
Thursday 24 November 2022

Thursday this and that . . .



Well, the inevitable happened. I got up this morning and my Christmas Tree was laying on the floor.  I knew it was only a matter of time, which is why I hadn't put any decorations on it.  Such is life with cats. Already this morning I have had to use the squirt bottle to stop Cinnamon from chewing on the branches. I would hate for her to electrocute herself. Its early days yet. We will see what happens as time goes on. If it gets to the point where I don't dare put any decorations on it, well so be it! I can still enjoy the pretty lights. 


Sad news on the street. Mr. McGregor passed away on Monday evening.  I saw the ambulance there, but it often was. He had breathing problems and was on oxygen. I had seen him out driving just in the afternoon. I wouldn't have even noticed the ambulance but for the fact that the cats were inordinately interested in it. Sheila called me Tuesday morning to let me know he had passed away on the way to the hospital.  He was 92. The family has been there since, emptying out his little house. His grandson always spent the weekends with him and had helped him to put his Christmas tree out front at the weekend. I will miss seeing him around and about. I know Sheila will really miss him. She often popped over to check on him and spend time chatting. He was often sitting in his chair on his front porch reading the newspaper, well in the warmer weather anyways. Not in the colder months.

Had a pretty uneventful day to Kentville yesterday to my sister's appointment. It was a bit snowy when we started, but nothing too bad and by the time we were on our way back home again, the sun was starting to shine. Prayers were answered in more ways than one.  First, the weather cooperated and secondly, all is well with everyone's health.  I was so happy that all was well.  I had been praying every night that all would be well, and my prayers were answered. 

We stopped in at the Convenience store in Coldbrook on the way back to pick up a few bits. This is the store that brings in goods from the Costco in Halifax.  They are building a huge addition onto it.  Apparently (according to the girl at the tils) he is going to have a "walk-in" freezer as well as space to have even more goods from the city.  Exciting news indeed, but it did mean that some of the things we were wanting yesterday were not in stock. I did get a few things however as did Cindy, and we are looking forward to the newer larger store in the future!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American friends and family today.  I rather like the American tradition of having Thanksgiving in November. It seems to be the perfect way to usher in the Christmas season. We can all embrace the festivities now with abandon!  Bring on the Christmas movies and the decorations, the cookie baking . . . One month from tonight will be Christmas Eve, and I predict the four weeks will pass very quickly!  They always do.

Anthony is supposed to come over for Christmas with his family. We will see what happens.  Life does not always cooperate with our plans, and there is the weather, etc. to factor in. It will be nice if he does manage to make it, however. 

Cindy and I did some Christmas shopping earlier this week. I bought a Christmas present for my youngest grandson, but I don't want to have to mail it this year. The cost of mailing things is quite steep and he only lives in the next town. I am going to just drop it off on his doorstep, I think. I will e-mail my daughter in law to tell her I am doing that. Hopefully that will be okay. In fact, I won't even take it to the door, I will get Cindy to take it to the door, so they needn't worry about me infringing on their lives. I just want to make sure he gets his Christmas present from me. I will wait until close to Christmas to drop it off.  

Heck, however, I may just cave and mail the darn thing anyways or wait until Anthony is here and get Anthony to drop it off.  Doug did it for me last year.


Doug's birthday was yesterday. He turned 40. I was so pleased that I had the chance to spend a whole weekend with him and his family two weeks ago. I hope that he had a nice day yesterday. I will hopefully have a chance to talk to him soon.

It's very cold out there this morning. The temperature is -5*C/23*F.  The high today is only supposed to go to +1*C/34*F, so a cold day is in store for us, but it is supposed to stay bright and sunny.  I have snow on my lawn still from the other day. This side of the street doesn't get as much sunshine as the other side as we are North facing, and they are South facing.

My heat pump is working overtime. I am grateful for it.


As usual I went with my father and his friends for supper last night at one of our local restaurants.  There was a sign on the door that said, "No Salads."  The cost of lettuce has finally hit here, and people just can't afford it at the moment, not even restaurants. We will survive, I think. We may just have to be more inventive.

I am not sure what I will get up to today. I do want to wash my floors, so I will vacuum and then wash them and then who knows what I will get up to!  Maybe I will get some crafting done?  Hope springs eternal!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *Sometimes I just look up,
smile and say,
"I know that was you.
Thank you."•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Easy Rough Puff Pastry. Its deliciously flaky and buttery!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Be happy. Be blessed. Be safe and don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. Glad the trip with Cindy yesterday was a good one. Lots of restaurants here have stopped offering salads due to the price. I haven't bought any for a couple of weeks. It's a foggy day here, not really bad though. I have a zoom cooking class today, doing pork tenderloin. Hopefully the cats will get used to the tree. Have a good day.

    1. The Zoom cooking class sounds interesting! I don't know how families are coping with the increase in grocery prices. xoxo

  2. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I'm waiting for the Macey Day Christmas Parade on TV. It's a tradition here to watch it every year!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving Pam! I watched a bit of it and then tuned into the World Cup! xoxo

  3. Glad for the good medical small blessing!! The only place we have found in this small berg, that decent lettuce is to be found, is in eating in restaurants, but I suppose it may come here like it is there too...let's see...what else can the powers that be find to bring us grief?? Just too many things to be accidental. My main blood pressure med was discontinued this year...fortunately I still have some left as I was able to cut my dose in half...but I will be out in 90 days or so now and no idea what will happen. I hope to loose more weight...then maybe be able to go off entirely!! Of course, days like today (the monster kids are upstairs making GOBS of noise on us) do not help the blood pressure stay down. I hope your other son and family are able to come during the holidays soon!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. That's why I am happy I live in a dedicated Senior's complex Elizabeth. No party animals here, thank goodness! xoxo

  4. Glad you and Cindy had a good day, lovely to have time together. It will be wonderful to see your son and his family also. Many blessings to enjoy! xo, V.

    1. Time together is always well spent V! Blessings to you! xoxo


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