
Saturday 2 July 2022

All Things Nice ...


 For we are more than just the thing we seem,
More than a little waking and a dream;
This life that seems so commonplace to me
Is woven into all eternity!
The little happenings that make a day
Are born of God and shall not pass away.

The fire when laid .  . the supper table spread,
Even the simple breaking of the bread,
Are symbols of diviner things that lie
Close to our inner selves and will not die --
The roots of life beneath the commonplace
Weaving their tendrils through the human race.

As long as life goes on . . there will be these;
Warm clodded earth, and blossom-laden trees,
East winds and rain . . and flocks upon a hill,
The fresh, sweet wonder of the daffodil;
And over all . . and under all . . and through,
The mind of God made manifest in you.
~Edna Jaques, Inner Life, My Kitchen Window 

 We celebrated Canada Day yesterday with a BBQ supper at Cindy's. Dan cooked burgers and hot dogs on the BBQ and we enjoyed potato salad, macaroni salad and all the burger and dog fixings.  It was just nice to be able to celebrate this holiday together as a family. 

There was a thing in town with cupcakes and a smudge ceremony. I think it was called a Canada Day Celebration of Diversity. I did not attend, but my brother did and Eileen and Tim were there. 

There were free cupcakes and I think the local Lion were selling hot dogs, brats and burgers. It won't be long now and they will be travelling up country for their summer Special Olympics Games. I am not sure where they are being held, but I do know that they are both looking forward to them very much.  

Things are slowly beginning to get back to normal . . .  or as normal as they will ever be.  I believe that the Lawrencetown Exhibition will be happening this year, for the first time in since 2019.  The Lawrencetown Exhibition was always a really big thing here in the Valley, with a carnival side show and rides, etc. ox pulls, farm and craft exhibitions, etc.  They also used to have big concerts down by the river. 

Is there a better smell on earth than the smell of popcorn, candy apples and French fries at outdoor exhibitions in the summer such as these?  I think not!


So much has fallen by the wayside over these past few years. We are not out of the woods yet, but a small sense of normalcy is returning, or maybe we are all just getting used to a new normal.  At the middle of this month we, between the ages of 50 and 69, can go for our second boosters, but they are saying it will be better if we wait until September, the fall . . .  It is said to be the ideal timing for it as it closer to an increase in the virus activity. As well, new vaccines may offer broader protection against the Omicron variant.

It is hard really to know what is the right thing to do. It has not gone away. People are still being hospitalized and dying, although for sure it is not as bad as it was at the beginning.

(my brother's photograph)

Much enjoyed earlier this week was a pleasant drive up to Saint Margaret's Bay with my brother to drop my niece off at her friends.  What a beautiful picturesque part of the province. I can see why tourists travel from far and wide to come here. We were on the main highway for the most part, but when you get off the main highway there is so much beauty.  All of the little bays and inlets, stony beaches, picturesque little towns.  The best roads travelled are those we find off the beaten path . . . 

It was nice to spend the time with David.   


I find these past days I have been experiencing moments of extreme sadness and even confusing emotions.  I don't know what is up with that.  In many ways they are accompanied with a great sense of loss.   I am not sure why. I have so much to be grateful for and I am grateful for all of my blessings  . . . the blessings of family, home, faith, health . . .  I do not know why there is this thread of sadness that is weaving itself throughout these joys. Maybe it is that way for everyone.  Sometimes I just feel tired of having to be strong.

We have all been through a difficult couple of years.  There are so many distressing things happening in the world . . .  much uncertainty as well  . . . 

And yet, some things are things we can know with surety  they will never change. God is always in His heaven and accessible to us.  I pray fervently every day for answers, solutions . . .  resolutions.

Yesterday we were praying that my father would find his lost car keys and diabetic reading meter, and he did.  God cares about these little things, as well as the larger things. 

My three "J's" enjoying a Canada day parade on the Island. I think Jon has inherited his Grampy's strong legs/calves.  I am looking forward to hopefully seeing them all in a few weeks time.  The three J's that is.


BBQ-ing is serious business  . . . Jake does a fine job  . . .  

Tunes on the porch  . . .  Doug has been building guitars.  He has always been a great guitar player. Now he has a new hobby in building these amazing instruments.  It is good to have a hobby . . . 

I forget how many guitars he has now. They are all involved in musical instruments and playing.  I am still pondering the piano  . . . 

And Jake graduated from Elementary School into Middle school/high school this week.  They are all growing up so quickly. Maryn has gone up into Middle/ high school also. 

It was fun this week watching all the grads getting ready for their High School Proms. They do it up in style now. We didn't do it like that when we were young. 

This was my sister with her date for prom in 1976. He is wearing a pair of Nova Scotia Tartan baggie trousers. My sister was always so pretty.   So young  . . .  I bet those curtains were still somewhere in my mother's belongs when she passed away. She never got rid of anything.

And with that I best get my skates on and get cracking on my day. I have many miles to go before I sleep!  We are all going to Angie's for supper tonight for Fish and Chips! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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*Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.
~Lao Tzu  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Orange and Lemon Sour Cream Cake. Delicious!

I am sure if I popped my head out the door right now I would smell bacon and eggs  . . .  mmm . . .  have not had that in forever.  Have a great weekend everyone! Don't forget! 

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And I do too!       


  1. we had second booster and will take wahetevr..Things are so back to normal..egads Mtl Jazz festival packed..I went out..outside for lunch w/ a masks in or out..Costco..very few..we do..Cindy ,,such a cute pic..
    Not sure what your waves of sadness represent.. at different times its different things..passage of time..time people..what many tides enter our lives..Enjoy the fam!

    1. I am sure I will work it out Monique. I think I have been feeling a bit like a failure recently. More to do with family stuff rather than professionally. But people get sick of hearing it so I don't talk about it! Very few masks here. We are finally going to get second boosters! Whew! xoxo

  2. Life has been a challenge over the past few years of covid. I think the media does not report it much now, so it is getting pushed further from our minds. We just have to learn to live with it, do what each of us feels is best for ourselves. We have had the second booster, now they are talking of another one for the fall. Will it ever end? probably not

    1. I think you are right. There is no talk of a third booster here. They are finally offering seconds, but recommending that we wait until the fall to get it! xoxo

  3. Lovely to see your family pictures, Marie. Cute picture of Cindy and her beau. My husband and I got married in 1976. Your grandchildren are all growing up so fast. Try not to worry about things, especially those things we can't control. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! My sister was the real beauty in the family. I was never much in the looks department! Love and hugs, xoxo


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