
Monday 2 January 2023

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

The blessing of family. Not all families are the same. Some are closer than others. Other families are distant from each other. I have the blessing of having a family that is very close emotionally. We love and support each other in every way that we can. It was a lot harder when I lived 2000 miles away, but we were still there for each other in whatever way we could be. Just knowing that someone cares about you and is rooting for you, praying for you, loving you unconditionally. That is the blessing of family. We have always had each other's backs. I am so grateful to be living so much closer to mine now. I missed them so very much when I was in the UK.  I am grateful for parents that taught us how to love and care for each other in the way that we do.

I am so grateful for my faith. It has stood me in good stead my whole life.  I cannot ever remember a time when I did not believe and have faith in God and Jesus Christ.  I have always prayed, hoped, believed. My faith has gotten me through some very rough times. I know that my rough times are pretty simple when compared to what some other people have to go through, and I know that I live a very blessed life in comparison to many.  I try never to take my blessings for granted. I know that all I have and all I am is due to the Grace of God.  I am only a caretaker. 


I have been blessed in my life to always have some good friends around me.  I have had friends wherever I have lived. Some for only that moment in time, others for a lifetime.  Many in real time and many invisible ones.  Invisible friends can care and comfort just as much as real time friends.  I have been blessed to have been surrounded by the best of both!  I have been born and uplifted by the wings of angels, and those angels have been called friends.  You have all been my friends, loving and supporting me through things, especially over these past few years.  Help doesn't always come in tangible ways that you can touch or see; it also comes by way of emotional support.  I have felt your love and support more than once. I am grateful for it. I will never take it for granted. You are a gift from God.


A new year to write upon. Fresh beginnings.  Clean pages.  I love opening up my new calendars for the year and hanging them up.  Everything is so crisp and fresh.  By about mid-year they will start to look a bit ragtag with all of my scribblings, etc. I have always loved calendars. My calendars have always read a bit like a journal, with all of my comings and goings, appointments, etc. recorded on them.  Special days. Not so special days.  The happenings of my life.

A delicious dinner to begin the new year on. Throughout my whole life, New Year's Day Dinner has meant ham. My sister cooked a beautiful ham dinner yesterday.  With a roasted glazed ham (in the air fryer), scalloped potatoes, roasted brussels sprouts and I contributed a mac and cheese.  It was all delicious.  The best part was we were starting the year out together.  Cindy, Dan, dad and myself. An extra special blessing.  Again, it all goes back to family!

I am so grateful for modern technology which affords us the blessing of being able to stay in touch with our loved ones who are further away.  Facetimes. Emails etc.  They all bless my life immeasurably.  What a God send technology was during Covid.  We were alone in our homes, many of us, but we were still able to stay in touch with each other.  Church services were held, etc.  We found new and inventive ways to meet together, teach each other, entertain each other, etc.

I had a facetime with Doug and his family yesterday afternoon. His boys got some kind of 3D virtual reality game for Christmas. Jake was wandering around the room with some kind of a thingie over his face playing it. What will they think of next!

These two. I am never alone.  There is always someone to greet me from morning til night.  When I go out and come back, they are right at the window and then the door to say hello to me. They are usually at the window saying goodby when I leave.  They have added to my life immeasurably.  What a blessing they are to me.

My friend Jacquie was telling me that they are not allowed to have pets now where she is living. I think that is a bit sad for Seniors to not be allowed to have a pet.  I know my friend Sheila next door would be lost without her little doggie to keep her company. It is the same with my father and his cat.  It's okay if you have a partner to live with, but when you are living on your own, a pet adds so much to your life. You always have company and someone to talk to, and if you are lucky a bit of a cuddle.


I like to watch Everybody Loves Raymond.  I always have done for years and years. I always like to watch right through the credits at the end. At the very end a plate of food, a meal, is always plunked down to look at and its always different.  I find myself waiting for that plate of food to appear and I also find myself saying what it is out loud, lol I caught myself doing that last night.  It was a sub sandwich and chips and I found myself saying to the cats out loud, Sandwich and Chips and then I realized I always tell them what it is. Out loud. As if they care, lol.  

The ability to laugh with and at yourself is another great blessing in life.


I have enough.  Love. Luck. Home. Family. Friends. Faith. Food. Company. Shelter. Health. I have enough. Of everything. I have no lack.  That is a huge blessing. To have enough. I am not in want of anything. How blessed is that! Pinch me!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛The broken hearted are 
the bravest among us.
They dared to love.
~Brene Brown•。★★ 。* 。   

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pot Roasted Chicken. Quite simply delicious!

I hope your week ahead is filled with love and abundance.  May your year 2023 be blessed beyond measure.  Never forget! 

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And I do too.


  1. The small things are the most important things, families can be quirky (including mine) and we just have to learn to love each part of it even if they never come together. It's a dull start to the new month, but temperatures still above 0 Celsius. Happy Monday.

    1. Its the little things that matter most Linda! Yes, learning to love your life is the key to happiness I think! Dull here as well, but still above 0 Celsius. Feels cold though! xoxo

  2. It is wonderful you have 3 kin really closeby plus the others who keep in contact via facetiming etc. I think it is as GOD intended for us...HE created families. Just sometimes for some, it does not work out as well...or not at all. I am grateful for those I had who were faithful and loving...sure miss them!! Our kids do what they can now, but life has become incredibly busy and hard, just to survive. And we no longer are much help to them...but old age does catch up with one...argh! We are hoping for a better year this one than last few have been!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  3. Lovely post, Marie. You are a blessing to many!

  4. Always nice to count our blessings♥️ All the best for the year ahead, Marie, and all your dear family. xo, V


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