
Friday 10 February 2023

My Friday Finds . . .



A few of the things I find each week that inspire me to want to do better, to create, to become better, to read more, to watch, to just DO something! Things that delight, inspire, and bring me joy.  Maybe they will do the same thing for you!

Some cute cat making paper crafts which would be fun for the kids.  From Krokotak.

Free Kitchen Printables from Yellow Bliss Road.   Very retro.

More printables, but I really love these freebies with a positive message.   From Kind over Matter.   These would be great to pop into someone's lunch bag,  or through a letter box, etc.

Eight remedies for removing minor scratches from your phone.   This could come in mighty handy!  From Mashable.

Domistic Bliss Squared.   How to fix scratched furniture with a simple mix of vinegar and olive oil.  I Love LOVE household tips like this that you can do using things you have in the house already.

A really fabulous and attractive way to organize your recipes.  I love this.  I need to do this.   From Confessions of a serial Do It Yourselfer.

At Home Spa Treatments.  It's nice to be able to indulge yourself every now and again.  I especially like the lip scrub thingie.   From Back On Point.

For the budding artists . . .  a lot of information on techniques, pencils, colours, sketching, etc.   From Alisa Burke.  Very informative.

Valentines Craft.   A box of edible matches plus printables etc.   From The 36th Avenue.   This is soooo cute!  Simple enough that the kids could do it as well!  I love it!

This is a most unusual crochet necklace.  Not sure I would do it in this colour, but I think in another colour with different beads it would be really nice.   Found on Flickr .

NO source but how hard could this be.   What a cute entrance idea for the house for Valentines Day!  I love it! (No pun intended!)

Cute and Cheap Valentines Decorating ideas.   Most are very simple.   Found on Money Hip Mamas.

From For Women First, a genius use for orphan socks.  I would have never thought of doing this, but having seen it, it only makes sense!   I know I often pull an old sock over my hand to dust.   You can really get into the nooks and crannies that way.   The hands are the perfect tool!

This next find is a combination of scary and genius!  On the one hand it is brilliant to think that with a string and a can of crisco shortening you can have a candle that will burn for forty five days (supposedly).  On the other hand it makes me think do I want to put something in my body that you can insert a string into and burn like a candle for 45 days?   It's a conundrum.  No source.

How to hem your jeans and keep the original hem intact.   This is genius.  Why didn't I think of that?  Found on Do It Yourself Divas.

A simple way to keep brown sugar soft.  Pop a few marshmallows into the bag.   They absorb any excess moisture.  Sugar stays soft.  From Storage and Glee.


I love bags.  My motto is you can NEVER have too many of them.  I think this one is gorgeous.  I found it on Flickr.  But the pattern is here on Think Liz, and it's free.   I don't know about you, but I love free!

I love, LOVE Aprons and here on TIP NUT, I found free ebook downloads  for over 50 vintage type aprons.  You can't go wrong!

You might end up with a heart shaped chocolate box leftover from Valentines Day.  Why not Marbelize it.  Actually you could do this to any chocolate box, or any box at all.   Found on Almost Makes Perfect.

Paper Clip Flags using washi tape and . . .  paper clips!    Why didn't I think of that???   Such a simple idea!!  From Paper and Pin.  Isn't the Internet marvellous?  

I just love this side table.   Maybe not the colours, but the idea.  What a brilliant way to make something really old look new and fresh.  Inspiration only from Dot and Bo, but would be so easy to make yourself, with just a bit of paint and a couple brushes.

I love this white rabbit paper doll printable I found on Klippdockr.  It looks quite Victorian.  I have a thing for white rabbits and Victorian things, to find them together is just wonderful!   There's a lot of printable paper dolls on that page including a Victorian Sheep!

NO tutorial or any instructions, but just a lovely brooch/pin made from velvet scraps.   Sigh . . . A little something to appreciate the beauty of.

Free Vintage Embroidery Patterns from Tip Nut.  I love vintage embroidery, especially for tea towels!

A great idea to use buttons as earring holders.   From The Travel Writers Life.   Just brilliant.  I would have never thought of that.

And those are my finds for this week. I hope there was something for you to enjoy or find useful! 

Mom's Cat Pumpkin

I am very sad to have to tell you that my sister had to have Pumpkin put to sleep yesterday.  Her liver was in failure and there was nothing that the Vet could do for her. Poor Pumpkin. 

My mother got her after her cat Ginger died some 12 or so years ago. Pumpkin was the last little bit of mom that we had.  She was not always a nice cat to the other cats in the house, but then she had been used to living there as a solitary cat for a number of years before they all arrived and upset her homelife. She was particularly fond of my sister however and my sister was very fond of her. Punky used to love to cuddle up to Cindy right next to her neck and be petted.  

She had not been really acting like herself for a couple of months. We thought she had gone deaf, but it was probably something more sinister. We had no way of knowing. 

Before our mother passed her biggest fear was what was going to happen to Pumpkin if she died. Cindy always reassured her that Pumpkin would be well taken care of, that she would take care of Pumpkin. 

You did that wonderfully Cindy. Pumpkin was happy and loved and content in your home.  

Grief is truly the price we pay for love, but it is a price we all gladly pay for having loved and being loved.

A thought to carry with you ...

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
  ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛"We can only be said to be alive 
in those moments when our hearts 
are conscious of our treasures." 
~Thornton Wilde•。★★ 。* 。 

In the English Kitchen today . . .  Orange and Currant Cream Scones, the small batch. Simply delicious.

I hope that you have a wonderful day filled with loads of love and joy. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. Such a sad day for your family, Pumpkin will live on in your hearts forever.

  2. Oh that's too bad.Your Cindy has a heart of gold:)

    1. I agree, my sister is a diamond! One in a million! xoxo

  3. So sorry to hear about Pumpkin but it's comforting to know she lived her best life with your family. Now she can snuggle up to your mom again. Enjoyed all the creative ideas today. Stay well, Kat

    1. Yes she did and I am sure she and mom are snuggling away. What a joyous reunion! Thank you! xoxo

  4. Though its hard to do, it is fortunate that we have vets to help end the suffering of our pets. But they will always be missed!! Your sister is a great caretaker isn't she? I have always found it so strange that cats and dogs live such short lives and are the very best companions we ever have!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It is fortunate for sure Elizabeth. I have always wondered why their lives are so short. Perhaps to teach us the art of loss and compassion better? xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~ So sorry to hear about, Pumpkin's passing, I know that must have been very hard on you and your sister. Losing a pet is like losing a family member...the reason I don't have pets, it's just too hard. Gentle hugs to both of you. XOXO Barb

    1. Thanks so much Barb! It is hard to have pets knowing that one day you will have to bid them a heartbreaking farewell. xoxo


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