
Wednesday 27 July 2022

Wednesday this and that . . .


The heartfelt guidance of a friend
is as sweet as a delightful fragrance.
~Proverbs 27:9

I had a really nice time at my friend Jacquie's yesterday. I have known Jacquie for about 24 years now. She was one of my first friends that I made when I joined the church.  She lives in a Senior's place like I do, except in a different area.

Her place is much newer. I think only a few years old.  Mine was one of the first ones that they built.  One thing I don't like about her place is that it is directly on a main highway, but other than that, her place is beautiful inside. 

Where she lives the places are duplexes, so each unit has three outside walls and they have windows on all of those sides, which means that they are filled with light.   Her kitchen is also a cook's kitchen with tons of cupboards and a breakfast bar dividing the kitchen from the living area.  The cupboards are modern and painted a lovely stone color, same as the units in her bathroom. Its just a really nice place.  Very elegant. Of course it is more expensive than mine as well.

Jacquie is a vegetarian for the most part an she had made a delicious potato pie and we dined on that with a vegan coleslaw, and some scrumptious potato bread on the side.  For dessert she had sponge cake with whipped cream and raspberries. It was really nice.  The best part was spending time with a friend.


The two younger missionaries stopped by yesterday morning to say farewell. They are both being transferred out of Greenwood  and being sent to New Brunswick, which means we will only have the Senior Couple here now, and who knows how long they will be allowed to stay.  Apparently the villages of Kingston and Greenwood have stated they do not want Proselyting missionaries living there.  I think that's really sad. Missionaries have been in that area for over 50 years.  They actually cover a vast area all the way down to Yarmouth.   Their job is to teach the Gospel however and if they are not allowed to do that then they must be in a place where they are allowed to do that, so we are losing them.  I will miss them.

I really hope that we don't lose the Senior Couple too.  They are such a support to the branch.  They help to support a lot of the older members by helping them out when they need help, have been teaching seminary to the Youth, and a whole lot more. Their area also extends down to Yarmouth, so they are really busy.

Anyways, I will  be very sad to see the young Elders leave.  I was very grateful that they came to say farewell.

The hummingbirds were really keeping the cats and I entertained last evening.  They were having all kinds of aerial battles outside here.  There must have been about half a dozen or so chasing each other back and forth. It was quite interesting to watch.  

I have always enjoyed feeding hummers. In fact I have always enjoyed feeding birds full stop. It is a love my sister and I have in common, and I think my brother also, although he is not as obvious about it, lol.  On Monday I was at my sisters after my mammogram for a short and I watched a chickadee come right to her hand and feed.  The chipmunks also feed right out of her hands.  I think she has about six of them.  She has always been good with wild life.  When we were children she was the one saving the sick field mouse and the bird with the broken wing. (Admittedly my mother did not allow the mouse to stay for very long at all!)

She would probably have been a very good Vet, or Nurse, or Doctor even.  She was certainly smart enough.  Of the three of us, she is the most naturally intelligent. 


I confess I have never made a peach pie.  Do you peel the peaches first? This particular recipe sounds quite nice, although I am not sure about the maraschino cherries.  Do they have any place in a peach pie?  Any thoughts on this?

I know they are nice on pineapple upside down cake.  I am just not sure about using them in peach pie.  Having said that however, as children we all used to want to have the cherry from the tin of fruit cocktail.  Why is there only ever one or two halves in the tin?  Not nice when you have three children and they each want one, or worse yet when you have five like I did!  Try and split those cherries five ways.  It doesn't work!

And they don't even really taste like anything in my opinion, but  . . .  we all wanted one.  Its like the drumsticks on the Thanksgiving turkey.  We all wanted one of those as well, but um . . .  as an adult not my favorite part. Too many weird bones and tendons.

As a child you just wanted to feel like Henry the 8th.


Loving all the fresh local produce from the markets at the moment.  This is the best time of the year. I noticed yesterday that the corn has grown as tall as the shoulders now and is getting tassels on top. We will soon be able to feast on delicious local corn.

When I was a child and the corn was ripe we would often have nothing but corn on the cob for supper and we could eat as many cobs of corn as we wanted to, with as much butter on it as we wanted as well.  

When I was bringing up my children we would go and get huge paper bags of it from the local farms. They would always sell a baker's dozen. I think you could sometimes get it for a dollar. (I am showing my age now!)  We would put the kids to work in the back yard by the picnic table husking it while I got the water bath canner filled with water and boiling in the kitchen. (When you have five children you need a really big pot!)

Corn on the cob feasts. Happy memories.  Delicious times.  With lots of butter and salt.


We are taking my father to his Doctors appointment this morning. His Doctor is up in Berwick. Afterwards we are going to Jonny's for lunch. This is also the day that I meet up with my father and his friends for supper at the Big Scoop.  I told my sister I am not sure I should be eating a lot for lunch and then going out for supper as well.  Maybe I will just have an ice cream for lunch. Not very healthy I know haha.  Or have an order of their fries.  They are really good and then I can be healthy for supper and just have a small eaters turkey dinner with mash and no fries.  Decisions, decisions!

But I really have to run. I have been looking at the clock on my laptop and thinking to myself, boy . . .  its been 7:27 for a long time and I just realized that that is the date, not the time! 😝  DUH!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*He will cover
you with his feathers;
Under his wings
you will find refuge.
~Psalm 91:4•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken & Green Beans. A delicious, quick and easy stir fry. I quite enjoy this simple meal.

I hope you have a wonderful day.  Whatever you get up to stay safe and don't forget! 

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And I do too!       



  1. Lovely lunch, and her home sounds lovely. Enjoy the outing with your dad and sister and then the dinner tonight. Busy day for you.

    1. It has been a very busy day so far Linda! Busy days are good days though! I shall sleep well tonight! xoxo

  2. Yes, peel the peaches first...which is usually not too hard once they are ripe. My grandmother just sugared them and a bit of butter and put in a nice pie crust...we loved it!! Also eaten on some shortcake with whipped cream as with strawberries is nice. Actually the maraschino cherries are not really healthy...something about how they are made, preserved (this explains it: yea, it is not easy when you have several children to always divide things evenly.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I think I want to make a peach pie when they come into season. I will peel them first! I used to make a delicious fruit pickle with pears, peaches, tomatoes, pepper and onions. I have been thinking of making that this year as well! xoxo

  3. Family, friends….happy day! xo, V.


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