
Tuesday 26 September 2023

A Day Book . . .



The telltale signs of Autumn are becoming more obvious with each day that passes. I think the first sign is the smell in the air, and then the turning starts. Oh, it started back in mid August, those first few tinges of changes dancing upon the tops of the trees, easy to ignore.  Here and now . . . .  just a few weeks later, the change is unmistakable. These things will happen more rapidly now, with each day that passes. It is undeniably autumn, and the world around us is starting to sing the song and dance to the melody that that cannot not be ignored and will not be put off. Oh, there will be the odd day that still speaks of summer . . . but it is truly on the wane.



It was so nice to see my brother last evening. He, Cindy and I spent a couple hours just chatting here in my living room.  It makes me sad that he lives so far away, but he has lived in the place he lives now, since he was a very young man. It is his home. His family is there, wife, daughters . . .a whole lifetime of memories. It is nice though that we will have this next week to catch up with each other and spend some quality time together. 


I am grateful that he is here to go with me to my lawyer today and help me sort out my will. I have never had a will before. This is all new territory for me and a bit daunting.  It will be nice to have someone who knows what they are doing with me. He is my executor, along with my sister, so it will be nice for him as well to know what's what.

Also thank you so much for your feedback yesterday which reaffirmed that my decision was the right one. I spoke to my oldest son and he also thinks it is the right thing to do.  We are all in accord  . . . 



These next few days when we will all be able to spend some time together.  A very rare opportunity to celebrate what our familial uniqueness and what has shaped us into who we are.  We are all good people.  We had some pretty good parents to help us become such. Not perfect, who is . . .  but they helped us to grow into some pretty decent human beings.  Grateful for that and for this time we will have with each other and with our father.  It will be good.


I am really loving my bowl of yarn balls. All different sizes. I may need to shake it up with just a few more colors and sizes, but it makes me happy to look at it. It is an easy occupation, winding these balls of yarn. Just the type of thoughtless thing that I can do while I watch telly without having to overly concentrate.  So far the cats are not even curious.  That's a good thing.



I forgot to share the results of my latest blood tests.  I have high hemoglobin  and an AAT deficiency.  The liver produces something which prevents mucus from forming in your lungs (from what I understand). Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency is a genetic condition that can cause lung and liver damage. Lung symptoms are usually similar to emphysema, including chronic cough, shortness of breath and wheezing. This explains a lot to me.  Because it is genetic it is something I have had my whole life, but it has only been picked up now because of my liver disease and the tests that they have done to keep a check on that. This would explain to me why, when I do get a cold, it goes immediately to my lungs and why it seems to take me so much longer to shake these things off.  I still have not cleared my lungs from the last one.  They will be retesting me in December. I think it is perhaps time for me to start masking again.  Especially around my dad, LOL



Anything to do with the home or homemaking. I love this little home I have made for myself.  It makes me happy.  This little kingdom of my own. Just myself, Nutmeg and Cinnamon and those who we choose to share it with us.  For the rest of my life, I shall be content.



Old plates and dishes. My sister has shared a few with me from her collection. I use them all the time when I take photos of plates of food. I just love them.  I love their vintage feel. I love to think about all the meals that have been enjoyed on them through the years. If they could talk, what would they say?


He's never really very far from me. His watchful eyes keeping a check on all that is happening in our little world. He is on guard. My little Nutmeg. He is such a little treasure.



The October General Conference from my church. I really enjoy these conferences.  It is a chance to feel a part of something larger.  To feel a part of something big. To know that as odd as we might seem to many, we are not alone.  There are millions of us throughout the world.  And twice a year we get to gather and listen to inspirational words from men and women who inspire and invite.  Who help us to want to be better, to grow, to love the Savior and to follow Him. I always really enjoy these few days of inspiration and I refer to them often in the months that follow. Or even years.  Right now I am re-listening to all the talks of Elder Jeffrey R Holland. A great many of them are ones I have never heard. I get something, some inspiration, some knowledge, a spark of joy from each and every one.


Indian Horse on Netflix. Stripped of his heritage at a residential school, an indigenous student finds refug on the rink when he discovers a passion for hockey. This is quite good.


This is called a Hootenany. The recipe is on Buns in my Oven.  It looks like a big Yorkshire pudding. But a sweet version. I bet it would be lovely with some fruit and syrup.


The Locked Room, by Elly Griffiths

Pandemic lockdowns have Ruth Galloway feeling isolated from everyone but a new neighbor—until Nelson comes calling, investigating a decades-long string of murder-suicides that’s looming ever closer, in USA Today Elly Griffiths’ penultimate novel in the beloved series. (This is #15)

 Three years after her mother’s death, Ruth is finally sorting through her things when she finds a curious relic: a decades-old photograph of her own Norfolk cottage—before she lived there—with a peculiar inscription on the back. Ruth returns to the cot­tage to uncover its meaning as Norfolk’s first cases of Covid-19 make headlines, leaving her and Kate to shelter in place there. They struggle to stave off isolation by clapping for frontline workers each evening and befriending a kind neighbor, Zoe, from a distance. 

 Meanwhile, Nelson is investigating a series of deaths of women that may or may not be suicide. When he links a case to an archaeological dis­covery, he breaks curfew to visit Ruth and enlist her help. But the further Nelson investigates the deaths, the closer he gets to Ruth’s isolated cot­tage—until Ruth, Zoe, and Kate all go missing, and Nelson is left scrambling to find them before it’s too late.

This is really good. I am on the last few pages. Then my plan is to go back and start with book one of this series of novels.



Faith, family, home, friends.  Having time with my daughter one on one.  Sunday dinners with family. Seeing my brother again after over a year.  Feline cuddles.  A comfortable roof over my head. Its all good. I am blessed.



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 *.˛.Neglect not•。★★ 。* 。
the gift that is in thee.•。★★ 。* 。
~1 Timothy 4:14•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。


Today, my Vintage Menu Madness. A whole menu for a main meal with recipes taken from one of my vintage cookbooks.  Delicious as always. A taste from the past.

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with love and light. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Enjoy your brother! And good luck at the lawyer:).Here we use notaries.We are under Napoleonic Code.

    1. Thanks very much Monique! We are all having a wonderful time together! xoxo

  2. Enjoy your brother's visit, goo to have him with you at the solicitor. I have 2 Christmas books to review from Nuts About Books, they send you books for a review, I've had some interesting books. We went to walk on one of our favourite beaches this morning, haven't been for ages. We still have the effects of this past cold as well. It just doesn't want to leave. Hope you had a good day.

    1. Thanks Linda! That's great that you get books for review! I bet you have had some real crackers! I really hope that you start to feel better more sooner than later! xoxo

  3. Enjoy your brother's visit and time with your family. We'll be here when you have more time. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


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