
Tuesday 1 August 2023

Sometimes I go on adventures . . .


Suddenly, the fairy stood before her.
"Take heart," she said,
"all will go now well."
~French Folktales

I had a pretty exciting day yesterday, and not in a way that I really expected to or wanted to, but all was well in the end. Sometimes I take the most unexpected adventures.

I hadn't slept very well on Sunday evening.  Sometimes I get bad indigestion and it wakes me up. That's what it was like all Sunday  night.  It went off yesterday morning or so I thought. I had a bit, but nothing too bad. I got Eileen off to work and went to the grocery store and then came home and made two recipes for the blog, took the photos, etc.  But then it started again and it wasn't going off.

And then it was accompanied with me feeling cold and clammy, and increasing in frequency. A sharp pain in the upper left part of my chest.  I began to think that I was having a heart attack. By now it was noon.  I called my sister at work and told her I wasn't feeling well and wasn't sure what to do. My main concern was who would pick up Eileen after work.

I started thinking, what if I die here and nobody goes to pick her up, what will happen to her?  

My sister said she was almost done work and would be over shortly.  So I went in the bedroom to lay down, but they were not going off. These pains were getting worse. I decided to call 911.  They told me to chew four baby aspirin (which I just happened to have) and put my cats in a secure spot and make sure my front door was unlocked. 

My sister got her just before the ambulance, so not long really, and before I knew it, four young female paramedics were in my bedroom checking me over.  By then the pains were coming almost one on top of the other, which, as you can imagine, was making me really anxious.  I haven't even had my will done yet.  That made me even more anxious.  

We decided that I should go to the emergency.  The hospital in town was closed, so that meant me going to Kentville. (Our hospital emergency room is only open Weds - Fri from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. God help you if you get sick at any other time.)

Once I got in the ambulance and on the way, they started to ease a bit.  I had very few after I arrived at the hospital. They did blood tests, an ECG, and a chest x-ray.  Then after a bit a Doctor came to talk to me.  There was nothing wrong with my heart. No explanation really.  I was okay to go home.  

My sister had picked up Eileen and they were in the waiting room, so they went to tell her I could go and we came home.  I have no explanation for it other than it must have been an anxiety attack of some sort.  Probably due to the anxiety over my credit card and the constant anxiety  I feel about my employment.  (Most of the time that is not at the forefront of my mind, but it is always there.) I need to figure out a way to control that better.

Anyways, to make a long story short. We came home.  Cindy went back to her place to get supper for Dad. (Bless her, she is so good to all of us.) And Eileen and I put together some supper.  We had a very quiet evening.  I had a cbd gummy about 6 p.m. which really relaxed me and I slept like a log last night.  I feel so much better this morning.


I suppose in one way or another I have been under a lot of stress these past few years and it was bound to come out eventually. Hopefully it will be okay now.  I used to get stuff like this periodically when I was in the UK and it always ended up being nothing. Just anxiety.  I don't have a family Doctor, but I am going to see a Doctor at the clinic next week. I will talk to her about what happened and all the stress I have been under, maybe there is something they can do for me.  I don't want to take pills for it though. I take enough meds for everything else already. 

Anyways, that was my adventure for the year.  A great way to end the month of July. Hah!  I am so grateful for a sister who was there for me. I hope she knows how much I love and appreciate here. She goes above and beyond. I wish that I could do more for her. I know she doesn't expect anything, but I really wish that I could.  She is a treasure and she deserves a lot more out of life than what she has gotten.  I do not want to be a burden to her.  She has enough with taking care of my father.  I will think of something.

Oh, and I am so grateful for the ambulance service who arrived in such a timely manner and took such good care of me.  God bless them.

Today is going to be a very quiet day.  We had planned (Eileen, Cindy and myself) on going up to the shore.  Cindy was going to sketch and we were just going to enjoy being by the seaside. I think we will still do that. Eileen has to work until 11:30 so we will pick her up then and go.  I think I need to do more than just work all the time. A bit of play should become a part of my routine I think!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . .

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° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*The most beautiful thing
you can wear, is confidence.
~Blake Lively•。★★ 。* 。

There is no new recipe in The English Kitchen today as I didn't have time to write a post, but I am sharing one I did a year or so ago for Cinnamon Rolls, Yeast, small batch.  Simply delicious.

I hope you have a lovely day!  Whatever you get up to, stay safe and stay happy!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. What a glad all is well..You must have been beside yourself.Take care Marie..glad you are seeing a doc next week..Hope he's as knowledgeable as Doc Martin:) With a much nicer bedside attitude.;)Trying to make you smile.

  2. Adventures can be fun, but not the sort you had. So glad that everything is okay. I don't have a family doctor either, and keep a big file of all my test results, symptoms dated and documented, medical appointments etc It makes it easier if and when I do have to go to a walk in clinic. I also keep a food diary with symptoms (if any) as food reacts with me. I imagine the stress build up has been great in you and this was a way to release it. So glad you got a good night's sleep, as that certainly helps you. Wonderful to have family to reach out to.
    Take care.

  3. A few months ago I had a couple of incidents. To say that within four days I had the most incredible migraines ever would be an understatement. The second one, my husband insisted going to the ER. I was relieved at the immediate and abundant care I received. I was so worried and scared I was having a stroke, just as you were, with good reason, to suspect a heart attack. It truly puts one in touch with our own mortality. Kudos to medical staff.

  4. Tried to post, but it ran sorry to hear this Marie...obviously you need to find a way to avoid these attacks!! Will email later with some things that has helped Hubby with indigestion issues.

  5. So sorry about this,Marie but glad you are better now. I have a lot of anxiety issues which affect your whole body - one day is ok, the next not as ok. Worrying about everything can wear you down. Sending you very best wishes, and glad you're going to see the doctor.

  6. So sorry to hear about this, Marie and hope it goes far,far away! A good idea to visit your doctor and just get checked out again. Sending you all good wishes,

  7. Oh. Dear. Glad you are feeling a bit better…hope you can enjoy today and rest a bit…seems we are all anxious these days after Covid. Sorry to have such a scare…may be a reminder to slow down a little…?….take care, blessings to you. V

  8. So glad your "adventure" ended well, Marie. It must have been very scary for you. Enjoy the seaside. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


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