
Tuesday 12 September 2023

A Day Book . . .




Not my window per se, but a window on the world. At the end of the day yesterday and after a rainfall, a double rainbow appeared over New York City on what was the 22nd anniversary of that terrible atrocity in 2001.  What a beautiful sign and what perfect timing. What a message of hope.

Also my friend Ginny sent me this video to watch yesterday on YouTube. It is called Boat Lift, an untold tale of New York resilience.  I found it very touching and had tears in my eyes watching it. Narrated by Tom Hanks. 

A flotilla of boats was able to rescue 500,000 people in less than 9 hours. It is an amazing and inspiring story.



About these in-between days. The days of transition between summer and autumn.  We have had some very hot days these past few days, and very humid as well. We had lots of rain off and on yesterday.  When I went out to check my post during an interlude yesterday, my next door Sheila was sitting on her pork with her little dog. She told me about how badly it had been raining when she and Glenna had been on their way home from Kingston and how frightening it was. Thankfully I did not need to go anywhere yesterday.  

But those are the days of in between. Its like the weather doesn't really know where to go or what to do.  Hot one day, cool the next.  Humidity and rain, and then blessedly cooler with a nice breeze and sunshine.  It will all settle down soon.



The farmers are getting in the last of their hay. Fields are full of large round bales. I have seen trucks transporting the large round bales as well. I hope it has been a good summer for them, and that they have been able to get all that they need.  We have had a lot of rain this summer. I know it has affected the wild blueberries and a few other things. It has not been a great year for gardens.

I hope we are not hit badly during Hurricane Season.



Autumn. It is my all time favorite season of the year.  You get some very nice days that are brilliantly sunny but just right temperature wise, being not too hot nor too cold.  The changing colors of the leaves. What a treat to see.  The smells (apples and pumpkins), the sounds (leaves skittering across the pavement, the plaintive cry of geese flying south)  . . .  pumpkin everything.  Thanksgiving  . . . there is so much to love.



A new artist on Instagram called Maelys Chay,  a French illustrator of every day things.  I love her work and she even animates some of her pieces.  I am awe of anyone who has the know how to do such things.  I just love her illustrations and her style. I love discovering new talent.



I am so not a high heel wearing kind of a princess. I am simple and down to earth. There is no pretense here.  What you see is what you get.  I cannot be anything other than what I am.



Roses. I really love roses. I miss all of the roses we had in our garden in the UK. We had yellows and pinks, reds and peach colored. White.  We had beautiful wild roses as well.  A trellis in the back that had yellow climbing roses.  We had sweetheart roses.  I loved all of the beauty and color.



I have Jennie coming to do my toenails today.  She should have come last week, but I was still coughing and not feeling up to it. Jennie is the same girl who always did my mother's toenails. As a diabetic it is important to have someone who knows what they are doing take care of your feet. Jennie does a good job.

When I was working full time I used to visit a chiropodist every 6 weeks. My feet always felt like a million bucks afterwards.  If you work standing on your feet all day, its important to take care of them also.

Having said that, I don't think all those years of working and standing still did my back, my knees or my feet any good!  But then I don't think a sit down job does your body any good either!

It is best to keep moving!


My Milk House Butter Jar Candle. The scent is Apple Strudel. I love the shape of the jar, the smell, everything about it. Its just a nice, nice candle.

Yes, I do have a thing about candles and autumn scents.


My sweet loveable gentle Mitzie. I finally was able to look at the portfolio of photographs and videos that were sent to me by Steph and Dillon. I had been unable to bring myself to look at any of them until this morning and even now the tears come to my eyes.  How grateful I am that she was so very much beloved and well cared for, but then again, it was not hard to love her.  She had a sweet, sweet personality and even people who did not like dogs (Tina) loved her. This is one of her favorite blankets that a neighbor had crocheted for her. See  . . .  everyone loved her. My sweet, sweet girl  . . . 


Raspberry Apricot Rugelach Bars.  From  The View from Great Island. These look phenomenal!  I love anything with pastry anyways and I love Rugelach.  We used to get some really yummy Rugelach from a fabulous Jewish Baker on Avenue Road in Toronto. This was years ago now.


Don't Forget to Write, by Sara Goodman Confino

Marilyn Kleinman is let’s say unique…especially for a young Jewish woman in the 1960s. What she wants and what her father is expecting her to be and do are two very different things. Especially after her and the Rabbi’s son come crashing through the glass kissing at the synagogue in front of the entire congregation. The solution after she refuses to marry the boy…send her off to Great Aunt Ada’s for the summer. Maybe that strict Aunt can set her properly in the path she needs to take is what she is told by her parents. Stay with her over the summer (her mother had done it when she was her age) and maybe her father might allow her to go back to college in the fall. 

 Except the only true thing about what she has been told about Great Aunt Ada, is that she is a matchmaker. Marilyn now learns where she gets the sharp comeback, quick witted, personality from. Ada makes Marilyn work for her business of matchmaking over the summer, first in Philadelphia where she lives and then in New Jersey where she goes for the summer. She is using it as a way to build up the number of male clients she has because right now she has more females than males. But she also is using it as a way for Marilyn to find out who she really is, what she wants, what love is and more… Especially when going through all the photos that are in boxes in Ada’s house, she learns about the family’s past and who the women in her life truly were. Now she just has to come to a decision of who she really wants to be.

I am probably reading three books at the moment. One fiction(this one) and two theological.


Above Suspicion on BritBox.  I love a good investigative police mystery type of show and this one is very good.


Every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day. A sweet thread of all that is good weaves its way through all of my days. Sweet cat snuggles in my chair. Impromptu visits from my sister.  Dinners with family. Good neighbors and friends. Decent night's sleep in a comfortable bed.  Hot running water. Tender mercies which abound.  Cheeky chipmunks. The last of the hummers. Changing leaves.  Sunshine on a cloudy day. Life is good.

I make it a point to notice all the threads of goodness . . . 



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 *.˛.If seeds in the black earth can
turn into such beautiful roses,
what might the heart of man become
in its long journey toward the stars.
~G. K. Chesterson •。★★ 。* 。

In The Kitchen today  . . .  a very Autumnal Vintage Menu Madness. Citrus glazed ham steak, with buttered cauliflower, candied sweet potatoes, an apple, grape and celery salad, buttermilk biscuits and a pumpkin pie for dessert.  All simple. All delicious. Very vintage.

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with love and light. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Lovely, thoughtful post, Marie. What a sweet picture of your Mitzi. You could tell that she was well loved. It's raining here today. Rather fallish. My favourite season is fall, too. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks Elaine! She was well loved and I am grateful for that. Stay dry and warm! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Those transition days are here, spotty rain today after heat wave last week. The farmer across the road used rectangular bales of hay, stacks them and sells them during the year. The big trucks are coming and going almost daily. Ahh Mitzi, glad you felt up to looking at some photos and videos. Hoping the hurricane does not do a lot of damage on the East Coast, a friend is returning from Alberta to New Brunswick and she said just in time for the hurricane! Happy Tuesday, going for some groceries today.

    1. I hope we don't get a lot of damage from the hurricane as well. I don't think people have quite recovered yet from the last one, not to mention the fires and floods! Safe travels! xoxo

  3. Aw, Mitzi.💜 I would love to live in that charming cottage. Have a good day and thank you for the inspiration and visit. xo, V.

  4. Wouldn't it have been wonderful if you could have called and "talked" with Mitzie before her passing. Just to see if she recognized your voice! I still tear up for all our pets we've lost over the years, some in our background cemetery. But, my Dutchess chihuahua who waited to die only after I got home from my very first job back in 1968...still tear up. They never leave our hearts and will be there waiting for us. Love you Marie. (Mary in Georgia)

    1. That would have been nice. I have often wondered how excited she would be to see me again. I will never get over her loss I don't think. Love you too Mary! xoxo

  5. Condolences on dear Mitzi - what a sweet girl and well loved, a blessed doggie. And thank you for Boat Life which did make me cry. Have a happy day, Marie.

  6. Isn't that wonderful that Mitzi was so loved!! Imagine someone crocheting a blanket for you!! So nice those folks sent you photos!! Elizabeth xoxo

    1. They are good, good people Elizabeth. They are just as devastated at her loss. She was loved beyond measure for sure. xoxo


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