
Tuesday 19 September 2023

A Day Book . . .



It is garbage day and it is raining.  This happens more often than not, that we will get some precipitation on garbage day.  I always have way more garbage than my neighbors.  I guess that is because I cook? I also do a lot of my shopping on Amazon. I get my cat food, kitty litter, soap, dishwasher tabs, etc. from them.  Its the only way I can be sure of getting the right brands.  I learned early on that unless I get the exact kitty litter that I buy, Cinnamon won't use the box. A lot of times it would not be available locally, but I can always get it from Amazon. Funny that.

Of course, everything comes in a box.



Seeing this photo of the dropped pears, I was prompted to think about the autumn I picked "drops" for my boyfriend's family. They were farmers. They had all kinds of cows, chickens, orchards, etc. I am not sure who they employed to pick the fruit, but this one Saturday they hired me to pick drops. Worse job ever.  The WORST.  Stooping down, fighting wasps for the fruit. Most in some form of decay.  Apparently they get used to make fruit juice, or at least they did then. It took me all day to pick a bin.  You get paid by the bin.  I don't know how people can support themselves picking fruit.  

Anyways, I am not lazy, but I never did it again.  My least favorite job ever.



About this farm market that is known for having a huge variety of squashes and pumpkins. We drove by it the other day and there were none.  Usually the outside of the market is filled with bins and bins of pumpkins in a multitude of sizes and colors.  Likewise the winter squash.  Nothing.  There is nothing. I am wondering if this was a bad year for squash and pumpkin?  We did have a lot of rain.


Seeing my brother next week, but I am also looking forward to my daughter staying overnight on Friday night. Eileen's husband Tim is going to be away and so she is coming here Friday night just for the night.  I told her we could order pizza from my cousin's pizza place and have a movie night.   She's pretty excited about that! So am I!



A sister who drives over during a hurricane to bring me a piece of pie.  Who invites me to Sunday Dinner ever week.  Who comes over after she has worked all day just to clip my cats nails.  Who  is always there to chat with when I am lonely, or to help me when I have a problem.  To commiserate with me when I am feeling down, who is just there.  I love my sister so much, and not just because of all the things she does for me.  I love her because she is as much a part of me as my leg or my arm. She has been an important fixture in my life for over 65 years now. My sister, my friend.  I hope that I am as helpful to her as she is to me.  Somehow I doubt it.


Thinking back to when I thought doing dishes was fun. Then they became  a chore. Volunteering for things is fun, having to do things is not.  Funny how that goes.  Love these ducky sponges and the help they are giving.  I love vintage advertising art.



Lace petticoats. I bought one recently for under my dresses from Gudrun Sjoden.  Its a color that will go with each of them. It is meant to show. Eye-lit lace in a khaki green. Now all I have to do is to get past the idea of it being okay to let my slip show.


My hummingbird feeder. I had not seen any for about a week so it was time. I have hung up a small regular feeder in it's place and put seed in it. So far I have not seen any birds at it. I probably won't.   I Mostly get Blue Jays if I do get any birds, or crows  . . . the cats enjoy watching them no matter what kind of bird they are.


When Cindy was here, she was about to leave and was out by her car. I was on the porch saying goodbye and we both heard the scritchy scratchy sound of something under the planters. It was Chippie enjoying some nuts. 


Hannah Ricketts on You Tube.  She visits places like Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Fortnum and Mason, has tea with her sister at salubrious tea rooms, etc.  I find it quite fascinating. She's not wealthy as far as I know, but she is probably not poor either.  I am sure she makes up any money spent by the number of people viewing her vlogs.   I find them quite entertaining anyways!


Lemon cake. I love any kind of lemon cake. I love lemon anything.  This one looks really nice.


My sister had bought this bread at the local Foodland. They were on offer, buy one loaf get one free. She also got a loaf of French Toast flavored. She gave me a few slices of each to try. They are really good!

I can remember picking up Thomas Toaster Muffins when we used to go to the States to shop 30 years ago. They were really good.


The Locked Room, by Elly Griffiths

Pandemic lockdowns have Ruth Galloway feeling isolated from everyone but a new neighbor—until Nelson comes calling, investigating a decades-long string of murder-suicides that’s looming ever closer, in USA Today Elly Griffiths’ penultimate novel in the beloved series. (This is #15)

 Three years after her mother’s death, Ruth is finally sorting through her things when she finds a curious relic: a decades-old photograph of her own Norfolk cottage—before she lived there—with a peculiar inscription on the back. Ruth returns to the cot­tage to uncover its meaning as Norfolk’s first cases of Covid-19 make headlines, leaving her and Kate to shelter in place there. They struggle to stave off isolation by clapping for frontline workers each evening and befriending a kind neighbor, Zoe, from a distance. 

 Meanwhile, Nelson is investigating a series of deaths of women that may or may not be suicide. When he links a case to an archaeological dis­covery, he breaks curfew to visit Ruth and enlist her help. But the further Nelson investigates the deaths, the closer he gets to Ruth’s isolated cot­tage—until Ruth, Zoe, and Kate all go missing, and Nelson is left scrambling to find them before it’s too late.

This is really good. How did I not know this was a part of a series?  Now I will have to go back and read the rest. Sigh  . . .  anyways, I am really enjoying this one.


A Beautiful Life on Netflix. 

Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful and well-known music manager Suzanne. Suzanne soon pairs Elliott with her divorced daughter and music producer, Lilly. On his way to stardom, the struggles of his past threaten not only his big break, but also his budding love for Lilly.

I love anything musical.



Reading my scriptures and enlightenment, time spent with family, phone calls with dad, facetimes with sons, cuddles with the cats, having enough . . .  my day is embroidered with goodness. Life is filled with a multitude of small and meaningful things, that are not so small at all when you think about it.



° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.Things that haven't been done before,
those are the things to try;
Columbus dreamed of an unknown shore
at the rim of the far-flung sky.•。★★ 。* 。
~Edgar Guest•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。


There's another Vintage Menu Madness today with a Dutch Lunch. Lots to look at, lots to eat. All delicious. These menus are a lot of work, but I am enjoying them!

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with love and light. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Pizza night with Eileen sound wonderful, and then a visit from your brother. We had lots of rain yesterday morning, just cloudy today. We both have the worst cold and cough we have ever had, hopefully we'll start to feel better soon. I use Amazon a lot too, but lately they are using bags instead of boxes. In fact one thing we ordered, just came in the plastic bag it was packaged in, no outer wrap. They also used to notify me via email when the package was coming or delivered, now the only way is to go to their site and check it there. They put the delivery photo on their site now instead of email. Have a good day.

    1. Oh Linda, I am so sorry you are feeling poorly. I wonder if it is the same cold I had. I hope you feel better soon. Take care that you don't end up with infections that need antibiotics! (((hugs))) Amazon used to email me the delivery photos as well, but like you said they don't seem to nowadays! xoxo

  2. I still want a sister:) Your blanket is beautiful..I read that book too.Thank goodness you put the synopsis lol.I forget the books I read unless they leave and indelible mark;)

    1. I'd lend you mine if you lived closer. I am sure you would have a lot in common with both of your artistic talents. I love the colors in this blanket. I might do another one for another grandson! xo

  3. Hi Marie~ What a fun post, and the photos are soooo pretty. I love vintage recipes. I need to get out my old recipe books and do some looking...and cooking. Sisters are such a blessing in our lives, and I'm so glad you are living close to yours! Have a great day!! Hugs and Love, Barb

    1. Thanks so much Barb! I am making up for lost time now, living near my sister. Its so wonderful! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Have a beautiful day, too, Marie. Enjoyed reading your blog today. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! Cindy and I went on a wee road trip this morning! It was fun to get out and about together! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Hi Marie. The Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths is one of my all time favourites. It is important to read them in order though ... all 15 of them ... because of the character development. I was able to get most of them at my local library. Enjoy! Jane C (in Chicago).


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