
Thursday 6 July 2023

Today . . .

For there is no friend like a sister
 In calm or stormy weather; 
 To cheer one on the tedious way, 
 To fetch one if one goes astray, 
 To lift one if one totters down, 
 To strengthen whilst one stands
~Christina Rossetti

Today is the birthday of my best friend. She is my longest friend, my most beloved friend and someone I deeply admire and love with all of my heart.  I was watching a talk on YouTube last night by Jeffrey R Holland about Angels and he said that some angels come to us as people. I thought immediately of my sister.  She is one of the most kind hearted and caring individuals I know.  She has always been so.

I want to wish her the happiest of all Birthdays!  I am so grateful to be able to spend the day with her today!  She means the world to me. Happy Birthday Cindy!

I am keeping this short this morning as I am off out and about on our adventure very early!  I'll be back tomorrow with a full post in the meantime  . . . 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon Cheesecake Mousse for two. Delicious. Simple. Quick and easy.

Have a wonderful day whatever you get up to. Be happy, blessed and safe, and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Happy Birthday to Cindy. Have a fantastic day on your outing.

    1. Thanks Linda! We did have a really good time out, although we were unable to have lunch as Jonny's was closed! We plan to do lunch next week instead! xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday, Cindy 🎂🎉. Enjoy your day out together. You're lucky to have each other. Hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks very much Elaine. We had a lovely day together. We are very lucky to have each other. I wish you had a Cindy in your life. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Happy happiest birthday to Cindy! I have a ‘Cindy’ also…lucky us!
    Enjoy and enjoy and enjoy!!! xo,V.


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