
Wednesday 2 November 2022

Wednesday Witterings . . .


This past Sunday we had an activity on doing family history during the second hour meeting. There were a variety of workstations, from the very basics of teaching people how to get online, etc. to brainstorming as to ways of sharing family history with others.

There is an ap I use for Family History called Family  It is the world's largest data base for family history and its completely free.  It is run by the church, but you don't have to be a member to use it and the church doesn't harass anyone who joins. Nobody comes knocking on your door.

There are a few things about the ap that I love (aside from the family tree). One is "Relatives near me." If you are in a public place with a load of people, you can turn that on, (using your phone) and it will immediately Suss out if there are any people within a hundred yards of you that are related to you. Its really cool.

The other thing I discovered just this Sunday. It's called Famous Relatives.  You can just put a search into Google, and it will come up, and if you have a Family Search account, you can log in and it will show you all the people you are related to that are famous, be they World Leaders, Inventors and Scientists, Entertainers and Artists, Church Leaders, Pioneers,  Trailblazers, etc.

I was fascinated by it.  Of course, I had to try it. I found out I am related to loads of people.  George Washington is my fifth cousin, (7 times removed).  Amelia Earhart, eighth cousin (twice removed).  Jane Austin, 7th cousin (seven times removed.)  And Princess Diana was my tenth cousin. (not removed.)

My mother would have been thrilled to discover that Elvis Presley was our tenth cousin, once removed, and my dad was really pleased that Marie Antoinette was our seventh cousin.  And that was just the tip of the iceberg.  Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, President Hinkley, Lucille Ball, Walt Disney, Queen Victoria, Winston Churchill, Florence Nightingale, etc.  Loads of people. All cousins.

Kept me busy for quite a while looking them all up to see just how we were related. You should check it out. I would love to know who you are related to, maybe we have relatives in common! Maybe even WE are cousins! 


A year ago, my friend, Marie from Sweden, went strangely silent. I have never been able to find out what happened to her. We had always exchanged Christmas Cards, e-mails etc. I am left worrying what has happened to her.  I think perhaps she passed away and her husband has not let anyone know.  It is a great mystery.  Now Elizabeth has gone silent.  Elizabeth, if you are out there, shoot me a quick e-mail to let me know you are okay. I am concerned, and I am sure I am not the only one! We are all invested in each other and you are missed.


We had probably about a hundred children come trick-or-treating this year.  Oh, I do so love to see all the costumes and the parents also dress up in many cases. It's great fun.

I made sure my babies were safe and secure in the back bedroom. I would have been devastated had they gotten out, so I made sure that they couldn't. I saw on Facebook where someone was looking for their wee dog who got out through the door somehow when the trick-or-treaters were knocking. I sure hope that they found him.


I had recently ordered myself a new nightie online. I have two and they are getting kind of old, so I need a new one. Plus, I had been thinking if I got sick and had to go into hospital, I would like something decent to be able to wear. I thought I had taken great care to make sure it wasn't one of those fly-by-night Chinese companies, that are here today gone tomorrow, whose sizing is incredibly off and meant for people not of this planet.  A company where extra-large is actually extra-large. I checked all the photos of the nighties to make sure that Caucasian women were wearing them.  Made sure that they shipped from North America, etc. It came. Supposedly this was a company that specialized in nightwear.

Its Chinese and the sizing is all off. All the tags are in Chinese, there is nothing in the packaging whatsoever to denote where you can return it to if it doesn't fit, etc. I am so annoyed. It's okay, I can use it as a Christmas gift for someone, but that's not the point. I was really needing a nightgown for myself. I don't like pajamas.  There is nothing locally that I like. They are all like oversized t-shirts/sacks. I wanted something more feminine. In the UK I always bought my nighties at M&S.  I checked here and they just have the oversized t-shirts.  I know I am overweight/fat, but that doesn't mean I want to look completely like a sack of potatoes.

I had a beautiful white flannel nightie that my sister had sent to me twenty odd years ago. At the time it was one of the only Christmas gifts I had gotten that year. I loved that nightie. It was pretty and feminine, etc. I wore it out. I wish I could find another one like that one.


My next-door neighbor has had something gnaw through the wires in her car. At least that is what her nephew says. It won't start. She keeps it parked out on the drive all year round. Her garage is full of stuff. She and her late husband moved into this place from a much larger place and didn't really get rid of a lot.  She also didn't bother to get the CAA (automobile association) membership.  Her car will need towing somewhere and that will be expensive. I would not be a single older woman with a car and not have the CAA. It is worth it, even if only for peace of mind. I'll give her a call later and see if she needs anything at the store, etc.


Love this mug. It's so cute. I love birds on anything. I am a bird lover. But you already knew that. Silly me. I do not like birds in cages. I think all birds should be free to roam.  I had thrown a few peanuts out the other day and two crows were quite interested in them, and the cats were quite interested in the crows. The crows kept coming right up to the edge of the deck but wouldn't come any closer. One in particular was very interested. The cats were enraptured. In the end, he never did get brave enough to hop on deck, so the blue jays got them all. 

Cinnamon loves her soft little bed.  Last night this is the way she was sleeping in it.  Could you be any more relaxed?  I don't think so!  I couldn't resist taking her picture.

And then I had to take one of Nutmeg too, because I always try to play fair.  He was laying right next to me on the sofa. His usual spot.  

She comes to me a few times a day to get her fur brushed. She just loves it.  She is becoming much more talkative with me as well. Normally Nutmeg is the more vocal one, but Cinnamon also has a voice, and she is using it more.

I am so happy that I was able to have both of them.  They have been a real Godsend for me. 

Tomorrow it will be two years to the date that Todd got sent to Prison, and on the 6th, it will be two years since I landed back in Nova Scotia.  I have come to far since then. I know I have a way to go yet, but the tears come fewer and farther between.  I look around me and I see only the bounty and tender mercies of God.  Oh, how He must love me to have taken care of me the way that He has. Like Daniel, He rescued me from the Lion's Den.

My family has been such a wonderful support to me from the get-go.  How would I have ever gotten through without Cindy. I love her so much.  It has been such a wonderful thing living close to my best friend again. We support each other.

 And of course, all of you as well. I am so appreciative of all of it.  I am truly a very blessed person, and I am grateful that I know it! I have been borne aloft on the wings of many angels.

I best leave you with a thought for the day now . . .

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *Speak only when
you feel your words are
better than the silence.
~Unknown•。★★ 。* 。

Maple Pecan Pie for one.  For those of us who don't have a whole houseful of people to feed. Delicious.

I hope you have a wonderful day. I am going out for supper today with my father and his friends. Looking forward to that. Be happy and be safe and don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. You have come so far in 2 years, in more ways than distance. Keep moving forwards and enjoy your family and life.

    1. That's the plan Linda! Just keep moving forwards and counting my many blessings! xoxo

  2. I am not sure if you mean me...cause it has not been very many days since I commented...I tend not to comment if I have nothing to say...which is not very often...ha. Things here have been hard due to the extreme noise upstairs whenever the monster kids come to visit the deadbeat dad. Hard on the nerves of old people...I really miss not living in an apt bldg for old folks!! I too have issues with clothes ordered online...but these days its hard to find a company that actually is with things made in the USA...and if you find a good nightgown, please let me know...mine are all wearing out too!! I just ordered a nice looking rain jacket from Haband...but it is likely not made here either. Years ago I got a light jacket from them and it wore so well...and was cheap too...but it also is getting shabby... Sorry if you were worried about me. I have also been having issues with my email...sigh...I HATE this imperfect technology...nothing works as it ought to!! But you can always try to email me if you want to, Marie...I THINK it is up running again...
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Sorry Elizabeth! It seemed longer! I was missing you! You are right, it is getting very difficult to find anything that is made in Canada or the USA. Its all made in China or Thailand, etc. now. I have been wearing the same summer jacket for about 15 years now and it is very dated and my winter coat is very old as well. Its a good thing I don't go out a lot in the Winter! Anything I have ordered seems to think I need my sleeves long enough to fit an orangutan! I am glad you and hubby are okay. I am relieved now. Will e-mail you! xoxo

  3. You might try The Vermont Country Store. They are online and also still have a nice print catalog. Rather expensive, but might have just what you're looking for

    1. I was able to place a telephone order with them, and I think I am going to get exactly what I want! Thank you for the suggestion, and yes, expensive, but when I count up all the horrible tat I have gotten from China that I can't return, I could have saved myself a bomb there! xoxo

  4. I also wanted to suggest The Vermont Country Store. I have ordered from them and been pleased. They have a good customer service department too.
    Your journey of the last two years has been inspiring - and what a wonderful family you have!
    Hugs to you, pets and brushings to the kitties.

    1. Thanks Mary! I am really blessed as far as family goes, friends too! God has been very good to me! xoxo

  5. Have a lovely week … it’s so nice to be grateful for the little things in life…which are really the BIG things…have a great time with your Dad at dinner…lucky you. xo, V.

    1. The little things truly are the BIG things V! You got that right! Thanks so much! I am blessed! xoxo


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