
Saturday 1 July 2023

All Things Nice . . .



The hills of home are little hills,
but oh I love them so;
The purple tinted sweep of them
Against the evening's glow,
The way a tall tree bows it's head
Like an old man when prayers are said.

The stony pastures climbing up
Against the mountain's base,
Whose familiar lines are known
Like a beloved face;
An old rail fence whose corners hold
Wild asters bright as guinea gold.

For elm and ash and stunted oak
Grow on these hills of mine,
Butternut trees and hickory
And clumps of knotty pine;
Wild apples in an old ravine,
A white birch like a virgin Queen.

Oh silent hills I lift my eyes
To drink deep of your strength,
The comfort of enduring things,
Peace for the journey's length,
From petty cares and daily ills,
I lift mine eyes unto the hills.

Finding in them a sweet release,
A zone of comfort, joy and peace.
~Edna Jacques, The Hills of Home
Hills of Home, 1952

There is a certain spot on the 101 Highway just West of Windsor, the other side of Wolfville,  where all of a sudden you hit the crest of the hill and the Annapolis Valley sits in front of you, spread out like a sign that says "Welcome Home". You can see the North Mountain on the right, with Cape Blomidon looking out over the Minas Basin, and then the South Mountain to the left. Your heart just explodes with joy because you are now home. Or at least mine does and I suspect I am not alone in that.

It has never mattered how far away from this Valley of ours that I have travelled, as soon as I hit that point on the highway . . .  I am home.  It doesn't matter that I will probably already have been in Nova Scotia for an hour or so at the very least, there is something about this Valley of ours that lies buried deep within my soul. It is a part of my DNA.

I expect it is the same for anyone from the Annapolis Valley  . . . and right where you live, wherever it is you are from, there is probably a spot that speaks to your soul in much the same way when you have been away from it for a time and return.  We are a bit like homing pigeons with hearts that instinctually recognize the familiar and are drawn towards it.

I wonder will we feel like that when, one day, we make that final approach to our Heavenly Home?  Will we feel that same sense of familiarity?  Will our heart leap in our chest with joy and our souls whisper Home Sweet Home . . .  its been too long? I am back. I am back.  Will we cry tears of happiness at the sight of familiar faces, long since seen, crowding close to greet us?  Will the joy of homecoming override our fears?   I wonder  . . . I live in hope. The hills of home . . . 

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian family and friends.  Our country is officially 156 years old.  I can remember the year is turned 100 and all of the celebrations that happened during that special Centennial Year.  

There was a train that travelled all across Canada called the Centennial Train. It stopped at various communities along the way. I remember as a school being taken to Kentville to view it. 

The Confederation Train, was a diesel locomotive with specially designed coach cars loaned by the Canadian National Railway, which were filled with exhibits showcasing Canadian history and culture. Emblazoned with the Centennial logo on the nose of the engine and graphic lettering spelling out CANADA 1867 1967 in purple and white along the cars, the Centennial Train began its journey in Victoria, British Columbia, on 9 January 1967. 

It awed 2.5 million visitors in 63 cities across the country, its horn sounding out the first four notes of “O Canada” whenever it arrived and departed. It arrived in Nova Scotia in October and made its final stop in Montréal on 5 December.  I can remember being very excited when we were taken to view it.  I had never seen anything like it in my life.

That summer we had travelled as a family up to visit my French Grandmother in Northern Quebec with the idea in mind that we were going to visit the Expo 67 World's Fair in Montreal afterwards, and on our way home to Nova Scotia.  While we were at my Grandmaman's place there had been some bombings by the FLQ at the expo and so my mother was too afraid to go. Instead we detoured down into the States . . . Vermont and Massachusetts . . .  we visited my mother's relatives there  in its place.

We did not mind.  As children, we were just on an adventure in the car. It was a holiday for us. This was not something we ever really got to do. I do remember my father getting stuck on a roundabout in Montreal and us driving around and around and around, him missing the turn off every single time. He was getting more and more frustrated with each time we went round. But eventually he made it off and we all lived to tell the tale. 😄 Poor dad.


So now we are in the month of July and have passed the halfway mark of the year.  The berries are ripening and many are planning their jam making.  We used to help my mother pick strawberries every year and she would make freezer jam which we loved.  It was a lot of work.  We would also be treated to strawberry shortcake more than a few times. 

I, too, picked plenty of strawberries when I was raising my own family and made oodles of strawberry jam for them.  It always got all used up. I think strawberry was the favorite of all the jams.

In my growing up family we would sometimes have a dessert of ice cream with strawberry jam spooned over top. I still love that. It is an extra special treat now that I am a diabetic and can't or shouldn't really eat jam.  Why do I love it so much?  Whenever I see jars of Bonne Maman Jam on special I cannot resist. I have to pick up at least one, even knowing I won't probably be able to eat much of it myself.

Strawberry is still a favorite, but I also have a special fondness for the wild blueberry, and the apricot as well . . .  cherry, peach, etc.  I just love jam I guess!  Any flavor! And Bonne Maman is one of the best.

Over in the UK you could buy tiny jars of jam in the grocery stores. Just the sample size, perfect for placing on a breakfast tray when you had company, or even just to make yourself feel special.  They were perfect for me as well,  because I could have a little taste without going over the top.  All the jam companies in the UK put them out.  You could even get little single serving size jars of Marmalade.  

Oh, I do so love marmalade on toast.  


We had had a very rainy month of June.  That hasn't done my arthritis much good, but it sure has done wonders in the garden. The grass is so green now and my lilies are flourishing, as are the Hostas.  I don't even look out back.   I am sure the weeds have overtaken it all.   They did last year also. I just cannot manage it myself and it is too much to expect anyone else to do.  I am no longer capable of doing it myself.  

My sister's place is very lush as well.   All the gardens are going great guns.  My mother's friend Will, who lives three houses down has a lovely garden of artificial plants. I noticed it last year.  I think her daughter puts them in for her each year. I suppose they give her something to look at from her window that is very colorful and cheerful, with no maintenance involved.

Will was always a very good friend to mom. They used to go to the dances together at the Legion.  Will's late husband had been my math teacher for grade 8 and 9. He was probably one of the best math teachers I ever had. Math has always been one of my great weaknesses. He was a teacher who was always willing to give his students extra help if they needed it. 

They lived in a mobile home just down the road from us.



Will was a hair dresser. I remember going to her to have my hair cut halfway through the year of grade 8.   That was only the second time in my life I had had my hair cut. My mother had had it cut when she was ready to give birth to my brother David. She was worried that my grandmother (who was suffering from cancer at the time) would be unable to cope with all my curls and so she had them all chopped off.

Most of my life I have had longish hair.  I never do anything with it.  It is always tied up.  If I was younger I expect I would have great fun with it, but as an older person, I just keep it tied up.  To do anything else seems a bit silly I suppose.

But oh if I was a much younger woman I would have all sorts done. Streaks, pink, double buns, messy buns, pigtails, etc. Maybe when Eileen is here at the end of the month we can play with her hair.  She has long hair also.


One of my chores yesterday was cleaning out my refrigerator.  Getting rid of all the bits of this and that that never seems to get used up.  I took a small bag full down to the compost bin.  I need to be better sterner with myself and not buy things that I find myself always throwing away. Things like Pillsbury crescent rolls. They will have them on offer, three for a certain price, the rolls and the biscuits, pizza dough. etc. and I will buy three of whatever.  I might get one used and the other two languish in the refrigerator, eventually being thrown away.  I should only ever buy them when I have a specific need to use one, and then only buy the one. Its not a real saving if you end up throwing it away. Its very wasteful and I am ashamed of that.

I did buy one of those Stonewall kitchen baking mixes this week, but I need to use it right away. It was marked down by 50% because the use by date was coming up. Those mixes are very expensive, over $15 to buy one, plus tax.  I can never bring myself to buy one at full price, but they look so good and I am always tempted.  I did not mind buying one at half price though. I hope it lives up to my expectations!


I was going out with my sister to do my father's shopping today, but its Canada Day.  DOH! No stores are open.  We should have gone yesterday.  Of course we always pick up a few bits for ourselves as well. I like going out with my sister. We share an easy friendship and a great abiding love for each other. It is her birthday on Thursday next (6th) she will be 65 and officially old enough to receive her old age pension.  On Thursday we are going to go up country and take a trip to the Michaels craft store and then probably the Running Man Costco.  Then I am treating her to a Newf Poutine at Jonny's for lunch.

I will have her real birthday meal/celebration on Saturday  when Dan can be there.  He doesn't get home until six on weekdays and I want him to be a part of it all.  My father always likes to eat at 5, so  I will put the full celebration off until Saturday where everyone can be a part of it. 

I want to make an Italian Cream Cake.  I have never made one of those, but I have always wanted to and she says she likes it.  Fingers crossed it turns out!  Does anyone have any good recipe suggestions?  A tried and true that has worked well for them in the past?

So what will July bring to our table?  Other than plenty of ripe berries and fresh vegetables?  I know I am expecting to see most of my family at some point this month.  At least I hope to. I am hoping for a couple of day trips here or there.  Perhaps a picnic up in Margaretville with Eileen. BBQ's at Cindy's. She's having one today!   I am hoping for some lovely sunny days and lots of fun times and happy moments spent with family and just here in my little house.  

I, for one, am really grateful to have been given the gift of another month. May it treat each one of us nicely!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *Neglect not the gift
that is in thee.
~1 Timothy 4:14
•。★★ 。* •。★★ 。* 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Strawberry Pretzel Salad Dessert!  The small batch.  Deliciously simple to make. Rich. Creamy. Salty. Sweet. It is the perfect summer combination of textures and flavors!

I hope you have a really beautiful day filled with lots of nice things and things which bring a spark of joy into your life.  Happy weekend! Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Happy Canada Day, Marie. My hometown in New York is celebrating our Bicentennial with a three-day celebration this August. Wish we could be there but, with me being the only one driving, too far a trip.

    Have to bring the round-about story up to your Dad. Should be a few chuckles. There are quite a few in Florida and have been stuck on them more than once. And, let's not forget, you have to ride around the courthouse in many of the small towns here in Georgia.

    Have a relaxing Canada Day (what's that?) even if you can't go shopping! Mary in Georgia

    1. Thanks Mary! We have a lot of chuckles with our father about things that happened through the years. He loves to remember them and so do we! I wish you could go to your hometown celebrations also, but totally understand why you cannot. I am not fond of long distance driving now myself! xoxo

  2. Have a great weekend..What a view that is!

    1. You should see the view from the LookOff in Cape Blomidon. It takes in the whole valley from a different perspective. In the Autumn, it is gorgeous with all the color! xoxo

  3. Happy Canada Day to you too!!! You just made me a lot older than I am, you might want to check your math.......I think Canada is 156 years old (I am pretty sure I was 10 in the Centennial year)

    1. You are right of course! I have fixed it. As I said math was not my strong suit! haha xoxo

  4. Happy Canada Day, a happy and sad day for me. My Dad passed away on Canada Day in 1982 :( I graduated high school in 1967 :) Lots of festivities going on, we stay home and enjoy our garden and avoid the roads and crowds. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Happy Canada Day Linda. Sorry that it is also a sad memory for you. That's a hard one. We don't go to the fireworks or anything either! xoxo

    2. So sorry for the memories of Canada Day years past. Strange how some are connected to holidays. My Daddy passed on Valentine's Day 2001. Mom passed near Thanksgiving 2014. Youngest brother before Christmas 2013. I also graduated 1967. Blessings to you Linda.

  5. Hope you have a happy Canada Day!! So lovely a spot you call home...nice to have such I am sure!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks very much Elizabeth. Mom always called this God's country! xoxo

  6. Beautiful view! Happy Canada Day! xo, V.


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