
Wednesday 7 December 2022

Wednesday Witterings . . .



I picked up a wreath yesterday morning when I was out and about. Most of the wreaths I have seen for sale have been in about the $29 range, but these were only $15.  I couldn't resist. At the moment I have it hung on my shepherd's hook out front, but I really should have it hung on the door. I need to go and get a hanging hook methinks.  Its nice and full and has a red ribbon on it and some pine cones.

Cindy said was I going to hang some ornaments on it, but really I don't have ornaments for my tree so I doubt I will hang any ornaments on the wreath.  Besides I have my doubts as to how long I will have it.  This is a small town but there is an element of very unsavory people in it.  I was reading on the area Ask a Question page on facebook the other day and someone had a Christmas Light projector that they had put out and it was stolen the very first day.

What kind of person does that? It's a different world we are living in for sure. That kind of thing didn't happen when I was growing up. Most people had respect for other people's things back then.


It's my youngest son's 33rd birthday is tomorrow. I sent him a card in the post. I don't know what he does with them when he gets them, but I keep sending anyways because it is the right thing to do. There is a seven-year gap between him and my next oldest child, Doug. Bruce was a big surprise. I can remember people at the school asking me if I was going to have an abortion. They thought I was crazy to have five children, and with such a huge gap in between. The thought never entered my mind. I loved him right from the get-go and he was very much wanted by me.

Oddly enough my mother and I had been to a fortune telling thing at a friend's house a few months before that and she told mom that there was going to be a new baby in the family, a boy.  We both thought my brother and his wife who had not long since married.  Neither one of us thought it would be me.

He was not very well when he was small. He had asthma. I spent many nights when he was little, sitting in a chair holding up right so he could breathe.  He was hospitalized once with it, and I spent the whole time in the hospital with him, sitting in a chair next to his bed so he wouldn't wake up and be afraid.

My ex-husband used to be away a lot, so Bruce often slept in with me. He was afraid of his own shadow. It was just easier that way and I didn't mind really.  I used to make up stories for him. He was always the star of the story. Later on I did manage to get him to sleep in his own bed, but it was hard.  I made it so that he could lay in his bed with his door open and see right across the hall to me sitting on my bed. (I moved a TV in there so I could watch TV and crochet.) That was the only way I could get him to sleep in his own bed. Eventually he grew out of that.

I remember when he had the chicken pox, I sewed little bags for his hands so he couldn't scratch himself. I spent hours pat-patting him all over so that the pox wouldn't bother him too much, especially on his head.

He was a little character.  Quite spoiled actually, but we all catered to him. He was everyone's baby.  I was able to bring him over to the UK several times to spend time with me, and I managed to fly back to Canada for his high school graduation. It is hard to believe that he is a father now himself. I sure wish that I could see him and his little boy. I pray every night to that end, but it is in the Lord's hands.

It is my youngest daughter's birthday Friday. I wish I could see her as well, and her children, but it is what it is, and there is nothing that I can personally do about any of it but pray.  I believe in a God of miracles. Maybe He has one for me.  I have probably drained my miracle jar by now. I have needed so many over the past few years. But I will never give up hope.


A brother from church is supposed to come over today and see if he can get my printer working. The printer works fine actually. It just won't hook up to the Wi-Fi and since it's a wireless printer, I really kind of need it to.  Otherwise, it is just a really expensive photo copier.  And of course, the warrantee is expired. I think manufacturers do that on purpose these days. Everything seems to have a built-in expiry and it is slated for just after the warrantee ends!! Not before.  It just went offline one day, and I have not been able to get it to go online ever since. Very strange.

I will have to cancel the Instant Ink program if we can't get it working because I am paying for something which won't be used. Maybe I can get a new one after Christmas. We will see what happens. Hopefully Andrew will be able to get it working online today!  I have my fingers and toes crossed!

He will be bringing his kiddies with him.  His little girl is so adorable.  She just turned one a few months back and she looks just like one of those babies in the old Little Golden Books, like a sweet cherub with the cupids bow lips, chubby cheese, button nose and golden curls.


I spent some time wrapping presents yesterday. I still have a few more to wrap.  I really need to be getting my Christmas Cards written as well. I am way behind. Every year I say I am going to start earlier and every year I end up having to rush and play catch up. I am the great procrastinator, I think! It seems I am always running to catch up.  I am always leaving things to the last minute and then I am scrambling. But then again, I do some of my best work under pressure. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

I am a huge fan of the series, "The Chosen." I can't wait for Series 3 to come onto the streaming platforms.  I noticed in one of the Episodes in the second series Jesus was saying this prayer at the end of the day before he went into his tent to sleep.  I looked it up.  I thought it to be quite beautiful. I think that there are many prayers and traditions in the Jewish faith that are beautiful.  The Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins on December 18th this year and finishes on the 26th.  

"Eight candles symbolize the number of days that the Temple lantern blazed; the ninth, the shamash, is a helper candle used to light the others. Families light one candle on the first day, two on the second (and so on) after sundown during the eight days of Hanukkah while reciting prayers and singing songs."

Are they put into a special holder? I wonder.

One thing I have been longing to do these past few years is to purchase an Immanuel wreath. Maybe next year. It is a wreath/candle holder that has 25 names of Jesus inscribed upon it.

One for each of the 25 days leading up to Christmas Day.  You light one of the candles on each day and ponder/learn/teach about the name for that particular day.  It would be a lovely thing to do if you were a family and had children. I don't, and I have cats who might get their whiskers burned with open flames like that.  But I do think it to be a lovely tradition.

I don't really need a candle to light to remember a name of Jesus Christ each day in December, however. 

One thing which I have been doing is the Advent study through Multiply Goodness which focuses on the Gifts of Christmas. Each day we study a new gift. Things such as compassion, growth, mercy, joy & peace, etc.  For me it's been a great way to get more of the Savior into my Christmas.  I wish I had done more things like this when my children were growing up.  I suppose we can all look back and wish that we had done things a bit differently. We did go to church and stuff, but I didn't have the wealth of the internet to help me teach my children about things like this. Young parents today are so blessed to have all of this information and all these ideas at their fingertips.

And with that I best get off here. I have no idea when Andrew is coming and I want to be ready!

A thought to carry with you ...

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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 *The best view comes
after the hardest climb.
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Honey Ham & Biscuit Sliders. Seriously delicious!

I hope that you have a beautiful day!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!       


  1. Hello on this foggy, misty Wednesday.
    I just mailed the last of my cards yesterday, certainly don't send as many now. Enjoy your wreath, there are all sorts of thefts in town here too. Hope the printer gets sorted out. Enjoy your day.

  2. Hi you know we were away and when we came home our wireless printer did nit work either.We switched to black and white a couple of yrs ago as color was $$ and a pain ours is a HP..I tried what Google said turn to no avail..Jacques went to the HP app and it scanned for us and repaired took two hours.You should have it on your computer or you could not have installed your printer..Go check:)I hope your son and daughter come around.I always have. Here people complained about their lights seems squirrels adore a certain brand of light wires and chew them;)

  3. What lovely memories you have of Bruce growing up. Does he and Amanda share a birthday? It would be lovely if you could all be reconciled. I know you're willing. Hope Andrew can get your printer working. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

  4. I hope that your prayers are answered in reconciliation with your two youngest children. Always hope.
    The Hanukkah candles are held in a menorah,a branched type of candelabra. Very beautiful.
    Have a happy day.

  5. Wreaths are very welcoming, don’t you agree? Good luck with the printer, ugh, techy stuff! We can only say our prayers and be open to getting along with our family and friends who don’t always have the same feelings or ways…it’s hard (heartbreaking) sometimes. Enjoy all your blessings and keep praying…I know you do, your words here are from your heart. Happy day, V.

  6. There are electric Menorahs for those who cannot handle the smoke from candle flames, for whatever reason. We found a lovely one years ago at Bed, Bath and Beyond...not sure they are still even in business these days. There was a gorgeous sandstone looking one in Israel when we were visiting there...I wanted it so badly, but we could not find a way to get it safely back home. The families in Jerusalem anyway, all set a Menorah outside with the right number of candles lit each night...with some kind of glass protecting it from the wind. A gorgeous thing as you walk the streets of the Old CIty after least we thought so. Hubby's birthday falls during Hanukkah so he wanted to go during his birthday time, which we did 2 times. It is fairly decent weather then too...not so hot at least...and by into December it is rather chilly, but not impossible to enjoy. (I am glad we went while we could, we could no longer manage to walk all those very hilly streets, uphill or down). Speaking of theft, we live in a very different time...when we grew up, most did not feel ENTITLED, nor did they lack respect usually for others. Sad what we have lost really. I sure hope that one day your children grow up and see the truth of things, so they can apologize and try to make up for all the ways they shunned you!! Don't give up hope...we have had similar occur with 2 of our 3..though things are not perfect, for one reason or another, at least we see them a bit and communicate. This life must be meant to be a sorrow for in so many ways, it surely is!! For many of us anyway.
    Elizabeth xoxo

  7. The sliders got me!! I love those things. I've never made them but my daughter does and I could eat a whole platterful. Wishing your son a happy birthday, as well as your daughter. It's fun having birthdays close like that. The more the merrier they say.


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