
Tuesday 2 May 2023

A Daybook . . .



Well, this isn't right outside my window, but is only about 20 minutes away. Its the Margaretville Lighthouse with the Northern Lights. My friend Warren took this photograph one night last week and posted it on Facebook. I thought it was pretty amazing. This is the best spot for watching the sun set. Its also a great place to cool off in the summertime. When we were children you could get a really huge ice cream cone there, double scoop, for $1.

I remember one summer when I was home on my own, mom and I went up to the lighthouse to watch the sun set together. Mom got cold waiting and so went back to the car. I stayed.  It was spectacular, but thing is as soon as it had set (which happens in an instant), everything was pitch black. I had to feel my way back to the car at the top of the hill, lol.

Outside my real window, its garbage day. Everyone's garbage is piled at the end of their yard, waiting for the truck to pick it up. It was raining buckets when I put it out last night.


I got a surprise package in the post yesterday from my friend Paula.  She makes the most beautiful cards. She posts pictures of them on Instagram. Its her hobby, she doesn't make them to sell. I am always admiring her efforts. They are just gorgeous and so pretty, and I tell her so.  She packed some up and sent them to me as a gift, along with a sweet little bumble bee cream jug.

She knows I have a fondness for bees.  This was so unexpected.  It cheered my heart to no end.  It was raining so hard yesterday, I almost didn't go to check my post, but then the rain broke and the sun came out for a few minutes. I braved the wind to check and was so surprised to find a package from Paula.  Thank you so much dear heart!

People are so kind to me. I don't know what I have ever done to deserve such kindnesses as have been showered upon me. I am grateful for each one.  These cards are beautiful and I can now use them to bless the lives of others.  That is a beautiful gift when you think about it, gifting someone something that they can then use to bless others.  The temptation is to keep them all for yourself, because they are so beautiful  . . .  but love isn't love until you give it away is it?



The birdsong. Spring is the most wonderful time of the hear to listen to the birds singing. Their melodies are so beautiful, and the air is full of their song. I could just sit and listen and listen and listen. Nature has so many wonderful things to gift us with and spring birdsong is one of them.  

Actually I enjoy listening to the birds anytime.  When I lived in Kent, there used to be a Song Thrush perch on the roof of the adjoining cottage every early morning and at dusk. He would sing his heart out. It was so beautiful to listen to. 

I especially love to listen to robins and blackbirds. They sing such beautiful melodies.  But then you could say that about most birds really.

I miss seeing and listening to all the sparrows in the back hedge of my house in Blacon. It was so fun to see their little heads peeking up from in amongst the top of the hedge in the morning. Chatter. Chatter. Chatter. Greeting each other and the day with ebullient enthusiasm! Such a cheerful sound!



Books with beautiful covers. I know you should not judge a book by its cover, but you know I do love pretty things. I have always loved pretty things.  I especially love flowers and florals.  I am in  love with this book cover. Its so pretty. 


I finally got one of the embroidery patterns I purchased printed out and traced onto some fabric. I want to turn it into a cushion cover for the sofa, or maybe a pillow for on my bed. It will be a great opportunity for me to also use up some of  my fabric stash.  What is the point of having it if you don't use it!

I am also going great guns on my newest blanket.  I love the bright colors. I think its shaping up very nicely.  A great scrappy project! 


My friend Jacquie knows I love stained glass. She brought these to church on Sunday to give to me. She didn't want them anymore.  I also learned that a woman in my church congregation does stained glass.  At one time I wanted to learn how to do stained glass. I know it is an expensive hobby. I no longer want to learn how to do it. But that doesn't stop me from appreciating it.  I have always wanted a stained glass panel to hang in a window. I only have two windows now really, not counting my doors. I think that ship has sailed, but I can hang small things like these. 

The little wicker heart was a bonus I guess!


CAROLINE, Little House Revisited by Sarah Miller

In this novel authorized by the Little House Heritage Trust, Sarah Miller vividly recreates the beauty, hardship, and joys of the frontier in a dazzling work of historical fiction, a captivating story that illuminates one courageous, resilient, and loving pioneer woman as never before—Caroline Ingalls, "Ma" in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s beloved Little House books. 


In the frigid days of February, 1870, Caroline Ingalls and her family leave the familiar comforts of the Big Woods of Wisconsin and the warm bosom of her family, for a new life in Kansas Indian Territory. Packing what they can carry in their wagon, Caroline, her husband Charles, and their little girls, Mary and Laura, head west to settle in a beautiful, unpredictable land full of promise and peril. The pioneer life is a hard one, especially for a pregnant woman with no friends or kin to turn to for comfort or help. 

The burden of work must be shouldered alone, sickness tended without the aid of doctors, and babies birthed without the accustomed hands of mothers or sisters. But Caroline’s new world is also full of tender joys. In adapting to this strange new place and transforming a rough log house built by Charles’ hands into a home, Caroline must draw on untapped wells of strength she does not know she possesses.

To say that I am thoroughly enjoying this book is an understatement. I am TOTALLY enjoying it. I look forward to getting stuck into it every night when I go to bed.


If you are a fan of nice, then you will love this simple romantic comedy. When Bree Carrington gets engaged while at BYU Hawaii, her loving but over-the-top mom goes all out to create the wedding of the century. But both mother and daughter must overcome the pressure of perfection when this happily ever after story doesn’t go quite as expected.  I watched this last night on my Living Scriptures Streaming channel.  I thoroughly enjoyed it. No swearing, no violence, no sex, no nudity. It proves you can make something entertaining without all that stuff.  I would call it a chick flick however.



Apple blossom time. It won't be long now. Apples are a major product of the Annapolis Valley here in Nova Scotia where I live. The valley is filled with fruit orchards. They are so beautiful and the scent is unimaginable. My oldest son was born on Apple Blossom Weekend. There is a festival they have here every year called the Apple Blossom Festival. I know it was canceled during Covid, but its always been a really big deal. The year my son was born the town we lived in was hosting the festival and my doctor just happened to be the mayor of that town. He was born on the Saturday which was the culmination of the festival with a big ball, tea, etc. To say that my son's birth was quite inconvenient for my Doctor was an understatement.  He could not wait to get out of there to fulfil his duties. 

My son will be 48 on the 29th of this month. That is hard to believe!  It makes me feel very old! haha



The music of Paul Cardall. I could listen to his music for hours and hours.  He is such a talented composer. This particular song is called Gracie's Theme.  It was a piece he composed for the parents of a baby named Gracie, who was in need of a heart transplant. She did not survive the transplant unfortunately. It is a truly stunning piece of music, filled with emotion. Quite beautiful.



Getting into a bed with clean sheets, all fresh and crisp.  The only way it could be better is if I could hang  my sheets outside to dry, but alas that is not an option these days.



The nurse is coming to cut my toenails. As a diabetic it is really important that I have them done properly. Sometimes it hurts as I have a tendency towards ingrown toenails.  It is one of life's necessities however.  I have not had a Doctor look at my feet since before I moved back to Canada.  In the UK once a year I had an in-depth Diabetic appointment at the Doctors surgery.  They checked everything to make sure all was well.

I was reading yesterday that there really aren't any firm plans to increase the Doctors and Nurses.  The government reckons it is a problem that will solve itself. The youngest of the baby boomers are 58 years old. We are all slowly dying off and the population will slowly decrease, which will also take care of the housing problem.  I hate to think that this is true, but somehow I think it probably is.

In any case, I have a full day ahead of me with many hours and minutes to enjoy and I am going to enjoy each one in whatever way that I can!



° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
  ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*I do not think that I will ever 
reach a stage where I will say,
"This is what I believe. Finished."
What I believe is alive . . .  and
open to growth.•。★★ 。* 。
~Madeline •。★★ 。* 。


Cranberry Baked Ham Steak. From my Big Blue Binder.  Three simple ingredients and 30 minutes of time. Delicious!

I hope that you have a wonderful day.  Be happy, safe and blessed!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Beautiful cards from Paula. She is such a good friend. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks so much Elaine. You are a very dear friend to me. Love you to bits. xoxo

  2. Gorgeous photo of the northern lights with the lighthouse, I have a soft spot for lighthouses. A friend of mine does gorgeous stained glass, I have one of her windows and a lamp. Check her out, Cindy Lainville, expensive but gorgeous. A rainy start tot he day, but is supposed to ease up, hope so, as I'm planning to go out for some groceries. Enjoy the day.

    1. Like you I love light houses! I will check our your friend for sure. Stained glass is expensive, but it is such a beautiful art form! xoxo

  3. Ah clean wonderful!! Now if making the bed was just easier!! We might could have seen the Northern Lights even here, but it was cloudy and rainy anyway...
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Usually when these things happen it is cloudy and rainy here also! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, Thanks for the shout out. Enjoy the cards. My son will be 49 on the 31st. I can sympathize with the growing old thing. Where does the time go? Love the photo of the lighthouse. And your blanket is beautiful, love the colours. Luv, P

    1. You are welcome Paula, and once again many thanks for the cards. I used the first one yesterday to send to a friend who just had an operation! I am sure she will love it! xoxo

  5. How nice of Paula:)Love your new blanket.I love the wee ones on CTM wrapped in them.Have you ever used Sulky Fabri-Solvi for embroidery? Wish I had found it earlier!

    1. I have never used Sukly Fabri-Solvi! I will check it out! Thanks Monique! xoxo

  6. PS I gave my stained away..It takes the messy and cuts lol.WE both follows Marilynn on IG she is tops!

    1. I bet you did some lovely work. Marilynn is amazing! xoxo

  7. Sweet Paula and Jacquie! Yes, I am a fan of nice! Happy healthy day to you, V.

    1. Thanks so much V! Same to you and yours! xoxo

  8. Hello Marie , I love that gentle music . Aah sound quite content . .. and that is the perfect place to be ! 💐


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