
Thursday 17 August 2023

An update . . .


Jean Pierre Alaux - The Harvest

I had sort of an eventful evening last night. I went out to supper with Dad and Hazel and Dad didn't seem quite himself at dinner. I could tell something was not quite right, but he said he was just tired and not that hungry. We ate dinner and then went our separate ways.

I was feeling sad because I don't like my father to be unhappy and he seemed unhappy. He had people that he used to sit with at the mall every morning for breakfast, but these days he has been sitting by himself as, for some unknown reason, the ladies he used to sit with no longer want to sit with him. He can't really participate in conversations for the most part as his hearing is not good, even with his hearing aids, but at least he had company.  Now he is sitting by himself, unless we join him on occasion. That makes me sad.  I think if people have a bone to pick with you, they should let you know, not just ignoring you and stopping talking to you. If there has been a misunderstanding at least let the person know what they have done wrong.


So anyways, I fed the cats their dinner, had my shower, did my scripture study and then I was sitting there mulling it all over in my mind when my phone rang and it was my dad. He said he wasn't feeling well and he didn't sound well at all. He said he was shivering and had a cough and a runny noise. He had taken himself to bed. So I told him Cindy and I would be over as soon as.  I called Cindy and then I got dressed (as I was in my nightclothes) and picked Cindy up and  we went over.

We brought a Covid test with us just to be sure.  He wasn't very well at all. He tested negative on the Covid test, but was coughing and just not himself.  He had a bit of a temperature, but not overly high. Cindy went to pick up some cough medicine and cough drops for him. I sat and said some prayers with him while she went. Then we got him dosed up and comfortable. We made sure his walker was close by and that he had something to drink. We didn't really like to leave him, but there is  really no place for one of us to sleep if we needed to stay.  We made sure he had his phone close by, etc.

He called me this morning and he really isn't feeling much better. Cindy was stopping by after she drops Dan off at work and she will make him some toast, help him get dressed, etc. He wants to sit in his easy boy and just watch TV.  I told him I would bring him some soup over later on.  He wants Chicken Noodle.   

I had promised Eileen and Tim I would take them out for lunch today so I must do that and then I will go over to his place right after that.  I am waiting to hear from Cindy after she goes to see him this morning, and we will assess the situation then. I really hope that he doesn't have pneumonia. He has had his pneumonia shot and his flu shot. In the meantime, if you could spare some happy thoughts for him and prayers, please do.  Thank you.

I hope you all have a great day and whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



PS - I wanted to show you a photograph of all my Birthday Cards.


I am so blessed.  Most of them arrived yesterday.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


  1. Hoping there is some improvement in your Dad today. Lots of positive vibes, thoughts and hugs heading your way. Take care.

  2. Prayers for your Dad, Marie. Hope he feels better soon. I'm glad he has you and Cindy so close by. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

  3. So sorry to hear about your is so hard getting old!! Sounds like he needs to be living with your sister sooner rather than later!! So glad you 2 are nearby to help!! Will pray for him and you too.
    Elizabeth xoxo

  4. Becky in California17 August 2023 at 20:07

    So sorry your dad isn't feeling well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. And a belated Happy Birthday, Marie! I had trouble leaving a comment on the actual day.

  5. Marie I am praying for recovery for your dad. That is also sad to hear that the ladies don't want to sit with him so he sits on his own. I hope God sends him a new friend or two.

  6. Just said a prayer for your dad.
    Hope he feels better soon.

  7. So sorry your dad's not feeling well.
    As far as your dad's companions go,could you or your sister
    Speak with them.
    Ask if there's anything he can do set things right?
    I'm glad he has you and your sister.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!