
Wednesday 14 June 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .



My prayers were answered yesterday when I was finally able to pay my internet bill. I also requested that they send me a paper bill from now on.  That way I can take the bill into my bank and set up a payee account there so that I can just go onto my online banking and pay it from now on. No fuss, no muss.  I find the fact that I have three separate bills very confusing. I never know which one I am paying.  One comes out by automatic debit,  my mobile phone.  The other two for the television and the internet, I have to pay.   I end up overpaying most of the time.  Its crazy. My sister has her bills for the three things all bundled into one bill. I wish they could do that with mine.  It would be a lot easier for me to understand. 

Maybe in my old age I am getting a bit doddery.  Perish the thought.


I think I finally have the ant problem under control.  The Terro ant bait stations were just the ticket as was some peppermint oil.  I put out the stations and brushed the seams between the floors and baseboards with some of the peppermint oil. The first night I had to just shut my eyes as to what was going on in my kitchen. Those ants were all scurrying to the bait that I had slid in behind my air fryer.  There were hundreds of them. (Probably a slight exaggeration, but it looked like tons.) Then by the next morning there were only a few and the last two days none.  

I have caught a few here and there. The one walking across the bottom sheet of my bed when I went to make it yesterday disconcerted me a bit. I then killed one walking up my wall when I went to turn my bed down last night. I wasn't sure I would be able to fall asleep thinking about the one in my bed, but thankfully I did.


I contacted Glenna's daughter on Facebook last evening and I am going over to have a short visit with Glenna this afternoon before I leave to go out to supper with my father. I will not stay long. Just a short visit long enough for Glenna and her daughter to know that I care. I asked could I bring anything, did they need anything, but was told no, just myself.

Another friend of mine from church had dropped off a lovely hanging basket of flowers the day before. She has a small hobby farm and makes these hanging baskets which are sold at a local market.  Then I read on Facebook yesterday that someone had stolen all of the hanging baskets from the market.  That happened a few years ago to another farm market here in the Valley.  

I do not know what is wrong with people's heads that they do such things.  What a horrible, horrible thing to do.  My friend and her husband had put a lot of time and effort into putting the baskets together.  She is a person who does a lot for the community. For someone to then do this I think is despicable.


I noted in my reading some of the news online this morning that the fires in Shelburne are now under control.  That is a good thing.  I know one of my old school chums was able to return to his home near Halifax with his wife and was so relieved to find everything intact. They did not know if their house had survived those fires or not.

Jennie who does my footcare was sharing some photos with me yesterday that she had taken from out Shelburne way. She and a friend had volunteered the last week or so to prepare food with the Salvation Army to feed the many fire fighters who were fighting the fires at Shelburne.  She said they kept getting moved on as the fires got worse. 

She was telling me about the goodness and kindness of the many people involved. From the people who owned the motel they were staying in, not charging them, to the local shop keepers donating whole flats of drinks etc.  Also she had to pick up a prescription at the local drugstore and was not charged for that either because she was a volunteer.  People just wanting to help the efforts in whatever way that they could and can.

It is a good reminder that not all people are flower basket thieving lowlife's and that there are probably more decent and caring people in the world than those that are the opposite. I think sometimes we can be so inundated with bad news that we might forget about the good.


Thinking this morning of all the story times I had with my children when they were growing up. Every night after bath and snack time, we would gather on the girls' double bed and I would read them their favorite stories.  What a special  memory that is to me.  Of course that is only the older four.  There is a seven year gap between them and my youngest son.  He, too, had story time, but it was just myself and him.  

They all had their favorite Stories.  With my oldest boy it was a Doctor Seuss book that was a compendium of many different stories. His favorite one was "The Pants with Nobody in Them."  My youngest daughter Amanda loved the Allison Utley books about Little Grey Rabbit.  Doug liked this book about a little boy whose Teddy Bear kept sneaking out at night and going on a picnic in the woods with other teddy bears where they would munch on Sticky Buns. (The name escapes me now.) Our Eileen was happy with any story at all.  Bruce liked the Little Critter books by Mercer Mayer, his favorite one being Just Me and My Dad.

I was able to get each of them copies of their favorite books when they started to have their own children so that they could read these same stories to their own children. 


I have a pretty busy day ahead of me today.  I have some work to get done this morning and then of course there is the visit to Glenna and my supper out with Dad. I told him that I was treating him to supper as it is Father's Day on Sunday. It is hard to know what to get him for these occasions now. It was the same with mom.  Once you reach a certain age, people pretty much have everything they need or want. It becomes difficult to buy them gifts. But they still like a little treat like a meal out or a box of their favorite cookies I guess. Usually for Christmas we get him gift cards for A&W.  That is where he goes every morning (bar Saturday and Sunday) for his coffee and toast. At the weekend he splits the days between his two favorite restaurants and has his bacon and eggs.

My mother always used to cook us bacon and eggs on Sunday mornings. I was not one much for the eggs. I am not overly fond of fried eggs, but I did like the bacon. I always enjoyed it with toast that I had spread with Peanut Butter. I still enjoy that to this day, but I don't eat bacon very often.  It is a very rare treat.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.°Let yourself be silently drawn
by the strange pull 
of what you really love;
it will not lead you astray.
~Rumi•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  No Fuss Chicken Dinner. A slow cooker favorite that I downsized to feed two to three people.  I sent this over to Eileen and Tim at the weekend and they loved it!

I hope that you have a lovely day. May your day be filled with happiness and joy!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I bet Glenna will appreciate the visit. Way to go for keeping at Bell and finally getting it paid. And way to go for conquering the ants. There seems to be so much unnecessary crime, around here it is bikes, they take them and then dump them for someone to find. Also lots of porch pirates around (thankfully not here in the country where we live). I'm off to a strawberry social with some friends today. Another rainy day, much needed, but sure makes my arthritis act up. Have a good day.

  2. Look up peppermint oil on line - some say it is safe, others not safe for cats. But sure you are careful, Ant Marie!

  3. Ah yes, the books by Dr. Seuss...we enjoyed some of them as kids and down to our grandkids as well. I was rather certain that the one called "The Sneetches" was written about a town we had lived in for 15 very very long years!! It is where I learned that sometimes people can hate you simply because you breathe air, knowing nothing about you at all!! His books had lots of lessons in them. As well as the humor!! Hope Glenna gets better and glad you are going to see her!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  4. Ill have to catch up on internet fee story..Every yr I put those traps out in the house and zilch..they prefer outside;) Stealing peoples hard work is beyond moi!


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