
Monday 5 September 2022

Small and Wonderful Things . . .




"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 


Forgive this dark photo, but I didn't want to disturb him by turning on the light.  This is my morning companion. Each morning as I sit and write to you, he is right next to me, singing his purring song and looking up at me with his love blinking eyes. When I had to say goodbye to Jess and then to my Mitzie, I never thought I would be able to love a furry friend again. It always hurts so much to say goodbye.  And you never know when goodbye is going to come. It can sneak up on you and surprise you when you are least expecting it. But . . . then my cousin's cat had kittens on the eve of my late mother's birthday and they were all gingers . . . my mother loved ginger cats. I love ginger cats. I was only going to get one, a female, but then I saw HIM.  How could I resist those four white boots and those two little white cheeks?  

I couldn't!  I had to bring both him and Cinnamon home to live with me. And here I am a whole year later, totally smitten. Wrapped up in whiskers and paws and purrs and hearts. We are a family. 


WE love each other.
Totally and unreservedly.

I have become one of those cat ladies. The cats rule the roost.  They keep me company through every waking hour.  I am totally wrapped up in their heart strings. Totally. 

I really hope they don't mind me
sharing this beautiful photo of them.

One of the highlights of my summer was getting to meet Ginny and Tom.  Ginny is my friend who made me that beautiful tea cozy last year, and the egg cups, beautiful hot pads, etc.  It was so much fun meeting them both in person. Tom was a "bonus" meet because I had not really communicated with him before. Two beautiful, kind, sweet,  wonderful people.  Our time together went by like a flash.  I love them both so much!  We talked, and we talked, and we talked. Tom choked down probably the most horrible coffee in his life and did so with much graciousness. I don't make coffee well because I don't drink coffee, lol  I am sure you could have stood a spoon up in it.  Ginny and I enjoyed a nice cup of herbal tea because that I can do!  And we all ate cake.  And we talked and talked some more.  What a lovely visit we had.  It was over far too soon.  I will have to make my way down to New Hampshire one of these days and enjoy some more time with them.  I have always said that I have the most wonderful pen friends and readers and I love it so much when I finally get to meet one two of them in person!  Kindred spirits. 

I want my dear sweet sister to know how much she means to me.  She has been gracing my life and making it better for 64+ years now (and I am sorry, she doesn't like me announcing how old she is, but I love her so much and have done for 64+ years!) We had a rocky start. I wanted my mother to get that bawling baby out of the house. I didn't want to share air space with it.  When my mother explained that if the baby went she did too, I reluctantly agreed she could stay. Best decision I ever made!  I do not know how I could have coped this far in life without this sweet, sweet sister of mine and I am sorry if you get tired of me saying how much I love, respect and admire her.  I am never going to stop saying it.  Getting through Friday was much easier knowing that she was with me, driving me to the hospital for the tests, and knowing that she was going to be there waiting for me when I was done.  And she had me over for supper not once, but twice this weekend.   I missed her so much when I was across the sea.  The time difference meant that we didn't get to talk all that often. Now we talk every day, sometimes more than once, and we get to spend lots of time together as well.  We were afraid last week because she had been exposed to Covid at work, but thank goodness so far so good.  She keeps testing negative.  What a wonderful blessing.  I know she loves me too. Only someone who loves you would drive over an hour in a car masked and stay masked for almost the whole day just to be there and support you.   Love you back sis. Love you back.  

We decided way back when we were teenagers that we were going to end our lives like the Baldwin sisters. No matter how far away life took us from each other, at the end we would be together. Life with all of its twists and turns has managed to bring that about.  We are together again in the golden years of our lives.  She has been my life long friend. 


Borne and Carried

Another life long friend of mine has been Jesus Christ.  My mother and father taught me how to pray back when I was very young, and Jesus Christ has been my constant companion ever since.  Silently in the background at times, waiting for me to remember that he was there, but always there nevertheless.  He has been with me at the lowest points in my life, carrying me when I could not carry myself.  He has been with me at the highest points in my life, rejoicing with me.  He has just always been there. It is hard to explain to someone who doesn't have a belief or a faith in Him, how he can be there when physically he cannot be seen or touched. But the heart knows  . . .  my heart knows . . . he is just always there. Supporting, listening, carrying, strengthening, helping, rejoicing, sorrowing.  There is nothing I have gone through that he has not gone through with me and I have felt his presence every step of the way.

We were studying in the Proverbs last week. I have always loved the Psalms and the Proverbs. Proverbs 31 is all about being a woman of virtue.  I was listening to the Come Follow Me broadcast on You Tube for the last week and I felt really bad at the end of it.  Emily Belle Freeman was talking about the way in Jewish Homes every Sabbath day after all the candles have been lit they honor the women in the home by reciting the Eshet Chayil, or Proverbs 31.  And as I read through the words I thought to myself, I have not always been an honorable woman. There are times I have failed myself and my family.  I am not always a woman who's worth is above rubies. I have feet of clay.  But I keep trying. I cannot help those whose hardened hearts will not be softened. It is beyond my control.  I love this Jewish tradition. There are so many beautiful things I love about the Jewish faith.

Prince of Peace
(Liz Lemon Swindle)
I have always loved this portrait of the Savior

As we acquire an eternal perspective in our lives our capacity to endure grows, we learn how to succor those in need of succor, and we come to appreciate and even express gratitude for the experiences God allows us to have as tutors in the path to eternal life. ~Elder Evan A Shmutz, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears.

This is my hope. I do well at it most of the time. 

This is what I try to do daily.  Each day I can begin again.  Each day I can find pockets of joy.  Each day is a new gift to unwrap and enjoy.   Yesterday before I left for church I put the ingredients into my bread maker so that when I got home there would be a fresh loaf of bread waiting for me. I was so looking forward to it. 


Sometimes you just have to laugh.

I forgot to add the water.  I ended up with a nicely toasted buttery flour mixture.  Inedible and unusable as the heat from the baking would have killed the yeast.  I have repeated the performance this morning, this time remembering to put in the water. DUH! Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself.

Each day gives us a new chance to begin again.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *The true meaning of life
is to plant trees under whose shade
you do not expect to sit.
~Nelson Handerson •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Butternut Squash and Goat's Cheese Lasagna.  Delicious!

I hope you have a fabulous day. Its the Labor Day holiday here in Canada and in the US too I believe.  It looks like we are having a gloomy start to it, but so far it is dry. It will turn to rain by tonight and of course it will! Tomorrow is garbage day! It never fails!  Anyways, have a good one and don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Gloomy here too, and much cooler. Happy Monday.

  2. The bread;);) Happens to the best of us..I've pulled muffins out of the oven because I forgot something..:)

  3. Ha! The bread! Been there, done that! Happy day, V

  4. Hi Marie~ The bread story made me chuckle...I do things like that all the time! You are an honorable woman, don't ever forget that. You are loved by so many, including me. I love the Jewish faith as well. They have so many beautiful traditions that we as Christians can incorporate into our lives as well. Those cute kittens, so adorable!! We are spending, Labor Day at my daughter's home. It's suppose to be 97 degrees today, so we won't be spending much time outside. Always in my prayers, XOXO Barb

  5. Marie, you can express your love for your dear sister and your sweet kitkats as often as you wish. I wish I had a sister like her. I do have a good brother, so grateful for him.

  6. Not sure any person can achieve 100% of the Proverbs is a good goal to have...I am far from it myself can just keep trying our best!! You are fortunate that at long last you can live so closeby your sister and Dad...even though the reason was not good nor any fault of yours, the result has been the best for you!!! And we just do not have control over so much in life, and it is wonderful when things do provide some wonderful days!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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