
Friday 27 January 2023

My Friday Finds . . .



A few of the things I find each week that inspire me to want to do better, to create, to become better, to read more, to watch, to just DO something! Things that delight, inspire, and bring me joy.  Maybe they will do the same thing for you!

 I love these heart shaped pot holders.  Tutorial on A Spoonful of Sugar.

From Bugaboo City, a Valentines Day Love Letter Banner.   

From Crabapple Studio, some beautifully embroidered tea towels.  Days of the week. Flower Pots.  Lovely.

Dye your Easter Eggs naturally.  12 tips on just how to do that from Mamabee.  Using natural products.  I love  the deep blue one, oh and the yellow one!  I love them all!

Easy peasy, homemade Easter Eggs with a gift inside.   I have used balloons for paper mache before.  This looks a doddle and what a great surprise!  From DIY Enthusiasts.

Easy Poached Eggs using a sieve.  From Simply Recipes.  I love it!

From the people at BHG.  How to make a small bathroom look larger.  I love curtains on anything. 

Pizza in a mug, from The Typical Mom.   Love this idea.  Love anything in a mug. This could be dangerous.

The Late Bloomer sweethearts tea towel.  No pattern per se.  Just eye candy and inspiration. I love the mix of fabrics, trims, patterns.

This is really neat.  No source, but it is an umbrella frame with led lights twisted around the spokes and just simply hung from the ceiling.

 How to Crochet a Rag Rug using fabric strips.  From Crazy Mom Quilts.   Simple.

Eye Candy from a shop on Etsy calles Marianata.  I love these types of things.  So cute!   She also has a blog.  Dollitude.


Crochet Hoop Balloony House.  Love this.  Such inspiration here and made from felt which I also love.  Making things from felt.  Inkie Mama Tumblr.

Hanging hearts!  Sweet and Lovely Things.

Matchbox Monsters from Molly Moo Crafts.   they're babies.  Shhh . . .

How to sew a straight line.  Every little helps.  From Crazy Little Projects.  This is lesson one of  series.  Great tutorials for those who are just learning.

Make your own slippers.  A complete tutorial from Tea and a Sewing Machine.

A repurposed China Hutch, turned into a wardrobe for a little girl.  Love this.  No source, just inspiration.

The top of an old hutch, painted and recycled to use for in the bath.   Great idea!  Style from the Sticks.

I love this simple scarf pattern.   It looks very easy.  From Stitch and Unwind

I can't resist showing you this blanket.  I love it.  From Cool Creativity.

 Free printable Stationary.  I like this.  From Glenda's World.  Journal Pages and stationary and a whole lot more cute free printables.  Love LOVE this page.

Twelve small changes for heart health.  Easy enough.  Well, quitting smoking is quite hard.  I know because I did that 35 years ago.  Wasn't easy, but it can be done and is well worth the effort.

Hazelnut Mice.  These are so adorable.  From Renaissance Revival.  cute.

 Garter Stitch Swingy Sweater from Ravelry.  I love, LOVE this.

Ravelry, the Granny Shawl.  A free pattern download.  I love this too.

The Knitting Network.  Crochet Hot Water Bottle pattern.  Not expensive.  I like the little heart pocket.

And those are my finds for this week. I hope you saw something of interest.

A thought to carry with you  . . .

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛*It is easier to build up a child
        than it is to repair an adult.
                ~unknown    .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today, Crispy Baked Chicken Thighs. For two. I really enjoyed these. They were moist and tender and yet the coating was nice and crisp, and they were very low in fat. No frying involved.

I am shaking of the last vestiges of the cold now. Just a little tickle in the throat. Let's hope it doesn't come back!

I was a bit spooked last night when someone knocked on my door at almost 9pm. It turned out to be my next-door neighbor. She was concerned because our friend across the way had gone out yesterday afternoon and left her garage door open and she had not yet returned. This meant that someone could easily break into the house. There wasn't really much we could do about it, except hope that she would soon return, and she did at some point as I noted this morning that her garage door was closed.

Must dash as I have to call my dad for a second time this morning. He has taken to worrying that he will fall asleep and not wake up in time to go for his coffee and toast, so he is having me call him twice every morning now, just to make really sure he is awake!  He has a specific table he likes to sit at in the A&W and he wants to get there in time to make sure he gets it!

Have a wonderful day.  Stay safe and warm and be happy!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. A&W do have good breakfasts. And fast, too. Lots of interesting things today. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. I wish I could go out to breakfast more Elaine, but it's not the same not having someone to go out with. Generally speaking Breakfast is a cheap meal to enjoy out! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Poached eggs are my favourite. I made a granny shawl a few years ago out of scrap yarn, lovely and warm. Good you are almost over the cold. Happy Friday.

    1. I bet your shawl is beautiful Linda! You do such lovely work! Happy weekend to you! oxox PS - had my sister pick me up some eggs yesterday and hope to have a nice fresh one this weekend! Probably poached!

  3. Replies
    1. It reminded me of the UP house as well! I know, my dad is the sweetest man. Such a character as well! xoxo

  4. The chicken looks do the poached eggs (something I have not mastered really...the eggs). Other projects very creative!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I am going to try poaching the eggs this way. Another good thing to use are these things called Poachies. They are like tiny coffee filters. They keep the egg all enclosed! Here is a link to where you can get them. I promise you they work very well:


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