
Thursday 7 July 2022

Thursday this and that . . .


Normally on Thursdays I would do a favorite things post, but today I thought I would talk about the lovely visit I had with my brother.  Normally when my brother visits there are other people with him and he has to entertain them, but this time my brother was pretty much on his own for the  most part and this left him free to really relax and just do what he wanted which was nothing but spend time with us all.  

The weather was really nice for pretty much the whole time he was here. It rained on the day he was leaving to go back. That's all, so it was great!

My favorite part was just spending time with him, talking and reminiscing and just enjoying each other's company.  He helped me to take the battery out of my old computer and to order a new one and I think I even remember how to put it back in!  He helped me figure out how to use my new camera and helped me to pick out a carrying case for it as well as a cord to download photos from it. (They don't send these things with them automatically anymore.)

We got to eat some good food together on our own and with family.  We talked a lot. We laughed. A lot. My brother is one of the funniest people on the planet.   We took little road trips. We went to my sisters. She came here.  

We watched anime together on Netflix.  I was never into anime, but he really is and he explained it all to me and I came to have a deeper appreciation of it and am actually into one of the shows now.

We just enjoyed being together. I was sorry to see him leave to go home. The time went far too quickly. 

I took pictures. On my phone. But I can't figure out how to get them off my phone. Duh . . . 

Spending time together as a family is the best possible thing for the heart. I missed it so much when I was living in the UK.  I am sad that we never got to spend this kind of time together with mom, but her memory was such that it would have been difficult anyways. My father has nothing wrong with his brain and still has it all upstairs, which is a great blessing. It really warms his heart to see that his children all love each other so much and get along together so well. 

We three share a commonality together that we share with nobody else on the planet. We have a history together that is unique and deeply connected. We love each other, forever and for always, no matter what.  We are each other's biggest fans. Greatest supporters.  Best friends. I wish that we all just lived around the corner from each other.  

Thank goodness that modern technology makes it possible for us to talk face to face whenever we feel the urge or want to. It is the next best thing to being there in person. I hope that we do it more in the coming months and years.  And I hope that we have many more opportunities to get together in person in the coming years.

Today is Eileen and Tim's 10th wedding anniversary. I am taking them out for an anniversary supper at the Chinese restaurant in Greenwood.  I have not seen them in person except from inside my car for quite a while now due to Covid and I hate that.  I told them as long as they agree to wear masks inside the car and sanitize then I would take them out for dinner, and I hate that I have to do that as well, but it is what it is. 

People in my age group will finally be able to get the second booster after the 9th of July. They do say however that it is best to wait until September. It is hard to know what to do really.  

There is a Doctor and her husband, plus two children that go to my church here in Nova Scotia. They are still wearing masks and I figure as long as they are still wearing masks then I will wear a mask. Doctors know right?

I have read that we will probably have to have a booster every 9 months from now on. 

This is me with my girls before Eileen's wedding back in 2012.  That was the last time the three of us were together. It will probably not happen again, and that's okay. Eileen hasn't heard from her sister in quite a while either. Life gets busy. 

My children don't seem to be as close to each other as my brother, sister and I are. I worry about that. I know they all live fairly far from each other.  The younger son and daughter are fairly close to each other, but that's about it. Doug and Anthony talk now and again. I know they do care about each other though, and that's good.

Maybe what my brother, sister and I have is unique. That makes it all the more special.  And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Family is the life jacket
in the stormy sea of life.
~J K Rowling•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Air Fryer French Bread Pizza for two.  From scratch and on the table in less than ten minutes, give or take a few! 

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday. Be happy. Be blessed. Be safe and don't forget! 

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And I do too!       


  1. Im so glad you had a great time! Email the phone photos.. to your email..get the photos that way:)Thats what I do not and my phone is a Blu

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a lovely visit you had. You can email photos to yourself and then get them on your computer. You can use Airdrop, but not all phones/computers use that. I have all Apple devices so it works fine. Enjoy your anniversary dinner. My girls are not as close as I would like it, but that is the way it is, so we visit with each separately. Have a wonderful Thursday.

  4. A great start to your summer!….Enjoying your family and celebrating. You also work hard, craft, live your faith and laugh…
    Well done you. xo, V.


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