
Thursday 25 May 2023

Just a head's up


 This is a beautiful photograph of the Annapolis river taken not too far from where I live. I do live in a most beautiful part of the country.

Just a heads up, I am going with my sister to take my father for his heart check up at the hospital this morning and we have to leave quite early.  I didn't know yesterday I was going this morning or I would have said.  Dad gets a bit confused sometimes. Originally we thought his appointment was on Friday. We still are not sure, lol.  We may get there and it won't be until tomorrow, so another road trip on the morrow. I hope not, but you just never know!

I hope you all have a great day!  I'll see you tomorrow (hopefully, lol).

In The English Kitchen today, Classic Pound Cake, the small batch.  Delicious and lacking nothing from its larger sized counterpart!

Have a great day!  Stay safe and happy and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Have a safe journey with good company, hope the appointment goes well.

    1. Thanks Linda! Everything went well. We were able to get there and back safely and also treated ourselves to some cheeky fish and chips at Jonny's on the way home! xoxo

    2. Good to hear things went well, and a stop for fish and chips was a great idea.

  2. Wishing you all the best today and that Dads appt turns out well!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks very much Elizabeth. All is well! xoxo


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