
Tuesday 25 October 2022

And away we go!

No post today!  I am off to get my flu shot and then Cindy and I are off on a road trip. We didn't get to go last week so we are off and at 'em today! I have a few Birthday cards to pick up and we are going to Michaels.  Then to the Convenience store to pick up a few bits that we ordered from Costco last week! No Jonny's today as they are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays!  Not sure what the weather will do, but we shall see.

Had my oil changed yesterday and the car all Winterized, so we are good to go.  I'll be back tomorrow with something to share with you, no doubt!  God bless you all!


  1. Enjoy your outing with Cindy. Hope there are no adverse effects from the flu shot other than the sore arm.

  2. Have a wonderful day, dear Marie!

  3. Have fun, you two. Maybe you'll get some Christmas shopping done. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I need to really think a bit more about Christmas! Love and hugs, xoxo


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