
Wednesday 19 October 2022

Wednesday witterings . . .


I'm thinking about new beginnings here this morning. I have had to navigate three very painful endings and new beginnings in my lifetime.  Each time I did my life actually got better and I got better, became better, even if, at first, I was unable to see the promises that were in store for me. I was able to grow from them and become something I had never thought I could/would become.  I leaned into my faith and the Savior and discovered strengths that I never knew that I had.  I think it was the Apostle Paul who said 

"My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." ~2 Corinthians 12:9

Life is filled with ups and downs.  Battles and victories.  Highs and lows.  I believe that when we get to the end of our days, we will see that the ups, and highs, and the victories far outweighed the rest. That the scales are tipped in our favor. If we are wise, we will use the things which try to work against us as vehicles for strengthening and growth. New directions can turn into the best things that ever happened to us.  The power lies within us to transform our ashes into glass.  Pearls start as an irritant in an oyster.  The butterfly was once chained. Under great pressure coal turns into diamonds.

“Be so completely yourself that everyone else feels safe to be themselves too.”

Sometimes you happen upon something or someone which is so good that you just have to share it/them! I stumbled onto this woman on Instagram the other day and was instantly mesmerized.  What an amazing and fascinating person. Such a spark of positivity.  I smiled and smiled and smiled. This is a woman who is unabashedly, freely able to be herself.  In a world full of wannabe Kardashians, she is just who she is, and I think she is pretty amazing! Light. Light. Light in a world that can seem pretty dark at times. It is impossible to watch her video clips and come away without a smile on your face.  

The world needs more of this.  In a world full of wannabe Kardashians, I wannabe Diane Shiffer.

Yay, I have my car back! Cindy took me to pick it up late yesterday afternoon. They told me that all of the rims were leaking and that three of them were leaking around the valves. He said it often happens after having been stored for a season. They took them off all the rims and cleaned them off, sorted the valves and popped them back onto the rims. He said they should be good for a few years now. They are good tires. I am grateful for that.

All those years I didn't really drive in the UK.  I am so happy to have my wheels back and the freedom to drive once more.  It is not that I couldn't drive in the UK. I had a drivers' license. I just did not feel comfortable driving there and I have always felt that if you are uncomfortable driving, you are more of a hazard on the road than anything else.  The roads were too busy and too narrow.  The drivers were much more aggressive than anything I had ever been used to, and don't get me started on the roundabouts.  I drove a bit when we were down in Kent because I had to, but once we moved back to Chester I stopped. I remember going to get some MacDonalds for all the moving crew on the day we got back there, but that was essentially the last time I drove over there.

Happy I kept my license current, however.  And am enjoying having my wings back. I love my little car.  My sister and I both have Kia Souls. We are the Soul Sisters. In more ways than one!

I was so happy to see the start of Season 6 of Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix. I love that show. Phil's enthusiasm for people and food really spark joy for me!  I love armchair travel as well.  For me visiting the food of the places I go to is the best part of travel. I may not get to taste the things he is tasting, but I can enjoy him tasting them!  And sometimes I am inspired to want to find a recipe so that I can recreate at home what it is he is having.  In the first episode he visited Philadelphia.  

Iconic classics such as cheesesteaks, pretzels, etc. and look at those bird dumplings.  I want to eat bird dumplings and what's more I want to make bird dumplings. Are they not just the cutest!  And apparently very delicious also judging by the look on Phil's face as he eats one. (Sorry for the poor photograph, but I took it off my TV.)

I love food travelling with Phil.

Is this not just so true? I love it. Whenever I come across something like this, I think to myself, YES! It resonates. 

I have determined that over the next six months I am going to learn and study all of the names of Jesus. Did you know there are over 50 names which have been given to Jesus?  I know!  Amazing!! I am excited to discover and study each one.  I believe that in doing so I will be able to draw even closer to him and to come to know Him even better. Maybe even become more like Him. That can't be bad!


I have been thinking about getting a Christmas Tree for Christmas. I keep looking at them online. If my son and his family come over for Christmas, I think I will want to have a tree. But there is the space required for one, and then the cats . . .  the expense of buying all the decorations, etc. I am not sure I can afford it. And I know I don't have time to make a lot of decorations between now and then. Plus my heart does break a little bit (I cannot tell a lie) when I think of all the decorations I left in the UK. All of those blown glass ones I had collected.  Gifts from friends.  All my red toadstools. I know things are only things.  But I am also only human. I wish so much I had had the forethought to at least fill one of my boxes partially with some of them. All of my nativities. Sigh  . . . 

Quick think about something else! 


Glenna was telling me in the car on Sunday that most of the people on our street are not going to do Halloween this year because of Covid. That kind of doesn't make sense to me. They did it last year and Covid was much worse. Anyways, I am going to do Halloween.  I have already bought my candy and I am going to carve two pumpkins, or Dan is going to carve two pumpkins for me.  I am going to buy two pumpkins and they will be carved! And candy will be given out.  And I will enjoy seeing all the kiddies in their costumes. Halloween WILL be happening at my house!

And with that I better get my skates on and get started on the rest of my day! I've wittered on long enough!

A thought to carry with you . . .

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 *Anything can happen 
if you let it.
~Mary Poppins•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Puffed Wheat Squares. The small batch. A little taste of nostalgia. Very yummy!

I hope that you have a wonderful Wednesday. I will be going with my dad and his friends later on for supper. I do enjoy the company.  Whatever you get up to today be happy and be safe, and don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Lovely to have your car back. I did not drive in the UK either, happy to take the buses or walk. The children need to enjoy Hallowe'en, glad you will be doing candy for them. Another wet day here, thank goodness for lights. Enjoy your day and dinner with your dad.

    1. It's too crazy over there for those who are not really super confident drivers Linda! It does get really dark on rainy days! Thank you! xoxo

  2. We missed two years of Halloween due to Covid but are planning on it this year. We usually get over a hundred kids. It's fun to see the little ones. And the big ones, lol. Even teenagers like Halloween candy. Have a happy Wednesday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I have enough treats for a lot of kids. I so enjoyed last year. I had quite a few come. It was so nice to see their costumes, yes, even the big ones! Happy week! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Phil is just the happiest individual.Haven't watched many J isn't crazy about the show..We both love Stanley Tucci though.

    1. He is a very happy soul! What do you watch Stanley Tucci on? I think I would like his show! Italian cooking. Yum! xoxo

  4. I always do Halloween at my son's house. I get to see my grandkids all dressed up and help hand out candy to others. It's a happy time and I love seeing all the costumes and happy children's faces !

    1. How wonderful Pam! I wish I could see my Grands all done up! xoxo

  5. I always love visiting you here for encouragement, inspiration and beauty. Thank you for sharing.
    May I suggest a 3 or 4 ft. white garland fake tree? I never thought I would like a plastic tree-ever-and I live on property where we grow fir trees and love them! But, last year due to health issues I purchased a very inexpensive white tree and put it on a table top and added lights and loved it. It sparkled and shined and made the days merry!

    1. Thanks so much Terri. I will be on the look out! I have a gift certificate for Michaels craft shop I might be able to use! xoxo

  6. Wow, Becky...nice video you sent here!! Thanks!!

  7. Thanks so much Becky! I loved the video and am now following her! You are right. People are hungry for real. There is too much fake around! xoxo


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