
Thursday 13 July 2023

My Favorite Things . . .



Sharing today a few things that I really love to do, eat, experience, enjoy  . . .  maybe you will enjoy them too.

The smell of freshly cut grass and the way it feels on the bottoms of your bare feet. So cool and just nice.  You just want to wriggle your toes in it.


Tongue Twisters. She sells sea shells by the sea shore . . . such fun to try to say.


Lemon, Lemon anything  . . . 


Screen doors, especially old ones. The creak when you open them, that snap when they shut  . . . 


Old Stone Crofts  . . .  this photo reminds me of one of my favorite old musicals.  Brigadoon.  Love that film.


Shawls. I got the yarn quite some time ago to make one, but have never gotten around to it  . . .  must do.


Butterflies.  My nickname in high school was The Butterfly Girl.

Old recipe boxes. They hold such promise  . . . 


Globes  . . . the world in real time  . . . 


Whales  . . .  would love to go whale watching, but I get sea sick.


Swans  . . .  they are beautiful birds, despite their predilection to be aggressive. Love watching them . . . 


Hearts . . . .  this one is particularly beautiful  . . . 


Deer, they are such gentle creatures. I know they can decimate a garden, but  . . .  I used to like to go watch the deer at Knole Park.


Put it all in the Lord's hands  . . . 


Lace curtains  . . . 


Fireflies  . . . synonymous with childhood  . . . 


Playing The Cat's Cradle. I could never get very far . . . 


Front porch rockers  . . . 


Round windows  . . . . 


Cherry Pie  . . . 


Rooms filled with light and mismatched furniture . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week  . . .  I hope some of them were yours also!

Had a brilliant time yesterday with Cindy and Sheri.  Cindy and I went to this new Garden center/Farm market first.  It was really lovely. Their plants were all so fresh and really well taken care of. I got some cat grass and a planter to put it in. Cinnamon seems to really like it.  She likes to nibble on plastic bags and tomato stems also so I thought she might. Nutmeg gave it a good sniff but has  mostly ignored it.

Then we met Sheri and Sawyer at the eatery.  I think we were there for about 2 hours! We all had fish and chips and Sawyer had Poutine and ice cream. We had a good old gab.  It was fun.  After that Cindy and I went to the Super Store. I needed to get a few things to  make a stew on Friday for Doug and the family. That's what they want!  Then I came home.  Had a lovely visit with Glenna across the way. She is doing super.  Her daughter leaves today and her sister arrives tomorrow.  So she is being well cared for.

And now another busy day today, getting ready for tomorrow. I'm excited!  Can you tell?

A thought to carry with you   . . .

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.Reserve your memories,
keep them well,
what you forget,
you can never retell.
~Louisa May Alcott•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Scottish Fern Cakes.  Not cakes, but little tarts, very similar to Bakewell tarts.  Delicious. 

I hope that you have a beautiful day today. I think it is going to be a sunny and warm one here.   Whatever you get up to today be kind to yourself. Feel blessed. Trace the goodness, and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. It's not as pretty as what you've shown, but my mother's old wooden recipe box is one of my favorite things. This post is inspiring me to do the same thing. Thanks for the idea, and have a blessed day!

    1. Have a blessed day also Mevely! I wish I had not had to leave my recipe boxes in the UK. But You cannot cry over spilt milk! xoxo

  2. Lots of memories created from yesterday, and more tomorrow with Doug & family arriving. Hope you slept better, have a wonderful day getting ready for your company.

    1. Thanks very much Linda! Hope you have a great day also! xoxo

  3. Wishing you the very best of times...perfect food and all and lots of fun visiting with Doug and family!! Your day with sister and cousin and son sounds so fun!! Happy for you!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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