
Thursday 11 August 2022

My Favorite Things . . .


A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitter pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥    I'm pretty sure however, that these things mainly make my own heart sing.  I haven't done one of these in a few weeks, so I thought it was time.


Spindle beds. I have always wanted one. 


Wildflowers. I know to some they are weeds, but I find them to be quite beautiful, plus they are of super importance to our world, butterflies, bees, etc. 


Sunflowers  . . .  I love them.  They always make me smile.  I once lived in an old farmhouse and the farm across the road from us grew sunflowers for bird seed.  Acres of sunflowers. Such a pretty sight! 

Window seats. A place to watch the world go by  . . .  


Weathered wood . . . so pretty  . . . 


If I had a figure like this, I would wear dresses all the time  . . . 


Mail. I love getting mail, except for bills, lol  Oh, I was in the Post Office one day last week to post out some Birthday cards and this man was in there in front of me and he had hundreds of packages he was mailing out.  Just the one charge was for over $900. He crashed the computer.  The guy who stamped my cards was only guessing at how much they would be.  I have been curious ever since as to what this man was sending.  I was too polite to ask.


Casserole bread. Its been a very long time since I have made any  . . . 


Fresh produce  . . .  I do so love this time of year when we are blessed with abundance.


She has amazing class  . . . she reminds me of the Queen, she never puts a foot wrong.


Beeswax  . . .  so pretty and the smell. I love the smell of beeswax candles . . . 


A sunny window . . . now that's a happy place. Everything sparkles and gleams  . . .  


Roof tops and spires  . . . 


I used to love wearing things like this in my hair. I loved those little butterfly clips. I would have loved these bees . . . 


Cats that play peek-a-boo  . . . 


Dogs  . . .  I sure miss Mitzie.  She came into my mind yesterday, a picture of her as clear as a bell. My heart ached, but I know she is safe and happy and well loved. 


I used to love long hot soaks  . . . 


Hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows on top  . . .  so naughty, but so nice  . . . 


Shadows  . . .  I love shadows and light and the way they play together  . . . 


Oh my  . . . this is everything I love about a kitchen . . .  the colors, the window, the curtain, the crockery, plate rails, copper etc.  not too fond of the sink, but I could live with this quite easily! 

And those are my favorite things for this week.  Another one is my two companions who keep me company all the day through!

My grandson Jon has tested positive for Covid. He was away to a Tim Horton's Camp for kids. He had a ball at camp, was back home for one day, and tested positive. I am sure he will be okay, he is young and strong. My largest concern is for my son Doug (his father) who has a heart condition, and his grandparents (Calvin and Mary) whom they live with. Calvin had cancer, and has a compromised immune system.  I am praying and hoping they will all be okay.

I am so sick of Covid as are we all. No pun intended. There is so much misinformation out there.  There are so many who think, quite mistakenly, that the Pandemic is over, and that we no longer have a need for concern.  The top Doctor for Nova Scotia and for the country has advised us all along, even though there is no longer a legal mandate to wear masks or socially distance,  that we (especially indoors, and in crowds) . . . that we continue to both mask and socially distance. And so I do, even though most are not any longer.  As far as I am concerned, so long as I am still required to mask and sanitize to go into the hospital, the Vet, etc. I need to do so in my every day life. My Eileen has decided that she can not have a relationship with me so long as I am continuing to be careful and masking. That makes me very sad, and I know I need to make allowances for her developmental disability, but it really does make me sad.  

Not a lot planned for today.  A bit of this and a bit of that and a whole lot of nothing, lol.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*What happiness there is
when I wake up and find
near me the gift of morning!
Abbie Graham•。★★ 。* 。 

Another one of my favorite things. Broccoli Cheese Soup.  I small batched a favorite recipe to feed just two people. Its delicious!

I wish for you a beautiful day. Go. Be happy. Be blessed.  Don't forget  . . . 

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And I do too!       



  1. I love window seats too, don't have one, just love them. Enjoy the day.

    1. Maybe we'll be able to have one when we get to the other side Linda! Not that I'm in a hurry! xoxo

  2. A beautiful day to you, too, Marie. Lots of lovely favourites. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks very much Elaine! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I am still masking and am staring to feel weird,the minority is doing it..I went to get a small gift yesterday and we were 3 in the charming store ..the owner..a patron and me another patron.I was odd man out.Weird.Love a lot here:)I know re postal fees..Ill tell you something funny to me soon.Poor grandson..all mine have had it except M and her son Noah.

    1. I do as well, but not enough to stop wearing one! Lets hope M and Noah keep from getting it! xoxo

  4. IF ONLY masks worked...we did them, we go covid, we stayed home away from almost entirely everyone. Go figure...

    1. :-( I don't know what to say Elizabeth. xoxo

    2. The 2nd time we got it, I am convinced it had to be from the tap water...even though I filtered it 2 times prior to use...had read that it COULD come to you that way. We were running out of bottled spring water and no way to get I used my filters like a Brita plus another kind I had on hand. Evidently the covid germ is too small for these got us when we were home all the time and away from others. So had to be either that or someway in the air!! But we both lived through it. Taking a lot of supplements no doubt helped us, as we have done for a lot of years due to not having immune systems as good as should be. My most recent blood work FINALLY showed my body immune was doing well. We are only drinking bottled spring water now!!!
      Elizabeth xoxo


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