
Wednesday 15 June 2022

Wednesday This and That . . .

"Bedtime Story", artwork by Chris Dunn 

I have held a lifelong love affair with children's books.  I think it began when I was very small.  My father was always reading stories to me.  One of my most cherished photos of myself is one where I have fallen asleep next to him on the bed, clutching my Little  Golden Book of Heidi.

My father is so young here.  I must only be about 3 or 4 myself, because this photo was taken in Germany, so dad would be about 25 or 26 years old.  He is 88 now, and not as quick as he was in the day.  I get my love of reading and books from him.  I do not know if my sister or brother had the pleasure of having had my father read books to them when they were small or not. I will have to ask them.  In my head I can still hear his voice reading the stories out loud to me, making up different voices for the different characters in the books.  It is a sweet and tender memory for me which I treasure in my heart.

I loved reading to my own children as well.  I did it for all of them up until they were a certain age.  We would usually gather in my girl's bedroom on top of their double bed and I would read each of them their favorite stories, all very different. It was my joy to be able to find their favorite books and gift them to them once they had children of their own. 

My oldest son had been given a compendium of Dr Seuss stories which he loved and his favorite story out of the whole lot was The Pale Green Pants.   It was spooky and fun, and, as with all of Dr Seuss's stories, had something to teach us about facing our fears and being able to conquer them. 

There were all sorts of stories in that book, Sneetches on the Beaches, Mrs McCabe, etc.  I loved reading Dr Seuss stories because they were poems that rhymed and you could really get into a rhythm with them.

They all had their favorite stories and I did too. I used to buy children's picture books for them all the time, drawn in by the illustrations.  I particularly liked books that humanized animals, where all of the animal characters were dressed like people and living lives like people.  We had quite a collection accumulated and I was always finding new books all the time.  

Of course as they got older they stopped liking being read to, and that is the natural progress of things. I still like children's books and looking at them . . .  at the art of illustration. 


Its the pictures that draw me in.  I love them.  These little alternate worlds.  I think it is an amazing talent that these artist's have to bring these stories to life with their pens and brushes. Having illustrated and few children's books myself I know that it is not an easy thing to do  . . . to align the writer's vision of the story and your own and to put it down on paper, to bring these characters to life  in a sweet and magical way that invites and delights.

I have pretty much finished my Luna Lapin Doll, except for the nose. I can now start crafting some clothing for her.  I have lots of fat quarters to get started with. It only remains to be seen which one I will do first. I think she will be very well dressed.  

As my sister and I are discovering, she is a very complicated little rabbit. I can't tell you the number of times I had to unpick her and most of her is hand sewn, but she is worth all the angst when done.  Her clothing is also quite complicated.  My sister has done one dress and is working on the coat.


The coat is quite detailed with raglan sleeves, double breasted, tiny, tiny details that are quite involved. We have periwinkle blue felt to make our coats.  My sister is an expert seamstress. She used to make the most amazing Amish Dolls, and wooden Victorian Penny Dolls. I have two of those.  My sister is good at everything she does. 

I have splurged and bought myself a cloth bound version of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. I fell in love with the cover.  I have never read Pride and Prejudice I confess.  Is it a sin to buy a book by its cover?  I am not sure. I thought it quite beautiful.  I am sure I paid much more than it is worth, but can a price really be put on things which bring you joy?

This one on my wish list  . . . 

As is this one.  Jane Eyre I have read, many years ago. I think this coming Winter will be a time of reading the old classic for myself. The covers on these books are simply beautiful.   

As you know I love LOVE beautiful things.

I will have to gift myself with another one for my birthday in August methinks.


I am totally amazed at the gifting of this doll's house to myself.  I was talking with a girl at church the other week and we discovered that we both had a love of dolls, doll making and doll's houses. She said she had quite a few up in her attic in various stages of completion and would love to gift me with one.  I could not say no!  My sister and I will go to pick it up on  Friday at some point.

This girl is divorced and had bought herself a hobby farm. She has animals and has planted oats, barley and some other grain that escapes my mind at present. It will be interesting to see what she is doing with it all. I know at present she has no indoor shower, etc. because she was telling me on Sunday how she had to take her shower out of doors (cold) until the plumbing is done. Brrrr . . .  I cannot imagine.

I have begun watching the series "Road to Avonlea."  I had never seen it before.  Oh, I have seen the odd episode here and there, but never in sequence. I am watching it in sequence. I love series like this.   Simple, quaint. old fashioned. 

It is my dream to get to visit Prince Edward Island once more before I die. I have not been there since my son Doug got married and that was just a quick weekend visit.  It is such a beautiful province. I had dreamt of living there at one point while I was still in the UK and would think about one day when I moved back to Canada. Here I am in Nova Scotia though and I am content to be here. 

If I do go to visit I will need to save my pennies up as I would need to stay in motels etc. and those are not cheap. My son lives with his in-laws or I know he would have me be with him.

Prince Edward Island is so beautiful in the summer months.  Right now I know the verges on all of the highways are lined with lupins.  Such a stunning sight. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day. Time is getting on and I have a ton of things to do. I want to pop over and see Cindy and little Mac at some point today, and time's a wasting!  I am also going out for supper with my father and his friends tonight.  Life is great! 

A thought to carry with you  ... 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*The caterpillar grows wings
during a season of isolation.
Remember that the
next time you're alone.
~Mandy Hale•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken Fajita Pizza.  Deliciously simple to make.

I hope you have a great day ahead of you today! The sun is shining brilliantly blue here!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!       


  1. Luna Lapin has been a wonderful challenge. Well done and she will be gorgeous when finished. Then on to the next project .... the dollhouse.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! If you can ever get to PEI, you should! Its such a beautiful province! xoxo

  3. Your life is very busy doing what you love.How could anything possibly be better. Hope you get to do that visit and that you enjoy your summer !

    1. I don't think it could get much better Pam! It is full and it is filled with plenty of joy! xoxo

  4. The house will be a ball..and could very well have existed in the past on a plantation..elegant! Luna is gorgeous .Gosh you have been lucky with fat quarters.In The US I have not here.I emailed you I need the name of that rose lol:)

    1. I think we have the rose problem solved, or at least I hope so Monique! xoxo

  5. You did a lovely job on Luna. Can't wait to see what clothes you make her. I loved watching Road to Avonlea, too. I'm sure I've seen all the episodes. And children's books are still captivating to me at the ripe old age of 76. Enjoy your visit with Cindy and dinner with your dad and his friends. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I didn't get Avonlea in the UK, so I am enjoying it very much! Its all new to me! I love the children's books also. Am reading Anne of Green Gables at the moment! Love and hugs, xoxo


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