
Tuesday 7 February 2023

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .



FOR TODAY, February 7th, 2023

Outside my window ...


The neighborhood watch are carefully snooper-vising a large clump of dirty snow that has fallen off the tires of the truck across the way, lest it be an animal of some sort encroaching upon the neighborhood.  They make me smile.

I am thinking ...
It is strange to be back here in Canada. The UK was my home for so long. I know I have lived in Canada for a great many years all told, but a part of me is now British I think. Or maybe it is just that Great Britain captured a huge part of my heart that will always be there?  I don't know! I do miss it. I find myself watching Good Morning Britain on  my Britbox every morning. It holds a familiar comfort.

I am thankful for ...
Where do I begin?  I have lived a wonderful life, filled with wonderful people and so many blessings that I can't begin to count them. I was saying to my sister yesterday how very lucky we were to live where we live. Even if we had a devastating earthquake, there are no concrete skyscrapers to fall down on top of us. One of the bonuses of living in a rural area I suppose!

In the kitchen ...

Thick Molasses Cookies.  I was inspired by a recipe I found in Deb Perelman's newest book, Smitten Kitchen Keepers. I basically followed the recipe but added a few of my own twists with the most delicious results! These are fabulous! I don't tag these people or books in my posts on IG, usually because I don't want them to think I am riding on their coat tails and trying to gain followers from their followers, if that makes sense. I do add that they have inspired me, I just don't tag them with an @. Just in case anyone was wondering.

On my "To Cook" list ...  Olive Garden Stuffed Chicken Marsala.  This looks fabulous.

Good to know ...


Something to watch ... 

The Summer I turned Pretty on Prime.  Based on the book by Jenny Han.

I am wanting to create ... 

The Vanilla Squirrel.  A Love Heart.

The Adventures of Blue Girl   Silk Velvet Heart.


Tales from the Sea Garden  Another heart.

Karna Karna Designs on Flickr.

Another unique heart. No source.

I am reading ...

THE LIGHT IN THE DARK, A winter journal, by Horatio Clare

As November stubs out the glow of autumn and the days tighten into shorter hours, winter’s occupation begins. Preparing for winter has its own rhythms, as old as our exchanges with the land. Of all the seasons, it draws us together. 

But winter can be tough. It is a time of introspection, of looking inwards. Seasonal sadness; winter blues; depression—such feelings are widespread in the darker months. But by looking outwards, by being in and observing nature, we can appreciate its rhythms. 

Mountains make sense in any weather. The voices of a wood always speak consolation. A brush of frost; subtle colors; days as bright as a magpie’s cackle. We can learn to see and celebrate winter in all its shadows and lights. In this moving and lyrical evocation of a British winter and the feelings it inspires, Horatio Clare raises a torch against the darkness, illuminating the blackest corners of the season, and delving into memory and myth to explore the powerful hold that winter has on us. 

By learning to see, we can find the magic, the light that burns bright at the heart of winter: spring will come again.

It is an easy read.

Looking forward to ...
Getting my Doctors appointment over with tomorrow. I will find out the results of my liver scan. This has been well over a year in the waiting between the waiting for the scan and then the results. Enough already. Hopefully it will be not so bad, but if it is, I will just deal with whatever it is. 

Dreaming about ...


Love this coat  . . . 


So pretty  . . .  yet simple. 


Elegance  . . . 


They make me think of cupcakes  . . . 

Just wandering the woods in an elegant red dress, as you do  . . . 

Makes me smile ...

I hope it made you smile too  . . . 

Corners of my kingdom ...

He's willing me to fill his treat ball.  It's a little mouse with a fluffy tail you put cat treats in. He rolls it around the floor and tries to get them to fall out. It keeps him busy for a while.

A thought to carry with you ...

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
  ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛When you help someone up the hill
you get closer to the top yourself.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

And that's my daybook for this week! 

   ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
 ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆   

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day and don't forget!  

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And I do too!       


  1. Good luck with the scan results..hope all is well.I find I just always tag not for followers but for appreciation? Hard to say why lol..I never take pics elsewhere except movies and shows and feel bad about that but I can't go take a pic of a show or a movie lol.Over active conscience clearly :)

    1. Thanks Monique! I am never quite sure what to do as far as tagging goes. It is hard to know the right thing to do sometimes. There are so many different opinions and rules? xoxo

  2. Wishing you the best with the liver scan, etc. In life, so much of what comes, we just have to deal with don't we? The verse in Psalms is many encouraging ones in that book!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. They say that getting older is not for sissies Elizabeth! This is when all the results of our misspent youths show up! lol I love the Psalms. I love all the scriptures really. But the Psalms are a favorite. xoxo

  3. Hope the results turn out well. Health system is terrible country wide. Love all the hearts, fun to make and give at this time of the year. Have a good day.

    1. Thanks Linda! I was thinking I would like to have a whole bunch of different hearts and display them in the bowl on my coffee table. I would have fun doing them for sure! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~ It has been way too long since I have visited your beautiful blog! It's always fun to see that you have visited my small space in blogland! It's always hard to move, let alone to move to so far away from such a beautiful country which had become your home, I can't even imagine how you must feel. You will be in my prayers, Marie. Valentine's Day is right around the corner, isn't it. I guess I better get my sugar cookies started! I always love all the beautiful finds on your blog, so inspiring. And the cookie recipe looks delicious! I might have to make it along with the sugar cookies! Good luck on the Dr. appointment, I know how how anxious it can make you feel. Thank you for your, always, kinds words on my blog. I am feeling better and look forward to eating again! Have a wonderful week, dear friend! XOXO Hugs and Love, Barb

  5. Hope you get good news about your scan. Loved all your hearts. Stay safe. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


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