
Tuesday 8 August 2023

A Day Book . . .



Its  mostly cloudy. There is a severe weather alert in place for potentially heavy rain, beginning tonight and on into tomorrow.  Its garbage day today, so the streets are lined with everyone's bin bags and compost bins. I noticed on my way over to my sister's for supper yesterday that some of the leaves are beginning to turn.  It seems to early, but then again I say that every year.  It seems to creep up on us.  We have been having cooler nights however, which I enjoy.



Thinking about my brother who is undergoing a medical procedure tomorrow.  Please say a few prayers on his behalf. He's been waiting since March for this and its not pleasant.  I am grateful that its finally happening, but also worried about the results.   I am worried that the wait has been far too long. This is something which should have been seen to right away.


That God is a good God and whatever will be will be, but the prayers of faithful people can and do work miracles. 



I have an appointment at the clinic this morning so don't have a lot of time to do much before I go, but I am looking forward to maybe having some toast and jam when I get back. For me that is a real treat.  I don't allow myself to have jam very often. I think strawberry jam, on hot buttered toast. That is my favorite.  Bonne Maman.  If jam is only a very rare treat, you treat yourself to the best.



Fresh corn season. Had some at my sister's last night, fresh off the cob. My favorite way to cook it is in the microwave.  Works very well for me as I am only one, but would be time intensive for anyone having to cook more than one cob. It is so delicious husked and spread with butter, a sprinkle of salt . . .  I could make a meal of it.



Earthy new potatoes and fresh green beans. I love new season potatoes, simply boiled, cracked open and drizzled with butter, salt and pepper. Same with the beans.  When something is this fresh there is no need to treat it with a lot of fuss and muss.


Yep, Nutmeg.  He is never very far from my side. He can usually be found next to me, purring  . . .  singing me a song of love. My writing companion. We had treat time earlier.  They both love that. I get a few treats and throw them one at a time and they chase them. Well Nutmeg does.  Cinnamon prefers me to just hand her hers. Whatever works!  She is sleeping under my bed at the moment.  Waiting for me to make my bed.  She likes to help.  Eileen thought that was so funny.



Fresh garden tomatoes.  I do so love a fresh tomato sandwich in the summer. Soft white bread.  Mayonnaise. Salt and pepper. When the children were growing up I used to can a chili sauce every year at this time, with tomatoes, peaches, peppers, onions. It was a bit sweet, a bit spicy and it was delicious. I made jars and jars of it.  In the winter I would use a jar of it to make my swiss steak. That was very good, as you can imagine. I should figure out a small batch recipe.


My blanket. I took a bit of a hiatus with all the company I have had over these past few weeks, but its time to pick up my hook again.  I love crochet.  Its something I can just do without having to pay much attention to it.  Every Wednesday some of the ladies from my church get together in the afternoon to have a bit of a knit and a natter at the chapel.  I hope I can go this week.  Usually something happens and I am not able to make it.


Don't Forget to Write, by Sara Goodman Confino

Marilyn Kleinman is let’s say unique…especially for a young Jewish woman in the 1960s. What she wants and what her father is expecting her to be and do are two very different things. Especially after her and the Rabbi’s son come crashing through the glass kissing at the synagogue in front of the entire congregation. The solution after she refuses to marry the boy…send her off to Great Aunt Ada’s for the summer. Maybe that strict Aunt can set her properly in the path she needs to take is what she is told by her parents. Stay with her over the summer (her mother had done it when she was her age) and maybe her father might allow her to go back to college in the fall. 

 Except the only true thing about what she has been told about Great Aunt Ada, is that she is a matchmaker. Marilyn now learns where she gets the sharp comeback, quick witted, personality from. Ada makes Marilyn work for her business of matchmaking over the summer, first in Philadelphia where she lives and then in New Jersey where she goes for the summer. She is using it as a way to build up the number of male clients she has because right now she has more females than males. But she also is using it as a way for Marilyn to find out who she really is, what she wants, what love is and more… Especially when going through all the photos that are in boxes in Ada’s house, she learns about the family’s past and who the women in her life truly were. Now she just has to come to a decision of who she really wants to be.

I was able to choose this book on my kindle for free as a part of my Prime Membership. (I get one free book a  month.)  I have only just started it, but so far so good!


Sweet and Sour Green Beans.  From Spicy Southern Kitchen.  They look and sound delicious. Tis the season!


Poisoned, The Truth About Your Food . . .  Netflix

Filmmaker Stephanie Soechtig ( The Devil We Know) examines the food industry in the United States and investigates how its systemic fractures lead to outbreaks of foodborne pathogens –– and deadly consequences. Its a bit scary. I am only halfway through it. It kind of makes you afraid to buy anything to eat that you haven't grown, produced or cooked for yourself.



Every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day. I make it a habit every day to, at the end of the day, make a mental note of all the blessings I have received throughout the day. Yesterday was a good day. I was relatively pain free for  most of the day.  I had lots of loving from my cats. I got to spend time with my sister, Dan and my father. The sun shone, but it wasn't overly hot or humid.  I exchanged greetings with my next door neighbor and Glenna across the way.  I got everything done that I needed to get done and then some.



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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.Let yourself be silently drawn
by the strange pull 
of what you really love;
it will not lead you astray.
~Rumi•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Spaghetti Frittata.  Simple. Delicious. A great repurposing of leftovers.

I hope that you have a beautiful day and a wonderful week.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Saying a prayer for David. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

  2. Hoping things go well for your brother, waiting is so hard. Also hope your clinic visit goes well. Loving the new crop of veggies that is out. We are still getting the tail end of the storm, and yes the air is cooling down overnight now. Won't be long till the 'ber' months are here. Have a good day.

  3. Ah fresh from the garden...tis the very best!! I was taught in school to slow boil canned goods, such as green beans, as that would ensure it was safe, just in case. I try to follow that. But it is hard, very hard, these days to find food worth talking about!! Appreciate your great ideas you share!! Hope David comes out ok in that test. Very worrisome. Our medical systems are quite broken. May GOD help us all!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!