
Wednesday 23 August 2023

Quick Update . . .



This is THE worst cold I have had since before Covid. I actually think its turned into a Chest Infection now and one of my ears is blocked, but without a family Doctor there is not a lot I can do about it. I feel I would probably benefit from taking some antibiotics.  I've done three tests and it is not Covid.  I feel very poorly. I am sorry for not responding to your comments.  I have read them. I just haven't the energy to respond.  God willing this will soon pass.  I feel like I am rallying, and then WHAM it hits me again and with more force than before. I am feeling quite sorry for myself. LOL not really, but I sure could have done without this.  Thank you for any prayers and or positive thoughts. 

Don't forget!

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And I do too!    




  1. Yuck to how you are feeling, sure hope you feel better soon. Do not worry about sending replies, concentrate on you.

  2. As a diabetic Marie, tis best to be seen and get some antibiotics if the infection has traveled elsewhere. (I hate taking antibiotics and rarely have in past years, but had to recently due to my tooth infection traveling to my ears and sinuses). Have someone take you to a hospital emergency room.
    Elizabeth xoxo

  3. Sorry you're feeling 🙏.
    Your health care system sounds very frustrating.
    I do have a primary care doctor, but here if you don't have one you can just walk into a neighborhood urgent care system and get treated or have an antibiotic prescribed.
    Praying for strength and healing, and that you feel better soon.

  4. Hello…hope you’re feeling better…it may take a good few more days to get back to ‘normal’…whatever that is…I had something similar and have heard of a few friends having it also…not fun…
    but time and rest will help…so sorry for you…take care. xo, V.

  5. Aw Marie I'm so sorry to hear your so unwell. I really hope you feel better very soon xx

  6. Oh I do hope you will turn the corner soon - and will be 100 percent in no time! Rest easy and take it slowly!


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