
Saturday 21 May 2022

All things nice . . .


For this is life -- this blessed throbbing Now,
This golden-tinted morning -- this today
Whose rich abundance speaks from every bough
If we just listen to the things they say.

For I shall never hear a clearer song
Than yonder skylark's, singing from the blue,
Or know a sweeter ecstasy -- or see
A richer purple than this pansy's hue.

For I shall never taste a lovelier breath
Than of red roses blooming on the vine,
Or sense a heaven nearer to the earth,
Or grasp a clearer sight of the Divine.

For Heaven lies about us everywhere,
And God is close, for every blade of grass
Sings on the wind like ancient lines of prayer,
And all the world is hushed to watch Him pass.
~Edna Jaques, Life, My Kitchen Window

I took these photographs yesterday to show my daughter Eileen when we were talking. She always likes to know how the cats are and to see photographs of them. They darken or lighten in color according to how the light is catching their fur.  They are such wonderful companions. Cinnamon's eyes are a pure gold color and Nutmeg's more greeny gold.  

They are 10 months old now and have definitive personalities. Cinnamon is sweet, yet very independent. She wants to be petted only when she wants to be petted.  She is very quick on her feet and would be a great mouser. Not much gets past her. She loves to give me purr filled needle massages when nobody else is around. She is also very brave and curious.

Nutmeg is a big bumbling oaf.  He makes me laugh. He is bold and yet at the same time a huge chicken. When new people come in he disappears under the bed where not even treats can lure him out. He loves to be cuddled and petted all the time. He is curious as well. He is often to be found right next to me where he will occasionally stretch out his paw to touch me and say, "I'm here."

Speaking of creatures. We each got our Luna's cut out yesterday. It was fun just doing it together. My sister is an expert crafter/seamstress. She has a very analytical mind and really thinks things through before she does them, which was to our advantage! I am a more jump in and regret it later kind of a thinker. Patience is something I am always working on.

After we got them cut out we decided we needed to go to the fabric store to get some heavier thread to use, plus I have nothing like buttons or anything. I left all of my craft supplies/button collection, etc. in the UK.  

I got a few buttons, some rick rack (because you need trims) and some snaps. I also got appropriate colored embroidery floss and thread, oh and some lace trim, and tried not to cry about all the ribbons and stuff I left behind. 

Our bunnies are not made yet, but we have been buying fat quarters in anticipation of clothing them. We picked up some of those and had taken our things to the till to be added up when . . . 


I spied polka dots with my little eye. You know me and polka dots. I couldn't resist them. The bow print was with some mini mouse fabrics and I asked the lady did they have red and white polka dot fabric, and lo and behold they did. So what could I do?  I had to get it.  This is exciting stuff!

I love doing crafts with my sister. It makes me happy.   I just love spending time with her full stop! 


We used to do craft sales together and really enjoyed them. You never know we might again. Look what she found in one of her boxes. Some crafts I had done years and years ago. At least 25 years ago.  Oh the hours I spent on this stuff . . . .   good times! 

Johan Krouthén - Portrait of Julius Julin and Anna Krouthen - c. 1890

I started to read the news this morning and had to stop myself. It was too big of a downer. I know bad news sells newspapers etc. and I want to be an informed person, but not to the point where it makes me feel bad.

I would rather dwell on the positive in the world . . . thoughts of picnics in fields of wildflowers, the greening of the countryside.  All the leaves are unfurling now.  The blooms on my sister's lilacs are almost ready to burst out.  Her lawn is covered with wild violets. So beautiful. 

Hobbit houses  . . .  for or against?  They remind me of the type of house that the animals in Wind in the Willows might have lived in. I have always wanted to live in a tree house. Ever since I saw Disney's Swiss Family Robinson when I was a girl.  Of course I would not want to now that I am old and mobility is a problem, but back then it seemed like a dream come true. I never questioned the ability of the Swiss Family Robinson to be able to put together a tree house like that, material or otherwise. I was quite naive I guess, but weren't we all!!


This morning I need to go and help clean the chapel. The members do all the cleaning in the chapels now. They used to hire people to do it. Now the members do it. I am running way behind. My father has called me three times this morning.  Not that I mind him calling me, because I don't. I like that he feels that he can call me to ask me things. The last call was to ask me would I order him a kitchen timer on Amazon. He likes to have a good reliable one so that if he has to go somewhere, he can set it and if he has fallen asleep it will wake him up.  I am happy to do these small things for him. I would do more if I could.

But I am way behind now so I must end this.  Here is a thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, 
chaos to order,confusion to clarity.
~Melodie Beattie
•。★★ 。* 。

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Small Batch Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Muffins. Delicious!

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday filled with all things nice!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. So fun to craft together..Bon weekend.

    1. It is Monique! My parents gave me a real gift in my sister. I love her so much. I could not bear to lose her. She is everything to me. Bon Weekend a tois aussi! xoxo

    2. Merci! I love the name Luna:)

  2. Can' t wait to see your Lapins. Such fun for you and Cindy to make them together. Marie, I ended up back in the hospital for a week - very high blood pressure, swollen feet and severe shortness of breath. I'm much better now and going home tomorrow. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh Elaine, I was a-feared something was wrong. I was getting ready to e-mail Paula. I am so sorry you are having such a poorly year. I have been praying that you are okay. Here's hoping now you will be feeling stronger and healthier each day. Love you much. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Crafting with sister, nothing better! I have many happy memories of that myself, lucky us,huh? Have fun, V.

    1. I love my sister so much V! I am incredibly blessed to have a wonderful one! xoxo

  4. Beautiful cats and blog. How wonderful to do crafts with your sister. I love my sister so much but we live far apart. I will see her in July. It will be so nice

    1. I am so blessed to live in the same town, but we did spend 21 years apart in different countries. It is a real blessing to be back living closer together again! I bet you are counting the days until you see yours. I hope you have a wonderful time together! xoxo


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