
Wednesday 29 June 2022

Wednesday This and That . . .



I have really been enjoying my brother's visit.  He got here safe and sound on Monday around supper time. I was surprised at what good time they made, driving here all the way from Ottawa. They left Sunday morning and stayed in New Brunswick overnight.  My niece will only be here until tomorrow and then she is going to Halifax to stay with friends she knows.  Actually at the moment they are staying at my sisters and then my brother will come and stay with me at some point, not sure when.

Yesterday I had everyone over for supper as Cindy had to work all day.  I made my chicken rarebits for supper which we enjoyed with baby new potatoes, broccoli and salad. This was something I used to make for the Missionaries a lot when I was in the UK. It is a simple supper and goes together very easily.  I had actually given the recipe to my friend Christine last week as she was feeding the missionaries one night. They loved it. I had not made it in a while and so I thought it was about time that I made it again.  It went down a real treat.

Today we are going to Cindy's and will be celebrating everyone's birthdays!  I hear there is going to be an Ice Cream Cake involved!

I am still thinking about things that I have always wanted to do but never done. About things like learning how to play the piano. I wonder if at the age of almost 67 (August) it is too late? I perhaps should have learned how to play the piano when I was much younger. 

When I was a little girl I always wanted to have dancing lessons, figure skating lessons, piano lessons . . .  the usual little girl things I guess.

I think I was a peculiar child in many respects. My mother had a Berliner Learn to Dance Book which taught tap dancing and ball room dance.  I can remember reading it and trying to practice the steps. Brush, brush, tap.  Brush, brush, tap.  I was no Fred Astaire.  haha

That's one thing I did in my second marriage. We took Ball Room Dance classes.  Inspired by our friends who were also taking them. They were held in the Scout Hall at the end of our road. I did enjoy them, and I did do Square Dance lessons once, for a few weeks.

The last time I went skating, I had to crawl back to the house because my ankles were not strong enough to support my body on skates. haha

My dancing and skating days are long gone, but maybe I still have some piano days left in me.  Food for thought.


I am wanting to crochet a new blanket.  You can never have too many methinks. I think I want to do one based on that Attic 24 pattern from the other day.  I loved the brilliance of it, the mixed colors. As you know I love bright colors.  Its just a matter of my cats . . .  I have not tried to take yarn out in a while.  I wonder what they will be like now. Perhaps if I am very firm with them, they will back down and leave me be?  Right now they are sleeping like little Angels. One in the basket and the other on the chair.  

They had a HUGE ant they were chasing in the back bedroom last night. That did give me the willies a bit.  I don't like bugs in the house, especially ants.  I have ant bait traps outside both of my doors. One has to wonder if they really work.


I am going to read Jane Eyre again. I have not read it in a long time. I want to reread all the classics before I die, and to read some books I have not yet read.  I confess I have not read Pride and Prejudice or Emma.  I have not read Wuthering Heights.  But I have read Leaves of Grass and Gulliver's Travels. I have not read the Lord of the Rings, but have always been told that I should. 

I think I watch too much TV.  I used to read much, much more than I do now.  I tend to only read in bed now and it takes me forever to get through a book.  

I need to read more when I am awake, alert and bushy tailed!

I need to make more time for play in my life, before it is too late.

That reminds me . . .  I bought a bag of cherries yesterday. I need to use them while they are still fresh. I love cherries. They are one of my favorite fruits. Strawberries are in season at the moment as well.  I have a super recipe planned to use some berries in.  Its just a matter of having the time to properly do it. 

Speaking of recipes that site I used to write for is after me to write for them again. Offering me more money, etc.  I told them I would think about it.  I need to be working less, not more. 

I really don't have much else to say this morning, and so I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*And in the end,
its not the years in your
life that count.
Its the life in your years.
~Edward J Stieglitz•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Slow Cooker Pork and Noodles. Quite simply delicious.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!  Whatever you get up to don't forget! 

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And I do too!       


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am still thinking about it Elizabeth. I think learning to play the piano would be good for me, but it is an expense I need to really ponder. I think a lap harp would be fun. You are right. It is fun to think about! xoxo

  2. Such a neat crochet project! Glad you are having fun!

  3. So glad you are enjoying special time with your family. Family times are always the best times !

    1. Thanks Pam, you are very right about that! xoxo

  4. It's never too late to learn anything, playing piano was always at the top of my list to learn. Enjoy all the family visiting.

    1. Maybe we could inspire each other Linda! xoxo

  5. Have a lovely birthday celebration with your family tonight, Marie. I think you should learn to play piano. I took lessons as a child but sadly didn't appreciate the opportunity. That shawl was so pretty. Go for it. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I am considering it. Food for thought! Love and hugs, xoxo


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