
Monday 18 July 2022

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

I'm not sure I can ever adequately express how very grateful I am for my family. For this constant in my life that has been there for me since birth.  I love them all so very much. When I was in the UK I longed to be living in closer proximity to them. I always felt a bit bereft with them all being so far away.  Being able to live so close now to my father and sister is such a blessing to me. I speak to each of them multiple times a day and spend a great deal of time with them. This is something I could only dream of  when I was in the UK. I am sure I wish my brother lived closer, but we talk or message at least once a day as well. Getting to see him for that week and a half he was here was an extra special blessing.  We all keenly felt the absence of our mother during that time also.  

Oh, I do so love my children as well, but there is a special relationship between older parent and child and siblings.  You share a history with them that you share with nobody else on the planet.  You are keenly aware of the passage of time and each moment together is all the more precious because of it. They know who you are, where you've been, have shared the journey and love you anyways. At least that has been my experience.

Whether near or afar, they have always just been there for me, and I hope that I have been there for them.

I had missed church for a few weeks. I didn't go when my brother was here and last Sunday I took my sister to the hospital. It was nice to be back there yesterday, communing with the Saints. I was the only one wearing a mask. It felt a bit conspicuous but I felt safe. To be honest a lot were away so we were a bit thin on the ground, but it was nice to be there with the people who were there. Nice to be able to partake of the sacrament and renew my covenants and take His name upon me. Nice to sing the hymns. Going to church always makes the perfect beginning to my week.

These two sweet companions of mine. They are such little dears. Whether they are sleeping or playing or bug chasing, they keep me entertained. I tell you a bug in this house doesn't stand a chance!  They are on it!  Half the time they see things I don't even see. ( Sometimes that's a good thing! lol) They always catch their man too.  They would be great little mousers I am sure.  In the evenings when I am watching the television they are like two book ends. One on either side of me, sleeping, but at the same time ever alert to my every move and feeling. When I am sad they come for cuddles.  When I am sleepy they come for snuggles.  They are just here and I am grateful for their presence.  They were a year old on the 8th of July.  It is hard to believe a whole year has passed.

I am really enjoying the hummingbirds.  I have one that comes regularly and who chases off any interlopers that try to inch in on his territory. They provide me with hours of entertainment. Oh, I don't know for sure that it is the same one each time, but I like to think that it is.  The cats enjoy watching them as well.  Yesterday morning I was on my deck before I went across the street to meet Glenna for church and one came while I was standing out there. It startled me a bit with the hum of its wings, but I stood very still and it fed while I was there not two feet away.  Then the chipmunk came and I gave him some peanuts, and on the other side of the windows the cats meowed at me wanting to be out there with me, annoyed at the piece of glass that was separating us.


We have had many beautiful sunny warm days so far this summer. Not overly hot and humid, thank goodness, but very pleasant.  I think we are in need of some rain, but I am enjoying the sunshine very much.  Most days my neighbors are out on their porches enjoying the fresh air.  Glenna told me that they all think I am a widow. That suits me fine, and I am grateful for that. In many ways I am a widow. I am content to stay that way.

I do believe that I am blessed to live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world.  With small sleepy towns and beautiful coastal villages. Nice, friendly people. A lovely climate. Plenty of greenery and wildlife,  It is a popular holiday destination, not surprisingly. Perhaps here in the valley it is not so great for young people, as there is not a lot to do, but it is the perfect place to retire to. Quiet, picturesque . . . just plain nice.

My days for the most part are quiet and not very exciting. That is okay. I am grateful for that. I have had enough excitement in my life to last several lifetimes.  I am content and have all that I am in need of. Life is good. I am blessed to be enjoying this lull and I hope that it lasts a good long time.  


I have my sad moments too . . . last night when I got into bed I was feeling particularly tearful and I cried out in my prayers, my sadness to the Lord asking for healing and for peace.  Then I decided to read for a bit. I opened my kindle and these are the first words which I saw  . . . it was like magic.

"In moments of deepest hurt we must cleave to the Lord and remember the words the Lord's prophet, Isaiah, sent to Hezekiah: "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, That which thou has prayed . . .  I have heard . . . I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears, I will heal thee" (2 Kings 19:20; 20:5) (Written on Our Hearts, Invitations from the Old Testament by Emily Belle Freeman.)

I love it when that happens. There is no such thing as co-incidence.  Only God-incidence. Ask me to prove that God exists  . . .  my life is filled with God affirming moments just like this.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *A friend is someone who
knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when
you have forgotten the words.
~C. S. Lewis•。★★ 。* 。


In The English Kitchen today, Summer Pasta Primavera.  This was so delicious! Filled with lots of color and crunch and fresh summer flavors!  This was incredibly tasty and so fun to make and eat.

I hope your week ahead is filled with small and wonderful things.  Through it all be happy. Be safe, be blessed, and don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Glorious rain today after several days of hot and humid weather. I will continue on with my stitching. I found a site called Pintangle where stitches are explained with a practice stitch, a great way to reinforce the stitches. Happy Monday.

  2. So glad you have your brother, sister and dad...and that you all stay in such close contact...that in itself is amazing to me!! At least in my life, it is mostly friends who stay in close contact, rather than kin. Always enjoy your food ideas!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. We are a very close family Elizabeth. We love each other regardless of our differences or faults. We are just human. They say that friends can be the family we pick for ourselves and that can also be a great blessing! Thank you! xoxo

  3. Hello dear, I was in pinterest and Icsaw something of you and coming to see you.
    Allways is nice read you dear Marie xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Gloria! Always nice to have you visit! xoxo


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