
Wednesday 15 March 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .



I saw this photo of the milk bottles this morning and it took me back to the UK. Milk delivery is still a very common thing in the UK.  Small pint bottles of milk, each one covered with a tinfoil cap.  The milk float would glide silently down the streets early in the morning, with only the tinkling of the bottles to let you know it was there.

Milk Floats are battery operated electric vehicles. You could also get eggs, butter, orange juice, etc. from the milkman and sometimes even bread. 

Often, if you didn't get your milk brought in quickly enough, Tits, a type of bird similar to a Chickadee, would peck at the lids, break them open, and try to pull them off.  You could get milk in larger plastic containers, but the pint bottles were the most popular.

I tried to watch this yesterday. I wanted to see what all the hype was about.  I could not make heads or tails of it. It was crazy. Really crazy.  To be honest I wasn't a huge fan and about half way through I thought to myself, enough of this garbage.  That's an hour of my life that I won't get back. I guess you have to have a certain mindset to be able to watch it.  I don't think I have that mind set. I just didn't get it.

Different strokes for different folks I guess!

Diadamy got her very first package in the post yesterday. She was very surprised!  "Just for me?" She cried out in glee! 

The box was filled with lovely toys to play with and hair accessories.  She was really happy. Now she has a ball to play with, not one but two cuddly bears, a nice doll and lots of pretty hair clips to help keep her pretty pink hair in place. 

I think Cinnamon was a bit jealous and wanted to play with the toys herself.  No worries Diadamy now has them tucked safely away!


It snowed again yesterday. It didn't start until later in the afternoon.  My phone messages me when it starts to snow. I get a little kerplunk and it says, "Snow starting now."  I look out the window and, sure enough, it is snowing!

It was big goose-down flakes.  It snowed for quite a few hours, but at +1* it hasn't really laid on the roads to make them sloppy, which is a good thing. March really is a season of transition. 


I actually find it quite cold in here this morning.  That electric baseboard heating doesn't really do the trick like the heat pump did. The heat pump was always blowing warm air into the house, but I find the hot air just kind of sits there at the moment. I do have the electric fireplace and have it turned on at the moment. I think when your feet and legs are cold, then you are just cold, no matter what. Won't be long now though before the temperatures start heating up and we are complaining that it is too warm.


My foot care nurse came yesterday and did my toenails.  She is the same lady who used to do mom's toenails.  Her name is Jennie and she is a great conversationalist.  We sort all of the world's problems out when she is here.  Mom used to love it when Jennie came to do her toes, even if she did find it a bit painful near the end. Mom loved to talk and was a great conversationalist.  Jennie is as well.  So they really enjoyed their times together.


We were talking yesterday about how many places like the one I am living in are being built.  One or two bedroom slab homes with no basements, some with garages others without.  They are going up left, right and center. I think it is because all the baby boomers are now getting old and wanting to move into smaller homes that don't require a lot of care.  Everything on one floor, not as much to clean. Lawn care and snow removal taken of.  And people are snapping them up like hotcakes. Most of them are already rented before they are even finished building.   And the rent is phenomenal. I don't know how most seniors can afford it. Mine is one of the cheaper ones, thank goodness and even this is not cheap. 

What will happen when all the baby boomers start to pass away however??  I wonder.  Will there be an influx of empty slab homes sitting empty with nobody to rent them? Time will tell.


There was a bit of a fender bender out across from me yesterday morning. People have a habit of parking on the street, even though there is dedicated visitors parking down at the end of the street.  Someone was parked across the drive right across from me and the poor old guy next to me was trying to back out of his drive and I think he hit that car that was parked.  Poor fellow just lost his wife a few weeks ago. I would say that  February/March have not been good to him.  I couldn't see any damage done, but they were out there writing in their notebooks for quite awhile. 


I had a really sore back all day yesterday and again this morning. I have tried to rub Myoflex cream into it and am hoping that will help. It is pretty difficult to rub cream into your back all by yourself, but somehow I managed it last night. Usually I sit on my sofa to crochet and watch tv, but last night I was having to sit in my chair. The chair gives much better back support.  I may have to think about getting a different sofa eventually. Mine is quite low actually and the cushions on the back are not very tall.  But what to do with the old one  . . . it bears thinking about.  I could put it on the www to give away, but first I have to save up to buy a new one.  They are not cheap at all. Where I live there are really only a couple of places to get one.  I am thinking about it anyways. Either that or a more comfortable chair. There is nothing worse than back pain. When your back is sore it affects all aspects of your life.


I just got notice that there is a weather advisory in affect for my area today. Bands of rain changing back and forth from snow to rain to snow, with high winds.  At the moment it isn't doing much of anything, but it is rather dark out. I don't think I want to move far from the house today. I am supposed to go out for supper with dad and his friends this evening, but I may not even do that. We will have to see how the day progresses.

In the meantime I have prattled on long enough and said a whole lot about nothing so I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
  ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Everyone wants to be the sun
to lighten up someone's life,
but why not be the moon,
to brighten in the darkest hour?
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today.  A traditional Genoa Cake. This is an every day kind of a fruit cake meant to be enjoyed with a hot cup of tea. Crumbly, buttery and filled with loads of sultanas and glace cherries. 

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!  Be safe and be blessed and whatever you do, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I remember the milk floats, and the post lady pushing her cart around knowing everyone on her route, and the pop man coming around (Corona) and the rag and bone man and the health nurse coming to your home. Looks sunny today, but still well below 0 Celsius. Enjoy your cozy home, they need to build more of them around us. There was lots of them where we lived in England.

    1. It is a very different culture over there for sure. I really do miss it. But I am where I need to be and one can't beat being able to live near ones own family. That is a real blessing to me! xoxo

  2. Hope your heat pump is fixed soon, ours seems not to produce quite as much heat as we would like when it gets near freezing. But I think they are all like that, at least ones we have had are. Spring is already here as far as leaves on trees, etc but here it goes freezing again...well, we hope for LESS bugs!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. No leaves starting on the trees here yet Elizabeth, but we are a bit further North than yourself. Yes, lets hope for LESS bugs for sure! xoxo


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