it is nice all on its own, without any adornment of jam or curd.

I think I will bake one today perhaps . . . before the storm hits us badly.  Something to enjoy while the wind blows and the rain lashes against the window panes.  A comfort amidst the bad weather. A treasured memory of mom that will cheer my heart to no end and bring to mind the sweet days of my childhood. 



The winds have started to pick up a bit now and it is raining, although not overly heavily.   Excuse me while I stop to make a cake. I want to get it into the oven before we lose power or anything. I have my mind set on mom's hot milk cake now.

There I am back and it is raining quite a bit heavier now.  The cake is in the oven.  When I went to separate the yolks from the whites, the second yolk broke into the whites.  I hope my cake turns out as I was only able to beat the one yolk until stiff.  I am sure it will, although it may not be as light as usual.

Cindy and I went out for a bit yesterday morning.  The local shops were crazy with people in buying things before the storm. Its funny how that goes.  We all have this need to batten down the hatches and get in supplies.  I didn't get anything. I am a person who usually has plenty of what I need in, or at least enough to last me a few days at any rate.

I did take down the hummingbird feeder, put away the bird bath, stack up the chairs on the front porch, put my geranium that Dan gave me in the garage, etc.  I am about as ready as I can be.

While we were out we decided to stop at Jonny's for some lunch.  For a change I got the chicken burger with some beer fries.  It was pretty good, although I was a bit disappointed that the promised sliced tomato was missing. Perhaps they had run out.

Cindy had the True Newf Poutine with beer fries.  We sent photos to my brother to get his tastebuds tingling. He will be here in another week and I think  he wants to go to Jonny's.  We were whetting his appetite for it!  

They have switched to cardboard containers now for their food. I wish they had kept the old plastic ones. I used to save mine and use for other things. They were pretty nice. Heavy duty with nice snap on lids, etc.

This is my brother near the airfield in Ottawa yesterday, doing something with the canopy of his aircraft/glider.  It looks fairly windy there.  I am really looking forward to seeing him next week! I wish we all lived closer to each other.


I spent some time this week washing blankets and throws, getting ready for the cooler months ahead. Its nice to have them all fresh and ready.  They will be upon us before we know it.  I want to knit a cover for my hot water bottle.  I am almost finished my blanket and have all the yarn set to go for the next one. I think that will make four, only three to go and there will be one ready for each grandchild when the time comes. I cannot leave much for them, but I think  a crocheted blanket is a nice legacy and one which will be used.


We cleaned the chapel yesterday morning. What a crew we were.  One lady didn't show up, the other three of us were limping about and shuffling back and forth between the rooms doing out best. We all have mobility issues, lol.  We did the best that we could. Nobody can ask more.


My cake is smelling pretty good and has risen well. I just checked it out.  Hopefully it ends up a good one.

I was reading in my book, "Even This" by Emily Belle Freeman in bed last night.  I can't tell you the number of times I have read that book. I get something new from it every time I read it and it has been a real support to me  through my troubles over this past few years.  Last night I was reading the chapter entitled, "The Next Right Step."  She was talking about Saul (who became Paul) and his experience on the Road to Damascus.  How he had been struck blind and ended up in an unknown place, waiting for three days, asking the question, "Lord, what wilt thou have me do?" (Acts 9:6)

That must have been so hard. Waiting. In a strange place. Not being able to see. Trusting. All you would have is hope and faith, mixed with a tangible amount of fear I would imagine. It is three days before Ananias comes. Sent by the Lord.  The name Ananias means "graciously given of the Lord."  For Ananias to go was an act of faith on his own part. As one of the newly formed band of Christians, he would have been very fearful of Saul as Saul had made his life's work  persecuting and killing Christians. It must have felt very much like Daniel walking into the Lion's Den.  How much trust was needed by both these men.  Saul in the waiting. Ananias in the acting upon the inspiration of the Lord.   Ananias honored God's appointment and Saul let him in. I wager two lives were changed in the making of that miracle. How could one ever be the same.  The moment Ananias said the words to Saul, "Brother Saul . . . the Lord has sent me." the scales fell from Saul's eyes and Saul began his journey towards becoming Paul, Paul who is responsible for a great deal of the writings in the New Testament and the growth of the Christian church. A series of doing the next right thing, one small step and ounce of faith at a time.

I think we all have journeys to Damascus and moments where we sit waiting, wondering, pondering what it is we are/need to do next. Sometimes the answers don't come all at once.  Sometimes the most important lessons are learned and great growth happens in the waiting.  Sometimes all we can bring ourselves to do is the next right thing, knowing that, in doing so, something wonderful is being built, one tiny step at a time upon the wings of faith.


My cake is out of the oven now and cooling on a rack. I shall look forward to enjoying a piece of it later on.  I don't know if I will fill it with jam or not. I do have lots of jam.

Last night I was inspired to download and print out the instructions on how to play solitaire in real time. I have a few decks of cards here in the house and it occurred to me that it would be a great way to occupy my time should we lose the power. To help stave off boredom. I have books to read as well. Plenty of candles, etc. (Boy, do I ever have candles, lol) 

Looking at the trajectory of Hurricane Lee it is a category 1 and just off the south west coast of Nova Scotia at the moment. The eye of it looks to be set to go right over where I live around 3 pm this afternoon.  This does not bode well for the apple crop. 

I guess I better get off here and do a few things to get ready.  I will catch you all on the flip side!  God bless us all!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.° "I don't feel very much like Pooh
today." said Pooh.•。★★ 。* 。
"I'll bring you tea and honey until
you do." said Piglet.•。★★ 。* 。
~AA Milne  •。★★ 。* 。

What a joy to have such a friend!

I'm talking about the differences between Winter and Summer Squash in the Kitchen today and sharing some tasty recipes on how to use both.  All About Squash.

I hope you have a safe and pleasant weekend. Be blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!! 


  1. Saying prayers that you and your family stay safe from the hurricane, Marie. Enjoy your cake. It sounds delicious. I bet your kitchen smells good. I enjoy the Edna Jacques poems you post on Saturdays. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks very much Elaine! So far so good. Cindy and Dan did lose their power for a short period of time but it is back on now! It is quite calm at the moment but we haven't see the worst of it here yet! Love and hugs, xoxo PS - you and I share a great love of Edna!

  2. Enjoy some cake for us; yet another diet we're on. Not easy when you get older! Stay safe my friend. GA Mary

  3. Cake will be comfort food during the storm, you sound prepared, so just sit back and watch and listen to it. Such a lovely idea for afghans for the grandkids, a very thoughtful gift. I started washing and changing over to heavier weight clothes and will probably do sheets this weekend. Stay warm and safe. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks very much Linda! I am just going to relax and enjoy what comes. You have a good weekend also! xoxo

  4. Hope the storm weakens as it hits land. It wasn't so bad in New England, thank goodness. Nothing like being cozy in a snug home when the weather is wild . Enjoy your cake, a cup of tea and a good book this afternoon. Kat in NE

  5. Thinking of you and hoping you and all your family are safe.
    The cake, oh that cake! Yum!

    1. Thanks very much Mary! So far we are all okay! That cake is the best. But the simple things usually are! xoxo

  6. Oh, I hope you and all are safe and warm through the storm…and no damage happens to your area. Yes, God bless us all. xo,V.

    1. Thanks very much V! We were safe, thank goodness! xoxo

  7. Hi, just heard hurricane Lee, is up your way, hope he treats you and your family kindly!

  8. I have a tea pot like the one in the first picture, with matching sugar and cream. It was my mothers

    1. How lovely! I had one in the UK also. So sweet. xoxo

  9. Hi Marie~ I pray that all went well, and that you are okay! I feel like I have been MIA for such a long time!! I also love cake and always look forward to making your delicious spice cake each year about this time, it's so good! Cleaning the church is always such an issue here as well. So many want it to be clean, but don't show up to help, leaving only a few to hobble along to get the work done...that's okay though, I love to do it! Loved your thoughts about, Paul/Saul. All of the trials we go through are for our good and to teach us life lessons. I just wish they didn't come quite so often. I often think of my sweet friend, Marie, when I think life is hard... again, you are my hero! Hug and Love, Barb

    1. Thanks so much Barb! Half our team never shows up either, which is annoying, but we do our best! I am so happy to see a comment from you! I miss you! Love and hugs, xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!