
Monday 2 May 2022

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 


Back in 1992, when I was married to my second husband, we got posted to Gagetown, NB. (He was in the military.) I was so unhappy about that move that I cried for days.  I ended up with exema that stretched from my ankles up the back of my calves to my knees which was excruciatingly painful.  I did not want to leave where we were living.  I'd really enjoyed living not too overly far from my sister and was broken hearted at having to go.  Moving with five children in tow is never easy, but when its a move you don't want to make, its even more difficult. 

We got there and then ended up building a house out in the country that had always been my husband's dream. It was a pretty nice house, I have to say. I loved it.  Little did I know that right across the street from the new house was a woman who would become the best friend I had ever had.  Debbie.  We ended up doing everything together. My husband was away for almost the whole time I lived in that house (a whole 'nother story) but I had my good friend Debbie and we spent oodles of time together.  We did the hot lunch program at the elementary school together. We crafted and did craft shows together. I taught her how to tole paint.  We went to the same church.  We had many, many deep hearted conversations. We were like two halves of the same whole as far as friendship goes. Sisters from other mothers.  

When I moved to the UK we lost touch for one reason or another . . .  and I had always mourned that fact. This weekend we got back in touch and it was as if no time had ever passed since the last time we had spoken. I was so happy to be back in touch with this dear, dear friend of mine.  "Friends for life" friend are a very wonderful thing. We are both on our own now. She is a widow and I am well, you know.  We spoke on the phone Saturday night and have plans to meet up sometime soon.  

This sweet, sweet sister of mine. I love her so very much and I hope that she knows that. This is the first time since we both left home that I have been blessed enough to live in such close proximity to her. Oh we have lived close, like within a few hour's drive, but not this close.  I love  LOVE being here and being able to see her every day if I or she wants to.  On Saturday night she popped over to measure my room to see how my desk is going to fit. That was a nice surprise, and then I went there for supper yesterday. She had done a delicious pork roast on the rotisserie in the air fryer.  She truly is my best BEST friend, and I love her dearly. My heart would break into a million bazillion pieces did anything happen to her. We always said when we were growing up that we would grow old together, be like the Baldwin sisters, etc.  I missed her so much when I was in the UK, although we did speak often, it was not the same as being together.  I know you probably get tired of hearing me say how much she means to me, but I just can't help myself. She is one of the most precious things in my life.  Everyone needs a Cindy in their lives.  

My bracelet. I love it. I know I don't need a reminder of God's love for me, but I love having it on my wrist. It reminds me of the many battles in life that I have fought and conquered. I know I will have more battles to fight. That is the nature of life. Ups and downs.  Valleys and mountains. To's and fro's.  I am so grateful for my faith in God.  I know that it has made all the difference in the world for me. 

Grace, by Eva Koleva Timothy

The Lord will meet us
where we are, as we are,
but He does not intend to leave us there;
He came to lift us up to
where He is, as He is.
This is the journey of Grace.
~EBF, Grace to Become

Grace. I am so grateful for God's grace in my life.  The grace that saves and the grace that helps me to become a better me. This year I have been studying grace and what it means.  First I read the book Grace where You Are, by Emily Belle Freeman, and now I am reading Grace to Become, by the same author. Her books are so beautiful and well written. I have read quite a few of them and they have always touched my heart in a special way. She has such a talent for digging out the things of the soul and heart and putting them into words in a humble way that teaches.  When you journey through one of her books you emerge at the other end awakened to possibilities you had never before entertained.  I am so grateful for people, talented people who share those talents with the world.  Is that not why we have been given talents?   And I am grateful for Grace.


Sugar Free Jello.  It is a treat that tastes like a luxury.  Even with a little squirt of squirty cream on top.  I love it.  I need to make it more often. 

Cinnamon and Nutmeg 

They spice up my life in a beautiful way, and no calories are involved. Fat free, pure sweet love. I could not be without them now.  Would not want to be.  I am blessed.

Facetimes with my sons. Conversations on messenger with my daughter. Family times. Church. The Sacrament. Friendships. Love. 

My life is filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things. Beautiful blessings. It is these little things in life, the things which money cannot buy . . .  which matter to us most of all. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.True friends are like
sunflowers that never fade away,
even over distance and time.
~Marie Williams Johnstone
•。★★ 。* •。★★ 。* •。★★ 。


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Fried Egg Taco.  I had to see what all the hype was about. Totally delicious. Quick. Easy.  I enjoyed with some Texas Caviar and guacamole.  Yum yum!

I hope your week ahead is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things. Be blessed. Be happy. Be safe.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!   


  1. I'm so happy you reconnected with your good friend Debby. Hope you get to see each other soon. Enjoy your Monday. It's foggy here and none too warm. Ah, spring, where for art thou? Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine. We are finally having a beautiful Spring day here today! The sun is shining and its actually 12*C. The chipmunk has been visiting and driving the cats crazy. Their tails go mad! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Fun to reconnect!And yes you are living your best life right now!Happy for you.Having your cute house..your cats..your home get are with FAMILY that loves you.

    1. I am truly blessed Monique. Life has never been so good in recent years as it is now for sure! xoxo


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