
Monday 24 April 2023

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 


This is the season of yellow. The daffodils are blooming as are the forsythia bushes.  So pretty.  Almost everyone on the street has daffodils and I love to see their bright yellow heads bobbing in the spring breezes.  My friend Glenna has a forsythia bush and it is ablaze at the moment.  So very pretty.

Being able to go back to church after having not been for several weeks and partake of the sacrament. This sharing of the body and blood of Christ, this simple ritual,  is at the core of our weekly church services. Everything else that happens in our Sunday morning meetings is secondary in importance. I look forward each week to being able to partake of the sacrament and renew the covenants that I made at Baptism, to remember Him always, to take His name upon me, to keep His commandments. Weighty commitments perhaps, but in return I get to have His spirit to be with me, always.

When we were in the depths of Covid and I was unable to go to church on Sundays and participate in this simple thing I really missed it. As a single person I had nobody in my home to administer it to me.  It was a real blessing when church opened up again and I could go.

I know that it might not seem like anything special to anyone outside of my faith, but for me it is everything.  This simple thing that I get to honor on Sunday mornings is like my own personal compass that helps to give me strength and direction for the coming week ahead.

I have tried to make my home a haven of hope and a source of joy for myself and for anyone who enters. The art which hangs on my wall, all has deep meaning.  As soon as you enter my home you will see two beautiful cards which I received early on. I framed them as their sentiments perfectly depicted my journey and my joy. I have chosen each article, each painting carefully.  I know you know all of this, but I can't help but be grateful for the opportunity that I had to do this.

From the books that I read, to the music I listen to, to the films that I choose to watch.  I am filling my soul with joy and with hope.  It makes a difference, or at least it has to me. Inviting a positive spirit into my home makes it a haven and a place that I love to be.


Breaking bread together as a family.  On Saturday night they all came here for supper and yesterday we all gathered together at my sister's for supper.  This was something I missed doing for 20 years.  Being able to have my family in my home and cook for them was something I only really dreamt of being able to do.  I am so grateful that they include me. 

Eileen and Tim want to take Tim's  mother and myself out for dinner for Mother's Day. I said that would be nice.  This week I am taking Eileen and Tim out for dinner one day as well. I had been going to do it last week, but Covid put a halt to those plans.  So I will do it this week.  We will probably just go to the restaurant around the corner from me and then we will come back here after for a bit so that they can play with the cats.

I am grateful that things are working better in that area as well.  Sometimes you just have to take a step back for a while and with that comes healing.


The simple things in life. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Warming temperatures.  Leaves on the trees coming into bud and unfurling. The melodic sound of birds in the Spring. Familiar things and joys which have always been there and always will.  There is a great comfort to be found in these simple things which never really change. Simple things which bring me a great deal of joy.  I am grateful for a heart which embraces and appreciates them the way mine does.


I would imagine very soon now the woodland floors of the UK will be awash with bluebells. I miss bluebell season.  It was such a pretty time of year.  Imagine the woods carpeted in beautiful blue flowers, the sight, the smell.  Such a treasure to the eyes. We had a few that grew under the hedges in our back garden.   Such a gift.


Being kind.  Speaking nicely to and of each other.  Doing small things for others that cost nothing but a moment of your time. Small deeds of charity. Kindness, small acts of mercy, they don't require much but go such a long way towards brightening the lives of others and the special thing about them is that in brightening other's lives we also add light to our own.  


Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese. Such a simple supper but loaded with comfort.  When all else fails and you can't be motivated to cook much of a meal, this simple repast never fails to tick all the boxes.


We are all well and feeling pretty much back to normal, with just a few residual effects.  I have a bit of congestion in my lungs that I can't clear but it's quite  livable.  Same with my nose. We are all somewhat tired, but its nothing that can't be handled.  When I think of how many people were dying when the pandemic began and how things are now, I feel very blessed.  What we had and have is the least of it.  


This life I have been given.  The lessons I have been given.  The lows that help me to truly appreciate the highs.  I am not wealthy in material things, or financially, but I am wealthy in all the things which matter most.  Faith. Family. Friends. I am comfortable. I have enough.  To say you have enough in a world where many do not have even the basic of needs of life is a true, TRUE blessing.  I hope that I never take any of it for granted.

I have a life which is full.  I live in a land of plenty.  I have love.  All my needs are met. What more could a person ask for.  Not a lot really. Not a lot  . . . there is much to be said for the simple life.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*The rose does not have a why;
it blossoms without reason,
forgetful of self and 
oblivious to our vision.
~Angelus Silesius •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Roasted Turkey Thighs with Garlic & Herb Butter.  These delectable turkey thighs roast in a pan along with a mix of vegetables for a simple all in one delicious meal.  I actually cooked this a few weeks back, but because of one thing or another am only just now getting to share it with you. Simple and delicious.

I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things.  Simple blessings. Love. Peace. Gratitude.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Love all the beautiful words and photos...
    Enjoy the week!

  2. How wonderful that Eileen & Tim are reaching out to both mothers. Enjoy your dinner out with them. Have a lovely Monday.

  3. Glad things are going better with everyone and it is nice to be invited out to dinner!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  4. So happy you and Eileen are on friendlier terms. Enjoy your visits together. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


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