
Saturday 6 May 2023

All Things Nice . . .


Behold the almond blossom and the spring
The stir of sap within an ancient oak,
A frail blue hyacinth . . . a tangled vine
A spiral of blue smoke.

The tall white candles of a chestnut tree,
Making my yard an altar pure and still,
A small field steaming in the noonday sun,
A cottage on a hill.

The shadows of new leaves upon the walk
Make checkered blocks of grey and white mosaic
where penitents might kneel and say their beads,
For Christ's dear sake.

Behold the almond blossoms and the spring
And all the radiant earth is lifted up
To drink the blessed wine of faith and hope
From Spring's blue cup.
~Edna Jacques, Spring
Aunt Hattie's Place, 1949

I am a bit late posting this morning. I've been up since 5:30 a.m. watching all of the Coronation stuff on the telly. Nobody does pomp and ceremony like the British and I have enjoyed every minute of it thus far.  What a wonderfully historic moment to witness.  One that I am not likely to see again in my lifetime.  I enjoyed all of it. 

That gold coach was really amazing to see. So much detail. I wish I could have gotten a better photograph of it.

I found it all so very interesting.  I cannot imagine the amount of planning, etc. went into it all. It was lovely to see all of the details of the ceremony in the Abby, the music, the tradition, etc. This was a ceremony steeped in history and tradition.  I could see clearly on King Charles face the weight of his mantle and the sense of responsibility undertaken. 

(Could not find the source)

This is a role he has been prepared to take on during the whole of his life.  The sadness of it is that in order to do the job he was born to do, he had to experience the loss of his dear mother. I cannot fathom, but so it has always been with Kings and Queens.

It was less than a year ago that we were celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Interestingly enough this is what is trending on the Bing page of my Internet explorer. 

 A little bit surreal. haha.  Don't worry it won't go to my head. It won't make a difference to me of course. I was paid a lump sum to write the book.  The publisher might see some extra dosh from it however.  More power to them.    My fifteen minutes of fame on Bing.  lol


The chipmunk has been back this week, driving the felines in the house crazy.  They sit on their perches watching him/her with rapt concentration.  I don't think it would stand a chance were they able to get out of the house and onto the porch.  He has been sitting in the flower boxes on the railing, preening and eating I don't know what. There is nothing in there but dead growth from last year that I need to pull out and replace.

I have not seen any hummingbirds yet, although the lady down at the end of the street has her feeder up now as well.

I recently purchased two teacup snack sets on Etsy for use as props on the food blog.  The top one is a bone china floral, hand painted Japanese one and the bottom one is Vintage Elegant Westville Japan, whatever that means. The cups are very small, but they are pretty and will serve their purpose adequately.  I thought people were perhaps getting tired of seeing the same old one all the time.  

I do miss, from time to time, all the things I had acquired in the UK that I could use for these things, but there is  no use crying over spilt milk and its all water under the bridge now.  

Now I get to collect new bits from time to time.


Its a beautiful sunny day out there today. Its not all that warm yet, hopefully it will warm up more as the day goes on.  Not too much though I don't expect. It is early days yet.  

My grandson Jon is turning 17 today.  Happy Birthday Jon!  Its been fun getting to know him better since my return to Canada. That is the bonus of being back here, getting to see these grandchildren of mine in person more often and of course getting to spend time with at least some of my children.  I hope that Jon has a lovely day. I am sure he will!

A sweet reminder to each of us that we need to be a lot more caring and compassionate in our dealings with our fellow beings and be a lot less judgmental. We all have our good and our bad moments and nobody should be remembered only for their bad. When people know better, they do better, or at least I like to think that they do!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today as I am way behind on all that I have to do. Not complaining however, as I loved watching the Coronation and enjoyed every minute of it! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Wherever there are birds,
there is hope.
~Mehmet Murat Ildan •。★★ 。* 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Susan's Macaroni and Cheese, the small batch.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your Saturday and you weekend.  Be happy, safe, blessed, and have fun, don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. I knew you would be watching the coronation. Even though I'm British I'm not a Royal fan. It is a lovely sunny day, already been out the garden. Happy birthday to Jon. Have a good weekend.

    1. We have had some lovely weather these past few days Linda. Nice and sunny! Jon had a lovely day! I got to facetime with him later on in the day! Yay! xoxo

  2. Such pretty snack sets. I like them both. The Coronation was so beautiful. Worth getting up early to watch. The rain did not dampen anyone's spirits. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. I thought it was pretty wonderful also Elaine! Having lived in the UK, I can say with authority the rain never dampens anyone's spirits. We are all really used to it! If you waited for the rain to stop before doing anything nothing would ever get done! haha Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Happy happy Birthday Jon! Fun to witness the traditions of the British, spectacular! Happy day, Marie. xo, V.

  4. Happy birthday to your Jon...time is really flying by!

  5. They Coronation was really beautiful, I thought. Thanks for the sweet drawing of Queen Elizabeth sending her wishes. I really enjoyed that!


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