
Wednesday 1 March 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .



March 1 ~ March has come in like a lamb with
 a warm wind and rain from the South-west. 
 ~ Edith Holden, 1906

I am not sure what you would call it here in Nova Scotia.  It is -7*C/19.4*F , so quite chilly, and snow is falling, but it is expected to stop soon according to the weather app on my laptop.  Is this coming in like a lamb or like a lion?  Its not exactly story, so I guess we might do well to consider it having come in like a lamb. But there is a weather advisory in effect for most of Nova Scotia starting tomorrow, with snow and high winds, possibly turning to rain for the whole province.  Your guess is as good as mine!  I don't know!

When I was a child at school in the primary grades we would always make a special poster for the beginning of each month. It was a place for us to pop our stars and stickers that we received for our work for the month.  At the end of the month the student with the most stars and stickers would receive a prize. It was a great encouragement to us all work hard and try to do our best.  I think everyone got something at least, some small treat, but the one with the most always got a special gift. I remember getting it once and it was a package of pretty stationary. I was so proud of that stationary. 

March was always  a poster depicting a lamb and a lion. A very changeable month is March. The only thing for certain here is that Spring is waiting in the wings ready to jump out on the stage, so we can all hold our hope in the promise of its arrival!

In the meantime the snow is falling  . . .  but its so pretty. I am enjoying watching it this morning. Luckily I don't have to shovel or plow, nor do I have to go out anywhere. 

When I was a child we used to love to go and gather pussy willows to bring indoors. I think it is a bit early yet for those but it won't be long now. Even as an adult when my own children were growing up we would gather some to bring indoors.  They do make a bit of a mess when they pop, but I have never been a person that overly minded mess like that.  We always carved pumpkins, made gingerbread houses, etc.  A mess may sometimes be a pain to have to clean up, but a memory lasts forever.

I do so love the smell of freshly ironed clothes and linens. I used to love to go down into the laundry room at the Big House on the days that Terri was there, the ironing lady.  She came on Wednesdays. I would bring her down a cup of tea and a cookie about mid-morning. It always smelled so nice and fresh in the laundry room.  She was quite an elderly woman and would stand there for hours ironing sheets and pillow cases, tea linens, etc. oh and clothing of course.  

Can you still buy cans of spray starch?

This is the type of thing I used to love to read when I was a child.  It is no small wonder that I love miniature worlds and fairies and such. Things like this have always delighted me.  I have been sorely tempted to buy one of those miniature kits that you see advertised.  But then I think would I have the time to do it?  Would the cats let me do it??  Would it just become a dust collector???

Those 3D book nook shelf puzzles look interesting as well. But again, so many questions.  I am trying to become less impulsive and more careful when it comes to parting with my pesos.


For instance I am madly in love with this toaster. I would love to have this toaster, but I already have a toaster.  So instead I pop things like this onto my wish list, which seems to give me a bit of satisfaction, but boy  . . .  I do love it. I think it is the retro look of it.  I had a DeLonghi toaster in the UK, a four slice one in blue, as well as the kettle. Of course I had not had to buy them myself. They were gifts from the company. Nobody seems to give things like that away these days, or at least not in Canada. In the UK company's were always sending me things to try. I quite liked that. But now I am on a mission to only have in my house things I want, love, and will use often, so its probably better that I don't get sent all these things now.

But I do love this toaster  . . .  sigh  . . . 

The snow has turned to big goose down flakes at the moment . . . 

I have had to turn my heat pump completely off this morning. Again  . . .  I dread to think of what  my electric bill will be. Its not even that cold out, so there is no reason why it should struggle, but it was making a real racket. I could not think of ever having anyone over for a visit with it making such noise.  I was facetiming with my friend Carolyn in the UK on Monday and it sounded like an aircraft getting ready for take off. I will need to call them again.  A working heat pump is supposed to be included in my rental agreement. That's why we pay so much rent.  Sigh   . . . 

I got my electric bill on Monday for the past two months and it was not so bad, it was less than it was last year at this time, but now I have had to use the electric baseboard heating, it will go up exponentially I think. I need to call the landlord again methinks.

I have decided to have some toast spread with butter and marmalade for my breakfast this morning.  Some of my homemade bread with some of my precious jar of Tiptree Marmalade. I have not had toast and marmalade in a very long time.  I love jam, and only ever rarely have it for health reasons, but today I feel like indulging in the rare treat. I shall have one slice cut in two with marmalade on one half and strawberry jam on the other.  And I shall enjoy every mouthful.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day . . .

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 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Helping others isn't a chore;
it is one of the greatest gifts there is.
~Liya Kebede  •。★★ 。* 。

Taken from my little desk calendar.

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Sheet Pan Pork Chop & Stuffing Dinner. This was delicious, with homemade stuffing and caramelized roasted vegetables. I quite enjoyed it!  It was simple, quick and easy.

I hope you have a lovely Wednesday! I am supposed to go out to dinner with dad and his friends today, but we will have to see how the snow goes.  Stay happy and blessed whatever you get up to, and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. We lived very close to Tiptree in Essex, wonderful place. Love their products. We had all that wet heavy snow yesterday, got it cleared away so heading out for a bit of browsing in the dollar stores. Enjoy St David's Day today.

    1. Oh, I bet you got to enjoy lovely smells on a daily basis from all the jams etc. being made Linda! Happy Saint David's Day! xoxo

  2. Get the toaster..donate yours:) Do it:)

    1. LOL You are a bad influence! haha I did! xoxo


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