
Wednesday 13 July 2022

Wednesday This and That . . .



I am feeling very calm and relaxed this morning.  Over these past weeks that site that I used to write for had been courting me, trying to lure me back into writing for them again. I was a bit dubious about it, because they had treated me rather shabbily when my life went South in November of 2020.  They kept making counter offers and I said that I might be able to do one recipe per week for them, but no more.

Well, they kept e-mailing me and every e-mail contained a new request and before I knew it they were wanting two recipes a week, plus me writing/adding 1500 to 2000 words to other recipe articles they had online.  Plus could I do two sets of photos for each recipe, etc.

I was not feeling very good about this at all. I'm going to be 67 in August. I should be slowing down if anything, not adding to my work load and so I e-mailed them yesterday morning and told them that I was sorry to mess them about but I was not interested in working for them at all. That at my age I was wanting to cut my work load, not increase it.

After pressing send, I felt a huge sense of relief.  That was the right decision for me. I know that I do worry about being able to support myself in the long run, but . . .  when life  becomes all work and no play . . . its just not worth it.

I have enough to meet my needs at present. Why be greedy?  Why indeed! The fact that I felt such a huge relief after making my decision spoke volumes to me.


I'm going with Cindy to take Little Mac to his first Vet's appointment this morning.  The little munchkin is growing like a weed and he is so darned lovable. He is like a mini Mr. Personality Plus.  Whenever you go to her house, he comes out to say hello and he is very vocal. He just loves to talk. At the moment he is all ears and whiskers. He is so adorable.  He's fit right into the home beautifully. He has a healthy respect for Pumpkin (mom's cat). Sometimes she plays with him, sometimes she's cross with him. Gary, he doesn't like any other cats, so he gives him a wide berth.  And he and Jazzy play together quite nicely.  I think it is good for Jazzy to have another young cat around to play with. Little Mac has injected some interest and energy into her life, but that is just me supposing  . . .  from the outside looking in.

In any case, his very first Vet appointment.  He's growing up! 


I had a lovely facetime visit with my friend Tina yesterday. It was so good to see her face and to talk together. She misses me and I miss her.  She is really minding not being able to drive now.  Her husband is not keen on driving himself because of the issues he has in his legs and feet. She is still waiting for the council to come and let her know what help they have available to help them out.  She struggles with seeing things on the computer, reading her scriptures etc. I told her that if she got a tablet she could listen to her scriptures, etc. There are a lot of audible books today as well.  Once she knows what they will provide for her, she will be able to make some solid plans for things. 

In the UK they are very good with people needing help. Once you become a senior there are all sorts of things available to you. I know I no longer had to pay for my prescriptions, dental, eye check ups, etc. They have housing benefits for those on low incomes.  And if you have physical needs the Government steps in to help also. They really do treat their older people very well. 

Anyways, it was really nice to talk to Tina.  I miss having her close by, but thank goodness for modern technology which allows for us to be able to stay in touch like we do! 


I had a nice phone call visit with my friend Jacquie yesterday as well.  I had not spoken to her in a few weeks due to my brother's visit, etc. I just wanted to touch base with her and see how she was doing. She was such a good friend to me in that first year after I joined the church and my marriage fell apart, etc.  Such a support and so kind.  She was my escort when I went through the temple the first time and it was her late husband Tom who baptized me. She fell/tripped going to the loo in the middle of the night a few months ago and has not been the same since.  She cracked some of her ribs, etc. I usually like to touch base with her a few times a week just to see how she is getting on. I need to actually go and see her at her house one day, and must make plans to do so. 

Next Tuesday night, she, Glenna and myself are going to see the new Elvis Presley movie on the base.  We are all excited about that.  I have not been out to a movie in a very long time now. It will be nice to go with friends.

I used to go to that theatre to see movies from the time I was 11 years old until I left to go to the UK in 2000.  That was the theatre I saw The Sound of Music in as well as many, many other films.  Its fairly inexpensive to go to as well, only costing about $8 max for Seniors.

When I was a young teen we would go every Friday night in the summer months.  Usually the air cadets would be there as well.  Boys from afar, lol.  Very exciting. Almost all of the air cadets in Canada used to come to Greenwood for Air Cadet Camp in the summer. They would change every couple of weeks as well so there was a new influx to flirt with/oggle.  They had money as well and would buy us popcorn and candy bars, drinks etc.  Nothing more ever came of it. They were not allowed to leave the base or anything, so it was pretty safe.

Eileen is off this weekend with Tim to Antigonish and the Summer Special Olympics Games.  She has been training for the past six weeks or so, doing track. I think she is running the 100 meter and doing the shot put. I am not sure what Tim is doing.  This is the first time they have been able to hold the games since 2019, so they are quite excited about it.  Eileen was going to the mall yesterday to pick up a few bits for them to take with them. 

I think the Special Olympics is a wonderful organization. She has been participating in their activities for a very long time now.  Back in 2009 she represented Canada in the International Winter Special Olympic Games in Idaho. I was able to go and watch her compete. She was Cross Country Skiing. I had never seen her compete before. I was so impressed with the way these challenged athletes were treated and supported by the organization, and the community hosting them.

I am sure it will be no different in Antigonish.  I just know they are going to have a great time. It is nice to see things opening up a bit more for them.  I think the last few years have been pretty boring for them as everything was shut down.


So far this year has seen the resurgence of our local celebrations and festivals.  I am still not that keen on attending any of them, but for those who are, its a good thing.

I still see plenty of people wearing masks and that makes me feel good also. I know I am not alone in having my reservations about public safety.  To my way of thinking if the hospital still requires you to wear a mask when you are in there, then really we should be wearing masks everywhere in public, but to each their own.  As for myself, I am remaining cautious.

There is a Doctor and her husband who wear masks at church and I think to myself, if she is wearing a mask that speaks volumes to me.  I am not sure how much longer my sister, Dan, father and myself will be able to dodge the bullet, but I am hoping for a good long time to come.

We are eligible to have our second booster here now. My son Anthony says it would be wise to wait until next month so that it is closer to the surge in virus cases which is expected when schools and universities/colleges go back in session. It makes sense.

He and both the boys have had it and Anne has had it twice. My ex and his wife have had it and I am pretty sure Eileen and Tim have had it as well, although she would never admit it. I just want to avoid getting it as much as possible. You never know until you get it if you are one of the ones who is going to get a more serious case or not.  I prefer to err on the side of caution, no offense to anyone else meant. We all know what is best for ourselves, and what makes us comfortable.


I am going out to supper with my father and his friends tonight. I suppose in a way they are my friends now as well. Dad says they miss me when I don't go, and I know my father does. He likes me being there, or at least he says he does.  I wonder what the special is.  Each week it is something different. 

The food is not all that great, but it is just nice to be out with some people and enjoying more than my own four walls. 

And with that I best be getting on with the rest of my day.  

A thought to carry with you . . .

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Very little is needed
to make a happy life;
it's all within yourself,
in your own way of thinking.
~Marcus Aurelius  •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pan Fried Chicken with Sage, Garlic & Lemon. This is restaurant quality food, served in the comfort of your own home. Delicious! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Be happy and no matter what, don't forget! 

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And I do too!       



  1. The first of your post spoke volumes to me! When your life becomes stressful it's time to cut back. I've been doing that since I was your age and believe you me, I am still at it! haha. I hope you enjoy every day and just be happy. That's what makes living worthwhile. Hugs.

    1. Thanks so much Latane! I hope you enjoy every day also! xoxo

  2. Best of luck to Elaine and husband in the Special Olympics. Good choice for refusing the offer, you don't need added stress. Happy Wedesday dinner outing.

    1. That should be Eileen, but I'm sure you knew who I meant :)

    2. I did Linda! Eileen and Tim really enjoy going on these little jaunts, win or no win. Its fun and something new and different for them to do! I had a nice time last night, thanks! xoxo

  3. I know that feeling of relief:) Like finally saying no or walking away for good ..Have a great day! Im not ready for movies and truly I found them a treat we never went until the last few yrs before covid and rarely..Now I don't want to anymore lol .I whined for yrs that we never went.;)

    1. Yeh, it was like a huge Whew! As soon as I pressed send. I am not really 100% sure about going to the movie either. First of all at night, not my cup of tea going out at night and secondly Covid, but I will wear a mask and I know my friends, will sanitize. It will be good to get out. Fingers crossed! xoxo


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