
Monday 13 June 2022

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 



Spending time with my sister. Its the best. We actually did a lot together last week.  I am so blessed to have a sister whose company I enjoy so much.  We have always got along together very well. We had our moments when we were teenagers, of course . . . teenage angst, but we are the best of friends.  Siblings are a really special gift from God. They share a history with you that nobody else on the planet can ever understand.  They have been in the same place at the same time and experienced the same things, albeit with a different perspective, but between you, you can see the whole.

We are looking forward to seeing our brother and niece in just a few weeks now. I haven't seen my niece since she was a very young girl.  She is all grown up and is a nurse now. 

Had a really nice dinner with Cindy, Dan and dad last night. She is a great cook. She had roasted a chicken and made some newfie stuffing. It was soooo delicious. Next to fish and chips I think stuffing is my favorite thing.  Stuffing, dressing, whatever you call it, I could eat a whole plate of that and nothing else.  She had also baked an apple pie for dessert. My father loves apple pie. I think next to lemon pie, it is his favorite.

Aside from the great food however, getting to spend time and eat it with family is the best thing of all. What a great blessing! 

Meet Little Mac.  He is sooooo sweet. He has the coloring of Cinnamon and the markings of Nutmeg.  He is just so adorable. I went over early yesterday so that I could play with him. He is settling in really well, although Pumpkin is not being very welcoming.  Pumpkin was mom's cat.   She can be quite mean to the other cats.  I don't think she was socialized properly when she was small. Mom got her at the animal rescue place and she had been there for a few years.  Sometimes she will bite people for no reason at all.  I am half scared of her to be honest, lol. She loves my sister though, and I am sure in time will come to accept little Mac.   He's a cutie pie. What's not to fall in love with!

There was a wonderful fireside at our chapel last night which I went to. The husband of the senior couple who is serving a mission here once sang with the tabernacle choir. He presented a fireside about his time in the choir and all about what it takes to become a member of the choir, what it involves being a member of the choir, what it is like to go on tour with the choir, etc.  It was all very interesting, and he did such a wonderful job of presenting it all to us. Photographs and everything. 

All of the Christmas's of my childhood were accompanied by the tabernacle choir and I am betting a lot of yours were also.

It was interesting to note that being in the choir is not their job. It is entirely voluntary and they do so at their own expense. The audition process of becoming a member of the choir is quite rigorous. You can't be just a good singer.   Anyways, I found it all very fascinating, and absolutely interesting! 

That time when I flew over to America and spent some time in Salt Lake City with my friend Lura, we went to Music and the Spoken Word on Sunday morning at the Tabernacle. It is the worlds longest running radio program.  I really enjoyed that experience and being able to be inside the tabernacle.  The week we went, they were doing Negro spirituals and Alex Boye was the soloist. It was a fabulous experience.  In fact that whole trip was a fabulous experience.

I really have led the most interesting and rewarding life. 

I love being able to go to church on Sunday's and being able to partake of the sacrament. On Saturday evening, I always think I am so tired and wanting to give church a miss in the morning. But then I go, and I am always renewed, refreshed and blessed for doing so.  It was far too easy to just sit home and watch church online. It did not require any effort to do so.  You didn't even really need to get dressed if you didn't want to . . .  nobody would know if you were in your nightie, your track pants or your Sunday best.  I was very grateful during Covid for the opportunity we had to be blessed in watching church online. Now, with Covid decreasing however, there is really no excuse not to attend in person if possible, and I do enjoy it.

I do miss my church congregation in the UK. I had so many friends amongst them and it felt like a nice big family.  In time I know it will feel the same here as well. 

Keeping the sabbath day holy in every way that you can is a beautiful blessing in life. That means we don't shop on Sundays or participate in anything that would detract from keeping Sunday as the Lord's day.  I think its nice that we keep at least one day a week unspotted from the world as much as possible. We are greatly blessed and rewarded for doing so.


Being able to work with my hands.  Baking bread, cooking, knitting, sewing, crochet, painting, etc.  Its all good.  Our hands and the joys that they bring into our lives are such a great blessing in life.  Simple efforts and pleasures. I am thinking I may make some bread or something similar today.  I fancy some kneading. Kneading is such a wonderful exercise in mindfulness. 

My life is good. It is filled with abundance, blessings and joy. I am grateful for every scrap and all that is brought to my table. I am an incredibly blessed person.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Learning is the only thing
the mind never exhausts,
never fears, and never regrets.
~Leonardo D Vinci  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Buttery Air Fryer Spaghetti Squash with garlic & cheese.  This is fabulously tasty, easy, low carb, keto friendly, diabetic friendly, vegetarian, etc.

I hope that your week ahead is filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things, and great blessings. Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. I'm staying home more and more watching church services streaming on line and fear I' m getting terribly lazy. Glad you are getting out. I was having trouble commenting but finally figured it out !

    1. I have to admit I like watching it online best of all, but they've not taken that option away from us, so we have go to out. I wish I knew your secret about commenting! I haven't been able to figure it out yet! Share! xoxo

  2. Wonderful life, and as your friend circle expands over here in Canada you will always have those treasured friends in England.

    1. I have been very blessed to have good friends in this life Linda. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    You have had a very interesting life! I think it's wonderful that you are able to have dinners with your family and that you are able to catch up and visit with family that you haven't seen for such a long's wonderful! You are an amazing woman, Marie, and I know that you will add much charm and knowledge to your ward. Hugs and Love, Barb

    1. Thanks so much Barb. I don't know how amazing I am, but that's okay, I am enjoying my life! Hugs and love, xoxo


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