
Monday 15 May 2023

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

I hope that you are not tired of seeing them, but these flowers were one of the highlights of the past week. I was so surprised when the florist called to say that they had a flower delivery for me. I mean, who would be sending me flowers. I could hardly wait until they arrived to see who they were from.  They were from Doug, Kayla and the family for Mother's Day and they are so beautiful. Such a sunny and bright arrangement. They make me smile every time I look at them.  I got to facetime with Doug on Saturday and thank them in person. Such a sweet gesture and so unexpected. So very thoughtful. I have never gotten flowers from  my children before. It warmed my heart to no end.

Being treated to a delicious meal out  by my daughter Eileen and her husband Tim. They took Tim's mom, Jean, and I out for supper last night. What a fun time we had!  I really like Jean.  She is such a sweet lady. It was such fun to spend this time together with our two children and to eat some good food.  I love this dear daughter of mine so very much.  I am glad that things have settled down now. I am looking forward to having her to come and stay with me at the end of July. We have a "The Chosen" marathon planned, and a picnic up at Margaretville.  She will maul the cats. It will just be good to spend the time together.

Time spent with my sister.  Planned, or unexpected, I love any time spent with my sister.  Tomorrow we are going to take  my father to his Doctor's appointment together, and then maybe do a bit of shopping afterwards. I didn't get to see her yesterday because I went to supper with Eileen and Tim, but I will probably see her today.  We talk every day, sometimes more than once, so its all good. She is my best friend in the world.  I am so grateful to have a sister that I can say that about.

The hummingbirds are back. I just love watching these beautiful little creatures.  The cats do too. It is still early in the season so there isn't a lot of aerial battles to watch. Those will get more interesting as the season goes on.

I remember once in the UK being very excited thinking I had seen a humming bird, but it was a Hummingbird Hawk moth.  Still quite exciting, but not quite as colorful!

Every morning when I open my eyes I tell myself this. To be gifted with another day to enjoy is a bonus, no matter what it brings to the table. Some days are diamonds, some days are dust, but all days are gifts.

I have been busy working on my pillow cover.  It is good to keep your hands busy and I am grateful that I am able to do so.  I don't have the pillow yet. I thought I would make the pillow cover and then make the pillow to put inside it so that I know it is just the right size. I have everything to do that already so I just have to finish the cover. Of course once I finish it, I will have to make another one as well. I might make a square cover to cover one of my existing sofa pillows.  And then I will probably make another one to go on the other sofa pillow.   Lots to keep me busy.  Busy hands are good hands to have.  Keeping your hands and mind busy is a good thing I think.  I have never been one to just sit there doing nothing. Vegetating. There will be plenty of time for that when I get really old and long in the tooth.

These two not so little anymore feline gifts from my cousin. I am so blessed to have these beautiful creatures in my life.  Grateful also for family. Sheri and Sawyer came to visit one night last week and Sawyer picked my brain about what it was like living in England for a project he is doing at school. I am grateful to have family around me now. This was something I really missed when I was in the UK, and having cats also. I have always had at least one cat.  I do miss my Mitzie terribly, but it helps knowing she is in a great home and much loved.  These two cats of mine have helped to fill the hole that having to leave her behind created.  They are such wonderful company for me.

I really enjoyed having my father over for supper on Saturday night. It wasn't anything complicated as he likes things to be very simple. It was just nice getting to spend some time with him. He has a difficult time hearing these days. He has hearing aids, but they don't work so good. You do have to shout a bit so he can understand you and you need to talk a bit slower as well. Its all good. I am just grateful that I am able to have these few years with him.  I never thought I would have such a blessing in my life.  I am grateful for every moment.

All of these beautiful sunny days we are enjoying at the moment.  Somehow sunshine makes even the worst day that little bit better.  It is really nice and sunny out there this morning, but it is supposed to rain tomorrow. Of course, it is garbage day. It just seems to work out that way every garbage day.   I don't know why, but garbage days bring precipitation of some sort! That's okay. We need the rain also.  Its all good.

I want you to know that I am also very grateful for each one of you. That you continue to come and visit after all these years still amazes me.  You have been with me through thick and thin, and the fact you are still coming is something I am very grateful for. I know that much of the time I am incredibly boring. Thank you so much for your love and your loyalty. It does mean the world to me. I appreciate each and every one of you.

This afternoon a technician is coming to hook up my high-speed internet. Finally!  Its now available in my neighborhood.  It will hopefully make a difference in the rate at which I can get my work done.  Right now it takes forever for me to upload photos etc.  Also when the grandchildren came over, they were struggling to use their individual devices. That shouldn't be a problem after this. They won't be as bored.   I often have to reset my router as the internet drops off and I can't stream, even YouTube without re-booting it. So as you can see I will be very happy to have faster speed on my internet for a multitude of reasons!  Yay!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *Kindness is loaning
someone your strength
instead of reminding 
them of their weakness.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Crispy Baked Potato Wedges, for two.  Delicious. Simple.

I hope your day and your week ahead is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things which bring you joy and happiness.  Whatever you do, never forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Lovely photo of Eileen and Tim. Glad you had such a nice time. Enjoy your outing with Cindy. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I will. I hope you have a beautiful week! xoxo

  2. Lovely bouquet! Glad you enjoyed mother's day:) Have a great week!

    1. Thanks so much Monique! It looks like you had a lovely Mother's Day also! xoxo

  3. What a lovely weekend for you, beautiful flowers, Facetime, and time at dinner with your daughter. Hope you are able to get high speed internet, we just upgraded our service (free as they were offering it to new customers, so I asked why couldn't we have it too). Have a wonderful day.

    1. Its working really well also Linda! I am so pleased with the speed. I hope you also had a great weekend! xoxo

  4. Lovely quotes…’today is a good day for a good day’….yep! Oh, those potatoes look yummy….and a sweet picture of your daughter and son in law…love the smiles! Have a most happy day and hug the kitcats for me. XOX, V.

    1. Thanks so much V! I hope you have a most happy day also! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~ Happy Late Mother's Day! Looks like you had a wonderful day, and the flowers are exquisite, I love all the colors. Orange and yellow have always been a favorite combination of mine. Every day is a good day to count your blessings! Hugs and Love, Barb

    1. Thanks Barb! I hope that you also had a good Mother's Day! I am sure that you did! You are right about every day being a good day to count your blessings! Love and hugs, xoxo


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