
Thursday 3 August 2023

My Favorite Things . . .


Sharing today a few things that I really love to do, eat, experience, enjoy  . . .  maybe you will enjoy them too.

Me pushing my sister around in my
doll carriage, circa 1961

She's not a thing, but she is my favorite person on the whole earth.  My sister Cindy. She, who stops by just to clip my cat's claws. Who is ready to drop whatever and come running the minute you need her. She with the twinkling eyes and beautiful smile and warm, warm heart.  She, who I can tell all my secrets to and know she will never judge me. She, who I know will always give me the best advice possible. She, who means the world to me, and not just because of the things she does for me and for others, but because of the good person that she is. I love her. She may not be able to walk on water, but she is the most "Christ-like" person I know.


Books.  They have always been my friends.  So grateful for a father who taught me how to love reading.

These two who never fail to bring a smile to my face and heart.  Love them both so much.


Van Gogh . . . love this painting  . . . 


Comfy spots  . . . 


Blue and white . . .  white and blue  . . . 


Working with my hands  . . . 


Hot chocolate  . . . 


Early morning light  . . . 


Dusk  . . . 


A front porch  . . . 


Fresh farm eggs  . . .  who knew there were so many kinds  . . . 


Fresh air  . . . 


Yes, please  . . . 


A bright garden path  . . .  so sweet  . . . 


Honey  . . . 

Great writers  . . . 


Simplicity  . . . 


Fresh fruit  . . .  I especially love watermelon  . . . 


Sunny corners  . . . 


Sour Dough  . . . 


Sunflower season  . . . 


Cows coming home  . . . 


Jam  . . .  any kind  . . . 


Butter  . . .  what doesn't taste better with butter?  

And those are my favorite things for this week  . . . hope some of them are yours too!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.My characters shall have,
after a little trouble,
all that they desire.
~Jane Austin•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today . . . Roasted Corn Ribs  . . . Quite simply delicious!

I hope that you have a lovely day!  Don't worry, be happy!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I made corn ribs in one of the zoom cooking classes last year, delicious. I was hunting down the recipe now corn is in season, and low and behold you shared yours today. Lot of happy things, enjoy your last few days with Eileen.

    1. Talk about perfect timing! They were really good! xoxo

  2. Your favs, my favs…thanks for the lovely post. Happy day, V

  3. Ah everyone ought to have a sister like Cindy!! And that lovely cabin inviting!!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I am incredibly blessed! xoxo


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