
Wednesday 20 July 2022

Wednesday this and that . . .



This photograph reminds me of the piers at the beaches in the UK.  Always a place for fun and games. Arcades, rides sometimes, little vendors plying their wares  . . .  ice creams, rock candy, cotton candy, candy apples, pails and buckets, small plastic windmills, postcards, etc.  I think my favorite one I went to was at Llandudno. There was even a Punch and Judy show there. There is always a real air of excitement and a real holiday feeling in abundance.

I expect the beaches in the UK are filled to overflowing at the moment, with the high temperatures they are having. Its insane. And most people do not have air conditioning.  I can really feel for them.  It must be so uncomfortable for them all. I saw online that there were fires burning in some places as well, specifically London, where the fire fighters were tackling at least 10 different blazes yesterday. It was being declared a major incident.   

I hope Mitzie is coping well with the heat. 

I really enjoyed the Elvis movie last night. The actor who played Elvis was really good and Tom Hanks was almost unrecognizable as Colonel Tom Parker.  The music was done really well and apparently the actor who played Elvis did all his own singing.  It was also an incredibly sad movie. I left feeling really really sad for this poor man who had been manipulated and taken advantage of from the time he was a young man right up until his death. For many, even members of his own family, he was nothing more than merchandise.  Be warned if you go to see it, your heart will break at the tragedy of this life.

It is long, 2 1/2 hours, but you don't really notice it. At no time did I feel that it was going on over long. 

I did wear my mask the whole time as did Glenna. I got home at 10:30 a whole hour and a half after my bedtime! The cats were happy to see me. They are not used to me being out at night at all! 

On Monday when my sister and I were out we went to the Spurr Brother's farm and I got the most delicious raspberries I have tasted in a long while.   They had probably been picked that very morning. I also got some really lovely yellow beans and a cauliflower as well as a few other bits.  Everything is just so fresh and delicious.  You realize just how substandard the produce is in the grocery stores in comparison.  

They even had hodge podge baskets.  Little baskets filled with everything you need to make hodge podge which is a very maritime dish consisting of small baby vegetables cooked together and served doused in cream and butter.  So delicious.  I resisted because there is only me  . . . and I can only eat so much.

I love this photograph of Nutmeg sleeping. I cannot imagine my life without these two little treasures in it now.  They bring me so much joy.   They are great company.  Always there with enthusiasm to greet me in the morning or when I come in from having been away. 

When I am sitting watching television, Nutmeg is usually laying on one side of me and Cinnamon on the other, like bookends of love.  Its really very sweet.  As I said, could not imagine a life without them in it.


I have recently discovered the art of Penny Gaj.  I haven't bought any of it yet, but it is on my wish list.  I love how she uses nature in most of her work and I love her style. She is based in the Cotswalds in the UK. 

Lately I have been wanting to get back into doing my art. Its been a very long time since I have done what I always did in the way I always did it. It is possible I am starting to feel my mojo again. 


I have an appointment to have a mammogram on Monday late in the day.  The mobile van is in town. Its been a few years since I have had one (before Covid) so a bit overdue.  They are not my favorite things to have done. I don't suppose they are anyone's.  Mom was a breast cancer survivor however and so I know its really important for me to have regular ones.

I have always felt that if men had to be tested regularly for testicular cancer in the same way as  a mammogram goes, then a new less painful but still effective way would have been invented. 

I always feel very anxious about mammograms.

‘The Edge Of The Woods’. Charles Courtney Curran. 1912.

I tend to think that I suffer from anxiety anyways. I think most people do experience anxiety to a certain degree. Its probably quite normal. I am a bit of a worry wart.  I think it is only my faith that keeps me anchored and on an even keel.  I am very grateful for that.

I am running really late this morning. I didn't get my shower in last night because I got home so late, so am going to cut this short and have it now.  I will leave you with a thought to carry with you today . . . 

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*Give your gratitude a space to grow,
and you will see your whole world change.
~ Steve Maraboli  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Raspberry Shortcake. Delicious!

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. I am off to have supper with my father and his friends tonight.  Whatever you get up to stay safe and happy. Be blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. I think its perfectly normal to angst before a mammo..For many reasons.. Last time.. I put everything back on and she said..Im not happy with the right one.. so a do over..anyway all is fine but so many things enter into the angst.I cant face a cinema yet.. cases are rising..J never liked going before imagine now;) I'l miss Where The Crawdads Sing:(LOVED the book..the last book I really got into and loved.

    1. I was quite anxious about going to the movies to be honest, about Covid. I will be feeling anxious for a few days yet. I love LOVED the Where the Crawdad's Sing. Like you, for me it was the last book I really truly enjoyed!

  2. There is another way to have mammograms done...thermal mammography. The new doc we are going to locally told me yesterday that they are getting set up to do those here. Kind of like an ultrasound to have done...NOT painful or uncomfortable at all. I am really glad to hear this. If you are in a small town, likely you would have to go to a larger one to find such. Might be worth the hunt etc. I would not do the regular kind of mammogram if I was the least worried about cancer...for crying out loud, if it is there, squishing that could cause it to pop a leak!! DUMB technology. I am glad they do have alternate ways now. Just might not be really nearby. I totally agree with you, if men needed this done, it would be done differently!! My mother who never nursed as she could not, felt this proceedure was very painful.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I know what you mean Elizabeth. I don't know what people with implants do! No such thing as the thermal mammography here, its the back woods! It is a very painful procedure for sure! And some of the nurses can be really vicious, not all but some! xoxo

  3. Had my mammogram a week or so ago, last one for me as after 74 you are removed from the system. With no family doctor to send in the requisition will probably not go any more. I agree that farm veggies are way better than store ones. Love hodge podge, made a pot a week or so ago, delicious. Hoping this comment goes through as I have been having trouble commenting on different blogs, searched to find out why, and it says it has something to do with the way the blog owner has their comments set up. I'll keep trying. It's very hot and humid here, maybe thunder storms tomorrow.

  4. Had my mammogram this past weekend. Excellent technician but I absolutely LOATHE having it done. However it is DONE. We'll done you for doing it too. I had a patient who was intellectually disabled she always said "when do I need to have my monogram done ?" It made me laugh because all that I could think of was an embroidery machine !

    1. Good for you Jane! I hope all is well with it! I am always on tenterhooks until the results come back. What a cute thing for your patient to say. A real smile maker. xoxo

  5. Good luck with your mammogram. Maybe take a pain relief pill, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen before you have it done.


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