
Tuesday 10 January 2023

The Simple Woman's Daybook ...



FOR TODAY, January 10th, 2023

Outside my window...
Its dark and there has been a light dusting of snow. Its below zero, so cold. But as a whole Winter has been very kind to us this year.

I am thinking...
I was reading this morning about a man here in Nova Scotia whose wife died in the waiting room of an ER here in NS after waiting for 7 Hours to be seen. She was not an old woman either. Only 37. This shouldn't happen. I have read of other people laying in their driveway for hours waiting for an ambulance. Our government needs to wake up and do something.

I am thankful for...
That I am reasonably healthy. That I have a roof over my head. Food in my belly. Family who loves me. I am incredibly blessed.

In the kitchen...

Parmesan Roasted Potatoes. Crispy cheese on the bottoms, meltingly tender inside. Filled with flavor. Delicious.

On my "To Cook" list...

Harvest and Nourish. Rosemary Parmesan Artisan Bread.

I am wearing...
One of my flannel nighties. They are just so comfortable and warm. When I can afford to, I am going to buy another one.

Good to know ...

I am going to try this.

I am wanting to create ... 

Your Crochet. An assortment of chicken related pot holders. Free, five different ones.

The Crochet Fox.  HennyPenny Crochet Basket.


Craft Evangelist. Square Baskets.

Yarn and Hooks. Crochet Clutch bag with zipper.

Sweet Crocheterie on Etsy. PDF pattern.

I am reading ...

The Four Winds, Kristin Hannah

Texas, 1934. Millions are out of work and a drought has broken the Great Plains. Farmers are fighting to keep their land and their livelihoods as the crops are failing, the water is drying up, and dust threatens to bury them all. One of the darkest periods of the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl era, has arrived with a vengeance. 

 In this uncertain and dangerous time, Elsa Martinelli—like so many of her neighbors—must make an agonizing choice: fight for the land she loves or go west, to California, in search of a better life. The Four Winds is an indelible portrait of America and the American Dream, as seen through the eyes of one indomitable woman whose courage and sacrifice will come to define a generation.

I have just started this book, but I am hooked.

Looking forward to...
The next episode of The Chosen. I watched the latest episode last night and it was brilliant. If you haven't watched the series yet, I highly recommend. It is so well done.  You don't have to be religious to enjoy it.

Dreaming about ...


Pretty candles  . . . 



Wool plaids  . . . 


A wood stove  . . . 


Round  . . .  and the windows . . . 


Overflowing window boxes  . . . 

Makes me smile ...

Corners of my kingdom ...

Diadamy is introducing Jesus' name for this week. Diadamy was one of my third Great Grandmothers.

A thought to carry with you ...

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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  ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛It's easy to judge,
it's more difficult to understand.
Understanding requires compassion,
patience, and a willingness to believe
that good hearts sometimes 
choose poor methods.
Through judging we separate.
Through understanding, we grow.
~Doe Zantamata  •。★★ 。* 。

 And that's my daybook for this week! 

   ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
 ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆   

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day and don't forget!  

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And I do too!       


  1. I read the same story yesterday, seems health care is in crisis across the country. We don't have a doctor and trying to get prescription refilled is a challenge, hard to get a virtual appointment, think we will have to go and sit for hours at a walk in clinic. Happy Tuesday.

    1. Having prescriptions refilled is the worst Linda! I don't see it getting better anytime soon either. If anything it looks as though they are going to get worse. :-( xoxo

  2. Susan made me one of those cute chickens:)A lot needs work everywhere..I read about it in the UK too I follow DR Instagrammers there and here..and of course the US has its issues too..lack of people is number conditions have to be made better.

    1. I think that our systems are overstretched and understaffed. They need to start paying these doctors and nurses more so that young people want to train and take the jobs! And many are burning out because they are overworked. More people are needed and conditions improved for sure! xoxo

  3. I think the problems with health care are for the most part, no accident. Last year the hospital near us left my husband sitting in a wheelchair for 14 HOURS...without care...beside the opening and shutting often emergency room door on a cold snowy night. I had to send him to the hospital in an ambulance because he had become so weak he was unable to even sit up!! It is a miracle from GOD that he is NO CREDIT TO THAT HOSPITAL that he did. And it was during the almighty covid so of course, my daugher and I could not even go to attend to him. GUARDED by armed guards at the door. When you enter a hospital now, you must consider it a prison. In some states anyway. We think things are slightly better here on the opposite coast. This event caused us to have to move quickly (with our son's help) to the opposite coast here in USA. NEVER in my life did we dream things would become so awful. NEVER. Someone told me that most hospitals employ temporary nurses from other locations now, instead of local ones...thus there is less interest in perhaps really helping the patients. Not a chance you might know any of them. Not being able to have your personal doctor visit you in hospitals as used to always be the case for most of our lives, is also no longer permitted. Thus you are dependent upon the good will of strangers...even people who have not a shred of interest in your local community...simply there temporarily for the money. And the good staff are much discouraged from staying in medicine. Again it is just too common anymore...thus it must be a plan. It is terrifying to grow older now. I consider this one of the biggest crimes of our century, ruining medical care this way. I read online the other day that Ivanka Trump was telling BEFORE covid ever arrived, about the really, HOW is that possible if it just showed up unknown? We are sheeple...too easily led, with too much trust and not enough questions. Sad what has happened to our world. SO VERY SAD. Surely GOD must be sadder than ever with what the world has become in general.
    My 59 yr old cousin dropped dead last week. Had a few allergies but otherwise as far as anyone knew, a healthy guy!! Yea, made it to the hospital but that was no help. There is far far far too much of this happening these days. Something that virtually never happened in most of my life. I have my own opinions as to possibly why my cousin died but it matters he is gone. A very very good man (one of the few on earth in my opinion) has left the world. I am most worried especially as his mom is 91. She has been doing quite well in spite of her age, but I fear she too will die ere very long. Grief does harsh things to the body sometimes. I hope things go better than I think they will this year...sometimes it is hard to have much hope.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. We are living in very challenging times for sure Elizabeth! ((((hugs))))

  4. Health care is a mess here in the US too. We had nursing shortages before Covid hit, but in NY state, the government vaccine mandate made it much worse. One of the biggest hospitals, a state teaching hospital in Syracuse, NY, closed Ors, cut back beds, can't staff it. So many doctors and nurses worked through the entire pandemic, were exposed, most had Covid, didn't want vaccine for some reason or other, were fired. I met a nice young man cashiering in the dollar store, he was an RN, can't work in NY anymore. Making it worse is the sudden uptick in cancers, heart attacks, strokes. We're having a mild winter at the moment too, here in central NY state...but we all know it's not over yet! I don't mind the snow, but I HATE driving in it, and hate knowing all my older kids have to drive in it...anyway, have a good day!

    1. Good day to you as well Della! I think its a combination of all us baby boomers becoming elderly and in need of more health care, not enough people going into health care, over worked, burnt out, etc. Its a mess all over! xoxo

  5. It is very sad about the mom of 3 dying in front of her husband in the emergency room. Yes, we have free health care but it doesn't seem to be working. I must say, though I got good care when I was in hospital for six weeks. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I think once you are in the hospital the care is very good Elaine. Its hard to fault our health care workers. Most are overworked and underpaid and the hospital are very understaffed. I am not sure what the answer is! Love and hugs, xoxo


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